#include "user_config.h" #include "esp_log.h" #include "qr_encode.h" #include "qr_consts.h" #include "list.h" #include "esp_timer.h" static const char *LOG_TAG = "yc_paint"; #include "esp_sleep.h" #include "user_sleep.h" #include "esp_mac.h" #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/task.h" #include "freertos/queue.h" #include "freertos/semphr.h" extern TERMINAL_INFO_T terminal_info; int last_batt_precent; #if 0 #define DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE (480 * 648 / 8) uint32_t display_size = DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE; unsigned char tmp_paint_buf[480*81] = {0}; unsigned char last_paint_buf_left[480*81] = {0}; unsigned char last_paint_buf_right[480*81] = {0}; #else #define DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE (480 * 648 / 8) uint32_t display_size = DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE; unsigned char tmp_paint_buf[480 * 81] = {0}; unsigned char *last_paint_buf_left = NULL; unsigned char *last_paint_buf_right = NULL; static RTC_FAST_ATTR unsigned int compressedSize = 0; static RTC_FAST_ATTR unsigned int decompressedSize = 0; static RTC_FAST_ATTR unsigned int right_compressedSize = 0; static RTC_FAST_ATTR unsigned int right_decompressedSize = 0; // #if 0 //压缩 // int compressedSize = compressRLE(Paint_info.Image, 480*81, old_buffer); // printf(" src size = %d, zip size:%d\r\n",480*81,compressedSize); // memset((uint8_t*)tmp_paint_buf,0,sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)); // int decompressedSize = decompressRLE(old_buffer, compressedSize, tmp_paint_buf); // printf("src size = %d unzip %d\r\n",480*81,decompressedSize); // #endif #endif RTC_FAST_ATTR uint32_t arr_heights[6] = {0}; char str_operation[6] = {0xd4, 0xcb, 0xd0, 0xd0, 0x00, 0x00}; // 运行 char str_upKeep[6] = {0xb1, 0xa3, 0xd1, 0xf8, 0x00, 0x00}; // 保养 char str_shutDown[6] = {0xcd, 0xa3, 0xbb, 0xfa, 0x00, 0x00}; // 停机 char str_safeKeep[6] = {0xb7, 0xe2, 0xb4, 0xe6, 0x00, 0x00}; // 封存 char str_waitMaterials[6] = {0xb4, 0xfd, 0xc1, 0xcf, 0x00, 0x00}; // 待料 char str_breakDown[6] = {0xb9, 0xca, 0xd5, 0xcf, 0x00, 0x00}; // 故障 char str_inspection[6] = {0xd1, 0xb2, 0xbc, 0xec, 0x00, 0x00}; char str_production[6] = {0xc9, 0xfa, 0xb2, 0xfa, 0x00, 0x00}; char str_repair[6] = {0xce, 0xac, 0xd0, 0xde, 0x00, 0x00}; // char str_0[14] = {0xb9,0xdc,0x20,0x20,0xc0,0xed,0x20,0x20,0xd4,0xb1,0xa3,0xba,0x00,0x00}; // char str_1[14] = {0xc9,0xfa,0xb2,0xfa,0xd4,0xf0,0xc8,0xce,0xc8,0xcb,0xa3,0xba,0x00,0x00}; // char str_2[14] = {0xce,0xac,0xd0,0xde,0xd4,0xf0,0xc8,0xce,0xc8,0xcb,0xa3,0xba,0x00,0x00}; // char str_3[14] = {0xb1,0xa3,0xd1,0xf8,0xd4,0xf0,0xc8,0xce,0xc8,0xcb,0xa3,0xba,0x00,0x00}; // char str_4[14] = {0xd1,0xb2,0xbc,0xec,0xd4,0xf0,0xc8,0xce,0xc8,0xcb,0xa3,0xba,0x00,0x00}; static bool isASCII(char c); static bool isGBKChinese(char c1, char c2); static void countCharacters(const char *str, int *chineseCount, int *asciiCount); static int calculateStringWidth(const char *str, int en_px, int cn_px); static void QRGenerator(char *input); static void displayQRCode(int side, uint8_t *bitdata, int x, int y) { int i = 0; int j = 0; int a = 0; for (i = 0; i < side; i++) { for (j = 0; j < side; j++) { a = j * side + i; if ((bitdata[a / 8] & (1 << (7 - a % 8)))) // 画点 { Paint_SetPixel(x + j, y + i, WHITE); // 画一个点 } else { } } } } static void QRGenerator(char *input) { // printf("%s \n",(char*)input); int side; uint8_t bitdata[QR_MAX_BITDATA]; // remove newline if (input[strlen(input) - 1] == '\n') { input[strlen(input) - 1] = 0; } side = qr_encode(QR_LEVEL_L, 0, input, 0, bitdata); // 生成二维码 // printf("总 %dx%d\n\nlen =%d\n", side, side,strlen((char*)bitdata)); //二维码大小 memset(tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((UBYTE *)tmp_paint_buf, 40, 40, ROTATE_0, WHITE); displayQRCode(side, bitdata, 0, 0); epd_partial_cache(440, 0, 480, 80, SCREEN_LEFT, Paint_info.Image); } static void displayQRCode_expand(int side, uint8_t *bitdata, int x, int y, int expand) // expand 扩大边长的倍数 { int i = 0; int j = 0; int a = 0; for (i = 0; i < side; i++) { for (j = 0; j < side; j++) { a = j * side + i; if ((bitdata[a / 8] & (1 << (7 - a % 8)))) // 画点 { // Paint_SetPixel(x+j, y+i, WHITE);//画一个点 Paint_DrawPoint(x + j * expand, y + i * expand, WHITE, DOT_PIXEL_2X2, DOT_FILL_RIGHTUP); } else { } } } } #include #include #include // 函数用于判断字符是否是ASCII字符 static bool isASCII(char c) { return (c >= 32 && c <= 126); } // 函数用于判断字符是否是GBK编码的汉字 static bool isGBKChinese(char c1, char c2) { return (c1 >= 0x81 && c1 <= 0xFE && c2 >= 0x40 && c2 <= 0xFE); } // 统计字符串中GBK编码的汉字和ASCII字符的个数 static void countCharacters(const char *str, int *chineseCount, int *asciiCount) { *chineseCount = 0; *asciiCount = 0; int len = strlen(str); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { char c1 = str[i]; if (isASCII(c1)) { (*asciiCount)++; } else if (i + 1 < len) { char c2 = str[i + 1]; if (isGBKChinese(c1, c2)) { (*chineseCount)++; i++; // 跳过下一个字节 } } } } // 函数用于计算字符串的宽度 static int calculateStringWidth(const char *str, int en_px, int cn_px) { int len = 0; // if(str[0]==0) // { // len = strlen(str+1); // len++; // } // else // { len = strlen(str); // } int width = 0; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { // 判断字符是中文还是英文,并累加宽度 if (str[i] >= 0 && str[i] <= 127) { // 英文字符 width += en_px; // 假设英文字符宽度为12像素 } else { // 中文字符 width += cn_px; // 假设中文字符宽度为24像素 i += 1; } } return width; } /*******下面是全屏缓冲区,快刷代码******/ // Function to calculate and return an array of bar chart heights // Function to calculate and return an array of bar chart heights in pixels // Function to calculate and return an array of bar chart heights in pixels static unsigned int *calculateBarChartHeights(unsigned int data[], int size, unsigned int chartHeight) { unsigned int max = data[0]; for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) { if (data[i] > max) { max = data[i]; } } // Allocate memory for the array of heights unsigned int *heights = (unsigned int *)malloc(size * sizeof(unsigned int)); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (data[i] == 0) { heights[i] = 0; } else if (data[i] == max) { // If data[i] is the maximum value, set height to chartHeight heights[i] = chartHeight; } else { // Calculate height in pixels based on proportion heights[i] = (unsigned int)(((double)data[i] / max) * chartHeight); } } return heights; // 返回高度数组 } // 获得百分比曲线高度,最大值10000,为100%.XXxx为XX. 