123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960 |
- idf_component_register(SRCS "ulp_riscv_adc_example_main.c"
- "yc_terminal.c"
- "yc_protocol.c"
- "yc_paint.c"
- "esp_ble_ota.c"
- "user_sleep.c"
- # "wait_list.c"
- "user_time.c"
- # "batt_charge.c"
- REQUIRES soc ulp esp_adc
- "newlib"
- "bt"
- "esp_ble_ota"
- "EPD"
- "LORA"
- "button"
- "LED"
- "esp_timer"
- "Decection"
- #"lvgl"
- #"mcu_bsdiff_upgrade"
- "c_linked_list"
- #"user_ota"
- "app_update"
- "esp_event"
- "bootloader_support"
- "esp_partition"
- "nvs_flash"
- "hal")
- #
- # ULP support additions to component CMakeLists.txt.
- #
- # 1. The ULP app name must be unique (if multiple components use ULP).
- set(ulp_app_name ulp_${COMPONENT_NAME})
- #
- # 2. Specify all C and Assembly source files.
- # Files should be placed into a separate directory (in this case, ulp/),
- # which should not be added to COMPONENT_SRCS.
- set(ulp_riscv_sources "ulp/main.c")
- #
- # 3. List all the component source files which include automatically
- # generated ULP export file, ${ulp_app_name}.h:
- set(ulp_exp_dep_srcs "ulp_riscv_adc_example_main.c")
- #
- # 4. Call function to build ULP binary and embed in project using the argument
- # values above.
- ulp_embed_binary(${ulp_app_name} "${ulp_riscv_sources}" "${ulp_exp_dep_srcs}")
- target_compile_options(${COMPONENT_LIB} PRIVATE -Wno-error)
- target_compile_options(${COMPONENT_LIB} PRIVATE -Wno-error=unused-local-typedefs)