。整数位XX.小数位xx。 static unsigned int *getBarChartHeights(unsigned int data[], int size, unsigned int chartHeight) { unsigned int *heights = (unsigned int *)malloc(size * sizeof(unsigned int)); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (data[i] == 0) { heights[i] = 0; } else if (data[i] > 0 && data[i] < 10000) { heights[i] = (unsigned int)(((double)data[i] / 10000) * chartHeight); } else if (data[i] == 10000) { heights[i] = chartHeight; } else { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "ERR:>10000[%d]", i); heights[i] = 0; } } return heights; // 返回高度数组 } // 字符居中对齐 // 参数:展示字符串,屏幕宽度,单个英文字符像素,单个中文字符像素 // 返回值:字符展示开始位置 static int center_align(char *str, int screenWidth, int en_px, int cn_px) { // int chineseCount, asciiCount; // countCharacters(str, &chineseCount, &asciiCount); int textWidth = calculateStringWidth(str, en_px, cn_px); int x = (screenWidth - textWidth) / 2; return x; } static void QRGenerator_quick(char *input) { // printf("%s \n",(char*)input); int side; uint8_t bitdata[QR_MAX_BITDATA]; // remove newline if (input[strlen(input) - 1] == '\n') { input[strlen(input) - 1] = 0; } side = qr_encode(QR_LEVEL_L, 0, input, 0, bitdata); // 生成二维码 // printf("总 %dx%d\n\nlen =%d\n", side, side,strlen((char*)bitdata)); //二维码大小 // memset(tmp_paint_buf,0,DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE/*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); // displayQRCode(side,bitdata,450,435); // displayQRCode(side,bitdata,500,435); displayQRCode_expand(side, bitdata, 478, 394, 2); } static uint8_t *partial_bar_chart_07_02_quick(Machine_info_t *info); static uint8_t *partial_bar_chart_07_03_quick(Machine_info_t *info); static uint8_t *partial_bar_chart_07_04_quick(Machine_info_t *info); static uint8_t *partial_bar_chart_07_02_quick(Machine_info_t *info) { #if 0 // extern Node *clockIn_list; // int production_num = countClockNodes_byCMD(clockIn_list,0x00); // int repair_num = countClockNodes_byCMD(clockIn_list,0x01); // int inspection_num = countClockNodes_byCMD(clockIn_list,0x02); // int upKeep_num = countClockNodes_byCMD(clockIn_list,0x03); #else // 签到人数只加不减 // int production_num = Machine_info.personnel_check_in[0]; // int repair_num = Machine_info.personnel_check_in[1]; // int inspection_num = Machine_info.personnel_check_in[2]; // int upKeep_num = Machine_info.personnel_check_in[3]; #endif char arr_string[20]; uint32_t arr_num[4] = {Machine_info.checkIn_set[0].number, Machine_info.checkIn_set[1].number, Machine_info.checkIn_set[2].number, Machine_info.checkIn_set[3].number}; unsigned int *numHeights = calculateBarChartHeights(arr_num, 4, 200); ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG, "当前在岗:%ld ,%ld,%ld,%ld", arr_num[0], arr_num[1], arr_num[2], arr_num[3]); uint8_t *bar_chart_07_02_buf = (uint8_t *)calloc(480 * 300 / 8, sizeof(uint8_t)); // free(); memset(tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 480, 300, ROTATE_0, WHITE); Paint_DrawLine(40, 250, 440, 250, WHITE, DOT_PIXEL_2X2, LINE_STYLE_SOLID); // S:screen // R:rectangle // C:CN // E:EN // L:LINE // ITV:(interval) #define BAR_LINE_Y_POS 250 #define BAR_CHART_Y_MAX 250 #define BAR_CHART_Y_MIN 50 #define BAR_07_02_S_L_ITV 40 #define BAR_07_02_L_R_ITV 18 #define BAR_07_02_R_R_ITV 100 #define BAR_07_02_R_WIDTH 64 #define BAR_07_02_C_SKEW 2 #define BAR_07_02_E_SKEW (24 + 4) #define BAR_07_02_R1 (BAR_07_02_S_L_ITV + BAR_07_02_L_R_ITV) #define BAR_07_02_C1 (BAR_07_02_R1 + BAR_07_02_C_SKEW) #define BAR_07_02_E1 (BAR_07_02_C1) #define BAR_07_02_R2 (BAR_07_02_R1 + BAR_07_02_R_R_ITV) #define BAR_07_02_C2 (BAR_07_02_C1 + BAR_07_02_R_R_ITV) #define BAR_07_02_E2 (BAR_07_02_E1 + BAR_07_02_R_R_ITV) #define BAR_07_02_R3 (BAR_07_02_R2 + BAR_07_02_R_R_ITV) #define BAR_07_02_C3 (BAR_07_02_C2 + BAR_07_02_R_R_ITV) #define BAR_07_02_E3 (BAR_07_02_E2 + BAR_07_02_R_R_ITV) #define BAR_07_02_R4 (BAR_07_02_R3 + BAR_07_02_R_R_ITV) #define BAR_07_02_C4 (BAR_07_02_C3 + BAR_07_02_R_R_ITV) #define BAR_07_02_E4 (BAR_07_02_E3 + BAR_07_02_R_R_ITV) char tmp_12[4][6] = {0}; char tmp_34[4][6] = {0}; memcpy(tmp_12[0], Machine_info.checkIn_set[0].other_name, 4); memcpy(tmp_34[0], Machine_info.checkIn_set[0].other_name + 4, 4); memcpy(tmp_12[1], Machine_info.checkIn_set[1].other_name, 4); memcpy(tmp_34[1], Machine_info.checkIn_set[1].other_name + 4, 4); memcpy(tmp_12[2], Machine_info.checkIn_set[2].other_name, 4); memcpy(tmp_34[2], Machine_info.checkIn_set[2].other_name + 4, 4); memcpy(tmp_12[3], Machine_info.checkIn_set[3].other_name, 4); memcpy(tmp_34[3], Machine_info.checkIn_set[3].other_name + 4, 4); memset(arr_string, 0, 20); itoa(arr_num[0], arr_string, 10); Paint_DrawRectangle(BAR_07_02_R1, BAR_LINE_Y_POS - numHeights[0], BAR_07_02_R1 + BAR_07_02_R_WIDTH, BAR_LINE_Y_POS, WHITE, 1, 1); // Paint_DrawString_CN(BAR_07_02_C1, BAR_LINE_Y_POS+BAR_07_02_C_SKEW,(char*)str_production, &chinese_type_24,FONT_FOREGROUND,FONT_BACKGROUND ); Paint_DrawString_CN(BAR_07_02_C1, BAR_LINE_Y_POS + BAR_07_02_C_SKEW, tmp_12[0], &chinese_type_24, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_CN(BAR_07_02_C1, BAR_LINE_Y_POS + BAR_07_02_C_SKEW + 24, tmp_34[0], &chinese_type_24, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_EN(BAR_07_02_E1, BAR_LINE_Y_POS - BAR_07_02_E_SKEW - numHeights[0], (char *)arr_string, &ascii_type_12x24, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); memset(arr_string, 0, 20); itoa(arr_num[1], arr_string, 10); Paint_DrawRectangle(BAR_07_02_R2, BAR_LINE_Y_POS - numHeights[1], BAR_07_02_R2 + BAR_07_02_R_WIDTH, BAR_LINE_Y_POS, WHITE, 1, 1); // Paint_DrawString_CN(BAR_07_02_C2, BAR_LINE_Y_POS+BAR_07_02_C_SKEW, (char*)str_repair, &chinese_type_24,FONT_FOREGROUND,FONT_BACKGROUND ); Paint_DrawString_CN(BAR_07_02_C2, BAR_LINE_Y_POS + BAR_07_02_C_SKEW, tmp_12[1], &chinese_type_24, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_CN(BAR_07_02_C2, BAR_LINE_Y_POS + BAR_07_02_C_SKEW + 24, tmp_34[1], &chinese_type_24, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_EN(BAR_07_02_E2, BAR_LINE_Y_POS - BAR_07_02_E_SKEW - numHeights[1], (char *)arr_string, &ascii_type_12x24, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); memset(arr_string, 0, 20); itoa(arr_num[2], arr_string, 10); Paint_DrawRectangle(BAR_07_02_R3, BAR_LINE_Y_POS - numHeights[2], BAR_07_02_R3 + BAR_07_02_R_WIDTH, BAR_LINE_Y_POS, WHITE, 1, 1); // Paint_DrawString_CN(BAR_07_02_C3, BAR_LINE_Y_POS+BAR_07_02_C_SKEW, (char*)str_inspection, &chinese_type_24,FONT_FOREGROUND,FONT_BACKGROUND ); Paint_DrawString_CN(BAR_07_02_C3, BAR_LINE_Y_POS + BAR_07_02_C_SKEW, tmp_12[2], &chinese_type_24, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_CN(BAR_07_02_C3, BAR_LINE_Y_POS + BAR_07_02_C_SKEW + 24, tmp_34[2], &chinese_type_24, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_EN(BAR_07_02_E3, BAR_LINE_Y_POS - BAR_07_02_E_SKEW - numHeights[2], (char *)arr_string, &ascii_type_12x24, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); memset(arr_string, 0, 20); itoa(arr_num[3], arr_string, 10); Paint_DrawRectangle(BAR_07_02_R4, BAR_LINE_Y_POS - numHeights[3], BAR_07_02_R4 + BAR_07_02_R_WIDTH, BAR_LINE_Y_POS, WHITE, 1, 1); // Paint_DrawString_CN(BAR_07_02_C4, BAR_LINE_Y_POS+BAR_07_02_C_SKEW, (char*)str_upKeep, &chinese_type_24,FONT_FOREGROUND,FONT_BACKGROUND ); Paint_DrawString_CN(BAR_07_02_C4, BAR_LINE_Y_POS + BAR_07_02_C_SKEW, tmp_12[3], &chinese_type_24, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_CN(BAR_07_02_C4, BAR_LINE_Y_POS + BAR_07_02_C_SKEW + 24, tmp_34[3], &chinese_type_24, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_EN(BAR_07_02_E4, BAR_LINE_Y_POS - BAR_07_02_E_SKEW - numHeights[3], (char *)arr_string, &ascii_type_12x24, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); memcpy(bar_chart_07_02_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 480 * 300 / 8); free(numHeights); return bar_chart_07_02_buf; } static uint8_t *partial_bar_chart_07_03_quick(Machine_info_t *info) { char arr_string[20]; uint32_t *timeHeights = calculateBarChartHeights(arr_heights, 6, 200); uint8_t *bar_chart_07_03_buf = (uint8_t *)calloc(480 * 300 / 8, sizeof(uint8_t)); memset(tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((UBYTE *)tmp_paint_buf, 480, 300, ROTATE_0, WHITE); Paint_DrawLine(30, 250, 450, 250, WHITE, DOT_PIXEL_2X2, LINE_STYLE_SOLID); memset(arr_string, 0, 20); itoa(arr_heights[0], arr_string, 10); Paint_DrawRectangle(30 + 10, 250 - timeHeights[0], 30 + 10 + 50, 250, WHITE, 1, 1); // Paint_DrawString_CN(30+10+8, 250+8,(char*)str_operation, &chinese_type_24,FONT_FOREGROUND,FONT_BACKGROUND ); Paint_DrawString_CN(30 + 10 + 8, 250 + 8, (char *)Machine_info.btn_operation, &chinese_type_24, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_EN(30 + 10 + 8, 250 - timeHeights[0] - 4 - 24, arr_string, &ascii_type_12x24, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); memset(arr_string, 0, 20); itoa(arr_heights[1], arr_string, 10); Paint_DrawRectangle(30 + 10 + 70, 250 - timeHeights[1], 30 + 10 + 50 + 70, 250, WHITE, 1, 1); // Paint_DrawString_CN(30+10+8+70, 250+8,(char*)str_shutDown, &chinese_type_24,FONT_FOREGROUND,FONT_BACKGROUND ); Paint_DrawString_CN(30 + 10 + 8 + 70, 250 + 8, (char *)Machine_info.btn_shutDown_info, &chinese_type_24, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_EN(30 + 10 + 8 + 70, 250 - timeHeights[1] - 4 - 24, arr_string, &ascii_type_12x24, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); memset(arr_string, 0, 20); itoa(arr_heights[2], arr_string, 10); Paint_DrawRectangle(30 + 10 + 140, 250 - timeHeights[2], 30 + 10 + 50 + 140, 250, WHITE, 1, 1); // Paint_DrawString_CN(30+10+8+140, 250+8,(char*)str_breakDown, &chinese_type_24,FONT_FOREGROUND,FONT_BACKGROUND ); Paint_DrawString_CN(30 + 10 + 8 + 140, 250 + 8, (char *)Machine_info.btn_breakDown_info, &chinese_type_24, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_EN(30 + 10 + 8 + 140, 250 - timeHeights[2] - 4 - 24, arr_string, &ascii_type_12x24, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); memset(arr_string, 0, 20); itoa(arr_heights[3], arr_string, 10); Paint_DrawRectangle(30 + 10 + 210, 250 - timeHeights[3], 30 + 10 + 50 + 210, 250, WHITE, 1, 1); // Paint_DrawString_CN(30+10+8+210, 250+8,(char*)str_safeKeep, &chinese_type_24,FONT_FOREGROUND,FONT_BACKGROUND ); Paint_DrawString_CN(30 + 10 + 8 + 210, 250 + 8, (char *)Machine_info.btn_safeKeep_info, &chinese_type_24, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_EN(30 + 10 + 8 + 210, 250 - timeHeights[3] - 4 - 24, arr_string, &ascii_type_12x24, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); memset(arr_string, 0, 20); itoa(arr_heights[4], arr_string, 10); Paint_DrawRectangle(30 + 10 + 280, 250 - timeHeights[4], 30 + 10 + 50 + 280, 250, WHITE, 1, 1); // Paint_DrawString_CN(30+10+8+280, 250+8,(char*)str_upKeep, &chinese_type_24,FONT_FOREGROUND,FONT_BACKGROUND ); Paint_DrawString_CN(30 + 10 + 8 + 280, 250 + 8, (char *)Machine_info.btn_upKeep_info, &chinese_type_24, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_EN(30 + 10 + 8 + 280, 250 - timeHeights[4] - 4 - 24, arr_string, &ascii_type_12x24, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); memset(arr_string, 0, 20); itoa(arr_heights[5], arr_string, 10); Paint_DrawRectangle(30 + 10 + 350, 250 - timeHeights[5], 30 + 10 + 50 + 350, 250, WHITE, 1, 1); // Paint_DrawString_CN(30+10+8+350, 250+8,(char*)str_waitMaterials, &chinese_type_24,FONT_FOREGROUND,FONT_BACKGROUND ); Paint_DrawString_CN(30 + 10 + 8 + 350, 250 + 8, (char *)Machine_info.btn_waitMaterials_info, &chinese_type_24, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_EN(30 + 10 + 8 + 350, 250 - timeHeights[5] - 4 - 24, arr_string, &ascii_type_12x24, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); memcpy(bar_chart_07_03_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 480 * 300 / 8); free(timeHeights); return bar_chart_07_03_buf; } static uint8_t *partial_bar_chart_07_04_quick(Machine_info_t *info) { char arr_string[20]; uint32_t arr_num[4] = {Machine_info.checkIn_set[0].number, Machine_info.checkIn_set[1].number, Machine_info.checkIn_set[2].number, Machine_info.checkIn_set[3].number}; uint32_t *arrHeights = calculateBarChartHeights(arr_heights, 6, 200); uint32_t *numHeights = calculateBarChartHeights(arr_num, 4, 200); uint8_t *bar_chart_07_04_buf = (uint8_t *)calloc(480 * 300 / 8, sizeof(uint8_t)); memset(tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((UBYTE *)tmp_paint_buf, 480, 300, ROTATE_0, WHITE); Paint_DrawLine(10, 250, 274, 250, WHITE, DOT_PIXEL_2X2, LINE_STYLE_SOLID); Paint_DrawLine(294, 250, 470, 250, WHITE, DOT_PIXEL_2X2, LINE_STYLE_SOLID); memset(arr_string, 0, 20); itoa(arr_heights[0], arr_string, 10); Paint_DrawRectangle(10 + 2, 250 - arrHeights[0], 10 + 2 + 40, 250, WHITE, 1, 1); Paint_DrawString_CN(10 + 2 + 8, 250 + 2, (char *)Machine_info.btn_operation, &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_EN(10 + 2 + 5, 250 - arrHeights[0] - 2 - 16, (char *)arr_string, &ascii_type_8x16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); memset(arr_string, 0, 20); itoa(arr_heights[1], arr_string, 10); Paint_DrawRectangle(10 + 2 + 44, 250 - arrHeights[1], 10 + 2 + 40 + 44, 250, WHITE, 1, 1); Paint_DrawString_CN(10 + 2 + 8 + 44, 250 + 2, (char *)Machine_info.btn_shutDown_info, &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_EN(10 + 2 + 5 + 44, 250 - arrHeights[1] - 2 - 16, (char *)arr_string, &ascii_type_8x16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); memset(arr_string, 0, 20); itoa(arr_heights[2], arr_string, 10); Paint_DrawRectangle(10 + 2 + 88, 250 - arrHeights[2], 10 + 2 + 40 + 88, 250, WHITE, 1, 1); Paint_DrawString_CN(10 + 2 + 8 + 88, 250 + 2, (char *)Machine_info.btn_breakDown_info, &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_EN(10 + 2 + 5 + 88, 250 - arrHeights[2] - 2 - 16, (char *)arr_string, &ascii_type_8x16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); memset(arr_string, 0, 20); itoa(arr_heights[3], arr_string, 10); Paint_DrawRectangle(10 + 2 + 132, 250 - arrHeights[3], 10 + 2 + 40 + 132, 250, WHITE, 1, 1); Paint_DrawString_CN(10 + 2 + 8 + 132, 250 + 2, (char *)Machine_info.btn_safeKeep_info, &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_EN(10 + 2 + 5 + 132, 250 - arrHeights[3] - 2 - 16, (char *)arr_string, &ascii_type_8x16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); memset(arr_string, 0, 20); itoa(arr_heights[4], arr_string, 10); Paint_DrawRectangle(10 + 2 + 176, 250 - arrHeights[4], 10 + 2 + 40 + 176, 250, WHITE, 1, 1); Paint_DrawString_CN(10 + 2 + 8 + 176, 250 + 2, (char *)Machine_info.btn_upKeep_info, &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_EN(10 + 2 + 5 + 176, 250 - arrHeights[4] - 2 - 16, (char *)arr_string, &ascii_type_8x16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); memset(arr_string, 0, 20); itoa(arr_heights[5], arr_string, 10); Paint_DrawRectangle(10 + 2 + 220, 250 - arrHeights[5], 10 + 2 + 40 + 220, 250, WHITE, 1, 1); Paint_DrawString_CN(10 + 2 + 8 + 220, 250 + 2, (char *)Machine_info.btn_waitMaterials_info, &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_EN(10 + 2 + 5 + 220, 250 - arrHeights[5] - 2 - 16, (char *)arr_string, &ascii_type_8x16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); // next char tmp_12[4][6] = {0}; char tmp_34[4][6] = {0}; memcpy(tmp_12[0], Machine_info.checkIn_set[0].other_name, 4); memcpy(tmp_34[0], Machine_info.checkIn_set[0].other_name + 4, 4); memcpy(tmp_12[1], Machine_info.checkIn_set[1].other_name, 4); memcpy(tmp_34[1], Machine_info.checkIn_set[1].other_name + 4, 4); memcpy(tmp_12[2], Machine_info.checkIn_set[2].other_name, 4); memcpy(tmp_34[2], Machine_info.checkIn_set[2].other_name + 4, 4); memcpy(tmp_12[3], Machine_info.checkIn_set[3].other_name, 4); memcpy(tmp_34[3], Machine_info.checkIn_set[3].other_name + 4, 4); memset(arr_string, 0, 20); itoa(arr_num[0], arr_string, 10); Paint_DrawRectangle(294 + 2, 250 - numHeights[0], 294 + 2 + 40, 250, WHITE, 1, 1); // Paint_DrawString_CN(294+2+8, 250+2,(char*)str_production, &chinese_type_16,FONT_FOREGROUND,FONT_BACKGROUND ); Paint_DrawString_CN(294 + 2 + 8, 250 + 2, tmp_12[0], &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_CN(294 + 2 + 8, 250 + 2 + 16, tmp_34[0], &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_EN(292 + 2 + 5, 250 - numHeights[0] - 2 - 16, (char *)arr_string, &ascii_type_8x16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); memset(arr_string, 0, 20); itoa(arr_num[1], arr_string, 10); Paint_DrawRectangle(294 + 2 + 44, 250 - numHeights[1], 294 + 2 + 40 + 44, 250, WHITE, 1, 1); // Paint_DrawString_CN(294+2+8+44, 250+2,(char*)str_repair, &chinese_type_16,FONT_FOREGROUND,FONT_BACKGROUND ); Paint_DrawString_CN(294 + 2 + 8 + 44, 250 + 2, tmp_12[1], &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_CN(294 + 2 + 8 + 44, 250 + 2 + 16, tmp_34[1], &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_EN(292 + 2 + 5 + 44, 250 - numHeights[1] - 2 - 16, (char *)arr_string, &ascii_type_8x16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); memset(arr_string, 0, 20); itoa(arr_num[2], arr_string, 10); Paint_DrawRectangle(294 + 2 + 88, 250 - numHeights[2], 294 + 2 + 40 + 88, 250, WHITE, 1, 1); // Paint_DrawString_CN(294+2+8+88, 250+2, (char*)str_inspection, &chinese_type_16,FONT_FOREGROUND,FONT_BACKGROUND ); Paint_DrawString_CN(294 + 2 + 8 + 88, 250 + 2, tmp_12[2], &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_CN(294 + 2 + 8 + 88, 250 + 2 + 16, tmp_34[2], &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_EN(292 + 2 + 5 + 88, 250 - numHeights[2] - 2 - 16, (char *)arr_string, &ascii_type_8x16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); memset(arr_string, 0, 20); itoa(arr_num[3], arr_string, 10); Paint_DrawRectangle(294 + 2 + 132, 250 - numHeights[3], 294 + 2 + 40 + 132, 250, WHITE, 1, 1); // Paint_DrawString_CN(294+2+8+132, 250+2, (char*)str_upKeep, &chinese_type_16,FONT_FOREGROUND,FONT_BACKGROUND ); Paint_DrawString_CN(294 + 2 + 8 + 132, 250 + 2, tmp_12[3], &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_CN(294 + 2 + 8 + 132, 250 + 2 + 16, tmp_34[3], &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_EN(292 + 2 + 5 + 132, 250 - numHeights[3] - 2 - 16, (char *)arr_string, &ascii_type_8x16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); free(arrHeights); free(numHeights); memcpy(bar_chart_07_04_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 480 * 300 / 8); return bar_chart_07_04_buf; } #define RIGHT1_HIGHT 100 #define RIGHT2_HIGHT 172 static uint8_t *partial_right1_quick(Machine_info_t *info) { // Machine_info.batt_precent = 100; uint8_t *partial_right1_buf = (uint8_t *)calloc(RIGHT1_HIGHT * 480 / 8, sizeof(uint8_t)); memset((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 480, RIGHT1_HIGHT, ROTATE_0, WHITE); Paint_DrawLine(10, 95, 470, 95, WHITE, DOT_PIXEL_1X1, LINE_STYLE_SOLID); int x = center_align(&info->station_name, 480, 16, 32); Paint_DrawString_CN(x, 25, &info->station_name, &chinese_type_32, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); // 显示终端号码 // printf(" terminal name x=%d--------------%s----------------\r\n",x,(char *)&info->terminal_name); x = center_align(&info->station_number, 480, 8, 16); Paint_DrawString_CN(x, 70, &info->station_number, &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); // printf(" terminal_number x=%d--------------%s----------------\r\n",x,(char *)&info->terminal_number); #define BAT_X_OFFSET 2 #define BAT_Y_OFFSET 2 // batt Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste((uint8_t *)gImage_battery, 480 - 50 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 24, 37, 18, 1); #if 1 switch (Machine_info.batt_precent) { case 0: break; case 1 ... 25: Paint_DrawRectangle(433 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 27, 439 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 41, WHITE, 1, 1); break; case 26 ... 50: Paint_DrawRectangle(433 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 27, 439 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 41, WHITE, 1, 1); Paint_DrawRectangle(441 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 27, 447 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 41, WHITE, 1, 1); break; case 51 ... 75: Paint_DrawRectangle(433 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 27, 439 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 41, WHITE, 1, 1); Paint_DrawRectangle(441 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 27, 447 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 41, WHITE, 1, 1); Paint_DrawRectangle(449 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 27, 455 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 41, WHITE, 1, 1); break; case 76 ... 100: Paint_DrawRectangle(433 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 27, 439 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 41, WHITE, 1, 1); Paint_DrawRectangle(441 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 27, 447 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 41, WHITE, 1, 1); Paint_DrawRectangle(449 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 27, 455 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 41, WHITE, 1, 1); Paint_DrawRectangle(457 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 27, 462 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 41, WHITE, 1, 1); break; default: break; } if (!decection_state_0()) // 判断充电中逻辑 { Machine_info.batt_precent = read_battery_voltage(); if (Machine_info.batt_precent >= 95) { Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste((uint8_t *)gImage_charging, 480 - 47 + 37, 27 - BAT_Y_OFFSET, 8, 18, 1); } else { Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste((uint8_t *)gImage_charging, 480 - 47 + 35, 27 - BAT_Y_OFFSET, 8, 18, 1); } } #else Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste((uint8_t *)gImage_filled, 480 - 47 + 37, 24, 8, 18, 1); Paint_DrawRectangle(433, 27, 439, 41, WHITE, 1, 1); Paint_DrawRectangle(441, 27, 447, 41, WHITE, 1, 1); Paint_DrawRectangle(449, 27, 455, 41, WHITE, 1, 1); Paint_DrawRectangle(457, 27, 462, 41, WHITE, 1, 1); #endif // 添加在线离线 uint8_t online[6] = {0xd4, 0xda, 0xcf, 0xdf, 0x00, 0x00}; // 在线 uint8_t outline[6] = {0xc0, 0xeb, 0xcf, 0xdf, 0x00, 0x00}; // 离线 Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste((uint8_t *)gImage_online, 480 - 50 - BAT_X_OFFSET - 50, 24, 37, 18, 1); if (Machine_info.paired) { Paint_DrawString_CN(480 - 50 - BAT_X_OFFSET - 50 + 3, 25, (char *)online, &chinese_type_16, FONT_BACKGROUND, FONT_FOREGROUND); } else { Paint_DrawString_CN(480 - 50 - BAT_X_OFFSET - 50 + 3, 25, (char *)outline, &chinese_type_16, FONT_BACKGROUND, FONT_FOREGROUND); } memcpy(partial_right1_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 480 * RIGHT1_HIGHT / 8); return partial_right1_buf; } #define MAX_NAME_STRING_LEN 52 static void dis_name(char *tmp, int len) // times为空格的次数,如果为管理员要多加4次,管理员字符串->char str_0[14] = {0xb9,0xdc,0x20,0x20,0xc0,0xed,0x20,0x20,0xd4,0xb1,0xa3,0xba,0x00,0x00}; { if (len < MAX_NAME_STRING_LEN) { return; } ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG, "------dis name----"); ESP_LOG_BUFFER_HEX(LOG_TAG, tmp, len); strcpy(&tmp[MAX_NAME_STRING_LEN], " ..."); tmp[MAX_NAME_STRING_LEN + 4] = 0; tmp[MAX_NAME_STRING_LEN + 5] = 0; } static uint8_t *partial_right2_quick(void) { uint8_t *partial_right2_buf = (uint8_t *)calloc(RIGHT2_HIGHT * 480 / 8, sizeof(uint8_t)); char buffer[200] = {0}; memset((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((UBYTE *)tmp_paint_buf, 480, RIGHT2_HIGHT, ROTATE_0, WHITE); ESP_LOGD(LOG_TAG, "paint Charge_close %d %d %d %d %d", Machine_info.person[0].Charge_close, Machine_info.person[1].Charge_close, Machine_info.person[2].Charge_close, Machine_info.person[3].Charge_close, Machine_info.person[4].Charge_close); ESP_LOGD(LOG_TAG, "责任人人数 [%d][%d][%d][%d][%d]", person_get_num(0), person_get_num(1), person_get_num(2), person_get_num(3), person_get_num(4)); // 获取当前类型人员数量 // 管理员不会关闭 memset((uint8_t *)buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); strcat(buffer, (char *)Machine_info.person[0].other_name); strcat(buffer, Machine_info.person[0].string_name); dis_name(buffer, strlen(buffer)); Paint_DrawString_CN(10, 7, (char *)buffer, &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); if (!Machine_info.person[1].Charge_close) { memset((uint8_t *)buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); strcat(buffer, (char *)Machine_info.person[1].other_name); strcat(buffer, Machine_info.person[1].string_name); dis_name(buffer, strlen(buffer)); Paint_DrawString_CN(10, 41, (char *)buffer, &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); } if (!Machine_info.person[2].Charge_close) { memset((uint8_t *)buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); strcat(buffer, (char *)Machine_info.person[2].other_name); strcat(buffer, Machine_info.person[2].string_name); dis_name(buffer, strlen(buffer)); Paint_DrawString_CN(10, 75, (char *)buffer, &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); } if (!Machine_info.person[4].Charge_close) { memset((uint8_t *)buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); strcat(buffer, (char *)Machine_info.person[4].other_name); strcat(buffer, Machine_info.person[4].string_name); dis_name(buffer, strlen(buffer)); Paint_DrawString_CN(10, 109, (char *)buffer, &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); } if (!Machine_info.person[3].Charge_close) { memset((uint8_t *)buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); strcat(buffer, (char *)Machine_info.person[3].other_name); strcat(buffer, Machine_info.person[3].string_name); dis_name(buffer, strlen(buffer)); Paint_DrawString_CN(10, 143, (char *)buffer, &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); } // ESP_LOG_BUFFER_HEX(LOG_TAG,buffer,strlen(buffer)); Paint_DrawLine(10, 170, 470, 170, WHITE, DOT_PIXEL_1X1, LINE_STYLE_DOTTED); memcpy(partial_right2_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 480 * RIGHT2_HIGHT / 8); return partial_right2_buf; } static char *right3_change_time_to_dis(bool flag) // flag为true 显示前四个小时 ,flag为false,显示最近 { char arr_int[5]; char arr_dec[5]; char *arr_string = (char *)malloc(20 * sizeof(char)); uint8_t time_min, time_hour; if (Machine_info.min >= 30) { if (Machine_info.hour >= 4) { time_hour = Machine_info.hour - 4; time_min = 30; } else { time_hour = Machine_info.hour + 20; time_min = 30; } } else { if (Machine_info.hour >= 4) { time_hour = Machine_info.hour - 4; time_min = 0; } else { time_hour = Machine_info.hour + 20; time_min = 0; } } if (flag) { // 前4小时 memset(arr_string, 0, 20); itoa(time_hour, arr_int, 10); if (time_min == 0) { strcpy(arr_string, arr_int); strcat(arr_string, ":"); strcat(arr_string, "00"); } else { itoa(time_min, arr_dec, 10); strcpy(arr_string, arr_int); strcat(arr_string, ":"); strcat(arr_string, arr_dec); } } else { memset(arr_string, 0, 20); itoa(Machine_info.hour, arr_int, 10); strcpy(arr_string, arr_int); strcat(arr_string, ":"); if (Machine_info.min >= 30) { time_min = 30; itoa(time_min, arr_dec, 10); strcat(arr_string, arr_dec); } else { strcat(arr_string, "00"); } } return arr_string; } static uint8_t *partial_right3_quick(void) { /* Get timestamp before entering sleep */ // int64_t t_before_us = esp_timer_get_time(); // //ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG,"-=-=-=-=-=-=-="); // printf(" ==>[%lld]",t_before_us); uint8_t *partial_right3_buf = (uint8_t *)calloc(224 * 480 / 8, sizeof(uint8_t)); #define __MAX_PIXEL 140 uint32_t num_max = 0, i = 0, sum_products = 0; uint32_t num_totalProducts[8]; uint32_t scale_UR[8]; uint32_t scale_YR[8]; uint8_t time_min, time_hour; char arr_string[20]; char arr_int[5]; char arr_dec[5]; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { num_totalProducts[i] = Machine_info.num_goodProducts[i] + Machine_info.num_badProducts[i]; scale_UR[i] = (Machine_info.scale_UR_int[i]) * 100 + Machine_info.scale_UR_dec[i]; scale_YR[i] = (Machine_info.scale_YR_int[i]) * 100 + Machine_info.scale_YR_dec[i]; // ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG,"good:[%ld] bad[%ld]",num_goodProducts[i],num_badProducts[i]); // ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG,"total:[%ld]",num_totalProducts[i]); // sum_products+=num_totalProducts[i]; if (num_max < (Machine_info.num_goodProducts[i] + Machine_info.num_badProducts[i])) num_max = Machine_info.num_goodProducts[i] + Machine_info.num_badProducts[i]; } memset((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((UBYTE *)tmp_paint_buf, 480, 224, ROTATE_0, WHITE); // Paint_DrawLine(10,2,470,2,WHITE,DOT_PIXEL_1X1,LINE_STYLE_DOTTED ); Paint_DrawLine(10, 220, 470, 220, WHITE, DOT_PIXEL_1X1, LINE_STYLE_DOTTED); unsigned int *chartHeights = calculateBarChartHeights(num_totalProducts, sizeof(num_totalProducts) / sizeof(num_totalProducts[0]), __MAX_PIXEL); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { // chartHeights[i] = 140; Paint_DrawRectangle(60 + i * 25, 192 - chartHeights[i], 80 + i * 25, 192, WHITE, 1, 1); memset(arr_string, 0, 20); // itoa((int)num_totalProducts[i],arr_string,10); // 取消柱状图上方数值 // Paint_DrawString_EN(60+i*25 ,192 - chartHeights[i]-8,(char*)arr_string, &ascii_type_5x7,FONT_FOREGROUND,FONT_BACKGROUND ); // ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG,"heights = %d",chartHeights[i]); } free(chartHeights); char *time_before = right3_change_time_to_dis(true); Paint_DrawString_EN(60, 192 + 2, time_before, &ascii_type_8x16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); free(time_before); time_before = right3_change_time_to_dis(false); Paint_DrawString_EN(60 + 150, 192 + 2, time_before, &ascii_type_8x16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); free(time_before); memset(arr_string, 0, 20); itoa(num_totalProducts[7], arr_string, 10); int x = center_align(&arr_string, 160, 16, 0); Paint_DrawString_EN(300 + x, 70, (char *)arr_string, &ascii_type_16x32, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); uint32_t tmp = 0; memset(arr_string, 0, 20); sprintf(arr_string, "%lu", num_max); Paint_DrawString_EN(10, 48, (char *)arr_string, &ascii_type_5x7, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); for (i = 1; i < 5; i++) { memset(arr_string, 0, 20); // 140 5 tmp = (num_max / 5) * (5 - i); sprintf(arr_string, "%lu", tmp); // ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG,"%s",arr_string); Paint_DrawString_EN(10, 48 + i * 38, (char *)arr_string, &ascii_type_5x7, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); // Paint_DrawString_EN(20,40+i*28,(char*)arr_string, &ascii_type_8x16,FONT_FOREGROUND,FONT_BACKGROUND ); } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) // ur yr y坐标 { memset(arr_string, 0, 20); tmp = (100 / 4) * (4 - i); // strcpy(arr_string,tmp); itoa(tmp, arr_string, 10); strcat(arr_string, ".00%"); Paint_DrawString_EN(60 + 200, 48 + i * 38, (char *)arr_string, &ascii_type_5x7, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); } char str_ur[8] = {0xbc, 0xda, 0xb6, 0xaf, 0xc2, 0xca, 0x00, 0x00}; Paint_DrawString_CN(320, 170, (char *)str_ur, &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); // ur Paint_DrawLine(320, 170 + 16 + 3, 368, 170 + 16 + 3, WHITE, DOT_PIXEL_2X2, LINE_STYLE_SOLID); char str_yr[8] = {0xc1, 0xbc, 0xc6, 0xb7, 0xc2, 0xca, 0x00, 0x00}; Paint_DrawString_CN(390, 170, (char *)str_yr, &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); // yr Paint_DrawLine(390, 170 + 16 + 3, 438, 170 + 16 + 3, WHITE, DOT_PIXEL_1X1, LINE_STYLE_DOTTED_2); memset(arr_int, 0, 5); memset(arr_dec, 0, 5); memset(arr_string, 0, 20); itoa(Machine_info.scale_UR_int[7], arr_int, 10); itoa(Machine_info.scale_UR_dec[7], arr_dec, 10); strcpy(arr_string, arr_int); strcat(arr_string, "."); strcat(arr_string, arr_dec); strcat(arr_string, "%"); x = center_align(&arr_string, 48, 8, 16); Paint_DrawString_EN(320 + x, 170 - 16 - 1, (char *)arr_string, &ascii_type_8x16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); memset(arr_int, 0, 5); memset(arr_dec, 0, 5); memset(arr_string, 0, 20); itoa(Machine_info.scale_YR_int[7], arr_int, 10); itoa(Machine_info.scale_YR_dec[7], arr_dec, 10); strcpy(arr_string, arr_int); strcat(arr_string, "."); strcat(arr_string, arr_dec); strcat(arr_string, "%"); x = center_align(&arr_string, 48, 8, 16); Paint_DrawString_EN(390 + x, 170 - 16 - 1, (char *)arr_string, &ascii_type_8x16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); // drawQuadraticBezierCurve(uint8_t* framebuffer, int width, int height, // int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, // uint8_t color, int thickness) unsigned int *UR_Heights = getBarChartHeights(scale_UR, sizeof(scale_UR) / sizeof(scale_UR[0]), __MAX_PIXEL); unsigned int *YR_Heights = getBarChartHeights(scale_YR, sizeof(scale_YR) / sizeof(scale_YR[0]), __MAX_PIXEL); unsigned int tmp_heihgts[6]; unsigned int tmp1_heihgts[6]; // https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/46676386 #if 1 for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { tmp_heihgts[i] = (UR_Heights[i + 1] + UR_Heights[i + 2]) / 2; tmp1_heihgts[i] = (YR_Heights[i + 1] + YR_Heights[i + 2]) / 2; } #else for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { tmp_heihgts[i] = 30 + i * 10; tmp1_heihgts[i] = 10 + i * 10; } #endif // UR drawQuadraticBezierCurve(Paint_info.Image, 480, 224, 72, 192 - UR_Heights[0], 72 + 25, 192 - UR_Heights[1], 72 + 25 + 12, 192 - tmp_heihgts[0], 0xff, 2); drawQuadraticBezierCurve(Paint_info.Image, 480, 224, 72 + 25 + 12, 192 - tmp_heihgts[0], 72 + 25 * 2, 192 - UR_Heights[2], 72 + 25 * 2 + 12, 192 - tmp_heihgts[1], 0xff, 2); drawQuadraticBezierCurve(Paint_info.Image, 480, 224, 72 + 25 * 2 + 12, 192 - tmp_heihgts[1], 72 + 25 * 3, 192 - UR_Heights[3], 72 + 25 * 3 + 12, 192 - tmp_heihgts[2], 0xff, 2); drawQuadraticBezierCurve(Paint_info.Image, 480, 224, 72 + 25 * 3 + 12, 192 - tmp_heihgts[2], 72 + 25 * 4, 192 - UR_Heights[4], 72 + 25 * 4 + 12, 192 - tmp_heihgts[3], 0xff, 2); drawQuadraticBezierCurve(Paint_info.Image, 480, 224, 72 + 25 * 4 + 12, 192 - tmp_heihgts[3], 72 + 25 * 5, 192 - UR_Heights[5], 72 + 25 * 5 + 12, 192 - tmp_heihgts[4], 0xff, 2); drawQuadraticBezierCurve(Paint_info.Image, 480, 224, 72 + 25 * 5 + 12, 192 - tmp_heihgts[4], 72 + 25 * 6, 192 - UR_Heights[6], 72 + 25 * 7, 192 - UR_Heights[7], 0xff, 2); drawQuadraticBezierCurve(Paint_info.Image, 480, 224, 72, 192 - UR_Heights[0] + 2, 72 + 25, 192 - UR_Heights[1] + 2, 72 + 25 + 12, 192 - tmp_heihgts[0] + 2, 0, 2); drawQuadraticBezierCurve(Paint_info.Image, 480, 224, 72 + 25 + 12, 192 - tmp_heihgts[0] + 2, 72 + 25 * 2, 192 - UR_Heights[2] + 2, 72 + 25 * 2 + 12, 192 - tmp_heihgts[1] + 2, 0, 2); drawQuadraticBezierCurve(Paint_info.Image, 480, 224, 72 + 25 * 2 + 12, 192 - tmp_heihgts[1] + 2, 72 + 25 * 3, 192 - UR_Heights[3] + 2, 72 + 25 * 3 + 12, 192 - tmp_heihgts[2] + 2, 0, 2); drawQuadraticBezierCurve(Paint_info.Image, 480, 224, 72 + 25 * 3 + 12, 192 - tmp_heihgts[2] + 2, 72 + 25 * 4, 192 - UR_Heights[4] + 2, 72 + 25 * 4 + 12, 192 - tmp_heihgts[3] + 2, 0, 2); drawQuadraticBezierCurve(Paint_info.Image, 480, 224, 72 + 25 * 4 + 12, 192 - tmp_heihgts[3] + 2, 72 + 25 * 5, 192 - UR_Heights[5] + 2, 72 + 25 * 5 + 12, 192 - tmp_heihgts[4] + 2, 0, 2); drawQuadraticBezierCurve(Paint_info.Image, 480, 224, 72 + 25 * 5 + 12, 192 - tmp_heihgts[4] + 2, 72 + 25 * 6, 192 - UR_Heights[6] + 2, 72 + 25 * 7, 192 - UR_Heights[7] + 2, 0, 2); // YR drawQuadraticBezierCurve(Paint_info.Image, 480, 224, 72, 192 - YR_Heights[0], 72 + 25, 192 - YR_Heights[1], 72 + 25 + 12, 192 - tmp1_heihgts[0], 0xff, 1); drawQuadraticBezierCurve(Paint_info.Image, 480, 224, 72 + 25 + 12, 192 - tmp1_heihgts[0], 72 + 25 * 2, 192 - YR_Heights[2], 72 + 25 * 2 + 12, 192 - tmp1_heihgts[1], 0xff, 1); drawQuadraticBezierCurve(Paint_info.Image, 480, 224, 72 + 25 * 2 + 12, 192 - tmp1_heihgts[1], 72 + 25 * 3, 192 - YR_Heights[3], 72 + 25 * 3 + 12, 192 - tmp1_heihgts[2], 0xff, 1); drawQuadraticBezierCurve(Paint_info.Image, 480, 224, 72 + 25 * 3 + 12, 192 - tmp1_heihgts[2], 72 + 25 * 4, 192 - YR_Heights[4], 72 + 25 * 4 + 12, 192 - tmp1_heihgts[3], 0xff, 1); drawQuadraticBezierCurve(Paint_info.Image, 480, 224, 72 + 25 * 4 + 12, 192 - tmp1_heihgts[3], 72 + 25 * 5, 192 - YR_Heights[5], 72 + 25 * 5 + 12, 192 - tmp1_heihgts[4], 0xff, 1); drawQuadraticBezierCurve(Paint_info.Image, 480, 224, 72 + 25 * 5 + 12, 192 - tmp1_heihgts[4], 72 + 25 * 6, 192 - YR_Heights[6], 72 + 25 * 7, 192 - YR_Heights[7], 0xff, 1); drawQuadraticBezierCurve(Paint_info.Image, 480, 224, 72, 192 - YR_Heights[0] + 1, 72 + 25, 192 - YR_Heights[1] + 1, 72 + 25 + 12, 192 - tmp1_heihgts[0], 0, 1); drawQuadraticBezierCurve(Paint_info.Image, 480, 224, 72 + 25 + 12, 192 - tmp1_heihgts[0] + 1, 72 + 25 * 2, 192 - YR_Heights[2] + 1, 72 + 25 * 2 + 12, 192 - tmp1_heihgts[1] + 1, 0, 1); drawQuadraticBezierCurve(Paint_info.Image, 480, 224, 72 + 25 * 2 + 12, 192 - tmp1_heihgts[1] + 1, 72 + 25 * 3, 192 - YR_Heights[3] + 1, 72 + 25 * 3 + 12, 192 - tmp1_heihgts[2] + 1, 0, 1); drawQuadraticBezierCurve(Paint_info.Image, 480, 224, 72 + 25 * 3 + 12, 192 - tmp1_heihgts[2] + 1, 72 + 25 * 4, 192 - YR_Heights[4] + 1, 72 + 25 * 4 + 12, 192 - tmp1_heihgts[3] + 1, 0, 1); drawQuadraticBezierCurve(Paint_info.Image, 480, 224, 72 + 25 * 4 + 12, 192 - tmp1_heihgts[3] + 1, 72 + 25 * 5, 192 - YR_Heights[5] + 1, 72 + 25 * 5 + 12, 192 - tmp1_heihgts[4] + 1, 0, 1); drawQuadraticBezierCurve(Paint_info.Image, 480, 224, 72 + 25 * 5 + 12, 192 - tmp1_heihgts[4] + 1, 72 + 25 * 6, 192 - YR_Heights[6] + 1, 72 + 25 * 7, 192 - YR_Heights[7] + 1, 0, 1); free(UR_Heights); free(YR_Heights); Paint_DrawLine(60, 192, 80 + 7 * 25, 192, WHITE, DOT_PIXEL_2X2, LINE_STYLE_SOLID); // 表格线 extern Node *clockIn_list; // int production_num = countClockNodes_byCMD(clockIn_list,0x00); // int repair_num = countClockNodes_byCMD(clockIn_list,0x01); // int upKeep_num = countClockNodes_byCMD(clockIn_list,0x03); // int inspection_num = countClockNodes_byCMD(clockIn_list,0x02); int type_num[4] = {countClockNodes_byCMD(clockIn_list, 0x00), countClockNodes_byCMD(clockIn_list, 0x01), countClockNodes_byCMD(clockIn_list, 0x02), countClockNodes_byCMD(clockIn_list, 0x03)}; ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "在岗人数 :[%d] [%d] [%d] [%d]", type_num[0], type_num[1], type_num[2], type_num[3]); char str_arr[20]; char str_ren[] = {0xc8, 0xcb, 0x00, 0x00}; char str_Currently[] = {0xb5, 0xb1, 0xc7, 0xb0, 0xd4, 0xda, 0xb8, 0xda, 0x3a, 0xba, 0x00, 0x00}; // 当前在岗B5B1C7B0D4DAB8DAA3BA // char str_test[] = {0xB2,0xE2,0xCA,0xD4,0xB8,0xBA,0xD4,0xF0,0x00,0x00}; // memcpy((char*)Machine_info.checkIn_set[3].other_name,str_test,strlen(str_test));//测试签到人数 int all_len = 0; int other_name_len = 0; Paint_DrawString_CN(10, 5, (char *)str_Currently, &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); memset(str_arr, 0, 20); itoa(type_num[0], str_arr, 10); other_name_len = strlen((char *)Machine_info.checkIn_set[0].other_name) * 8; all_len = other_name_len + strlen(str_arr) * 8; if (!Machine_info.checkIn_set[0].checkIn_close) { Paint_DrawString_CN(10 + 16 * 5, 5, (char *)Machine_info.checkIn_set[0].other_name, &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_EN(10 + 16 * 5 + other_name_len, 5, (char *)str_arr, &ascii_type_8x16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_CN(10 + 16 * 5 + all_len, 5, (char *)str_ren, &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); } memset(str_arr, 0, 20); itoa(type_num[1], str_arr, 10); other_name_len = strlen((char *)Machine_info.checkIn_set[1].other_name) * 8; all_len = other_name_len + strlen(str_arr) * 8; if (!Machine_info.checkIn_set[1].checkIn_close) { Paint_DrawString_CN(186, 5, (char *)Machine_info.checkIn_set[1].other_name, &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_EN(186 + other_name_len, 5, (char *)str_arr, &ascii_type_8x16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_CN(186 + all_len, 5, (char *)str_ren, &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); } memset(str_arr, 0, 20); itoa(type_num[2], str_arr, 10); other_name_len = strlen((char *)Machine_info.checkIn_set[2].other_name) * 8; all_len = other_name_len + strlen(str_arr) * 8; if (!Machine_info.checkIn_set[2].checkIn_close) { Paint_DrawString_CN(282, 5, (char *)Machine_info.checkIn_set[2].other_name, &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_EN(282 + other_name_len, 5, (char *)str_arr, &ascii_type_8x16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_CN(282 + all_len, 5, (char *)str_ren, &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); } memset(str_arr, 0, 20); itoa(type_num[3], str_arr, 10); other_name_len = strlen((char *)Machine_info.checkIn_set[3].other_name) * 8; all_len = other_name_len + strlen(str_arr) * 8; if (!Machine_info.checkIn_set[3].checkIn_close) { Paint_DrawString_CN(378, 5, (char *)Machine_info.checkIn_set[3].other_name, &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_EN(378 + other_name_len, 5, (char *)str_arr, &ascii_type_8x16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_CN(378 + all_len, 5, (char *)str_ren, &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); } memcpy(partial_right3_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 480 * 224 / 8); return partial_right3_buf; } static uint8_t *partial_right3_2_quick(void) { uint8_t *partial_right3_buf = (uint8_t *)calloc(224 * 480 / 8, sizeof(uint8_t)); memset((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((UBYTE *)tmp_paint_buf, 480, 224, ROTATE_0, WHITE); Paint_DrawLine(10, 220, 470, 220, WHITE, DOT_PIXEL_1X1, LINE_STYLE_DOTTED); // 分隔右屏第三部分和第四部分线表格线 #if 0 extern Node *clockIn_list; int production_num = countClockNodes_byCMD(clockIn_list,0x00); int repair_num = countClockNodes_byCMD(clockIn_list,0x01); int upKeep_num = countClockNodes_byCMD(clockIn_list,0x03); int inspection_num = countClockNodes_byCMD(clockIn_list,0x02); ESP_LOGD(LOG_TAG,"(2)生产【%d】,巡检【%d】,保养【%d】,维修【%d】",production_num,repair_num,upKeep_num,inspection_num); char str_arr[20]; char str_ren[4] = {0xc8,0xcb,0x00,0x00}; char str_now_and_production[16] = {0xb5,0xb1,0xc7,0xb0,0xd4,0xda,0xb8,0xda,0xa3,0xba,0xc9,0xfa,0xb2,0xfa,0x00,0x00};//当前在岗:生产 // char str_inspection[6] = {0xd1,0xb2,0xbc,0xec,0x00,0x00}; // char str_upKeep[] memset(str_arr,0,20); itoa(production_num,str_arr,10); Paint_DrawString_CN(10, 5,(char*)str_now_and_production, &chinese_type_16,FONT_FOREGROUND,FONT_BACKGROUND ); Paint_DrawString_EN(10+16*7,5,(char*)str_arr, &ascii_type_8x16,FONT_FOREGROUND,FONT_BACKGROUND ); Paint_DrawString_CN(10+16*7+strlen(str_arr)*8, 5,(char*)str_ren, &chinese_type_16,FONT_FOREGROUND,FONT_BACKGROUND ); memset(str_arr,0,20); itoa(inspection_num,str_arr,10); Paint_DrawString_CN(180, 5,(char*)str_inspection, &chinese_type_16,FONT_FOREGROUND,FONT_BACKGROUND ); Paint_DrawString_EN(180+16*2,5,(char*)str_arr, &ascii_type_8x16,FONT_FOREGROUND,FONT_BACKGROUND ); Paint_DrawString_CN(180+16*2+strlen(str_arr)*8, 5,(char*)str_ren, &chinese_type_16,FONT_FOREGROUND,FONT_BACKGROUND ); memset(str_arr,0,20); itoa(upKeep_num,str_arr,10); Paint_DrawString_CN(280, 5,(char*)str_upKeep, &chinese_type_16,FONT_FOREGROUND,FONT_BACKGROUND ); Paint_DrawString_EN(280+16*2,5,(char*)str_arr, &ascii_type_8x16,FONT_FOREGROUND,FONT_BACKGROUND ); Paint_DrawString_CN(280+16*2+strlen(str_arr)*8, 5,(char*)str_ren, &chinese_type_16,FONT_FOREGROUND,FONT_BACKGROUND ); memset(str_arr,0,20); itoa(repair_num,str_arr,10); Paint_DrawString_CN(380, 5,(char*)str_repair, &chinese_type_16,FONT_FOREGROUND,FONT_BACKGROUND ); Paint_DrawString_EN(380+16*2,5,(char*)str_arr, &ascii_type_8x16,FONT_FOREGROUND,FONT_BACKGROUND ); Paint_DrawString_CN(380+16*2+strlen(str_arr)*8, 5,(char*)str_ren, &chinese_type_16,FONT_FOREGROUND,FONT_BACKGROUND ); #else extern Node *clockIn_list; int type_num[4] = {countClockNodes_byCMD(clockIn_list, 0x00), countClockNodes_byCMD(clockIn_list, 0x01), countClockNodes_byCMD(clockIn_list, 0x02), countClockNodes_byCMD(clockIn_list, 0x03)}; char str_arr[20]; ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "#在岗人数 :[%d] [%d] [%d] [%d]", type_num[0], type_num[1], type_num[2], type_num[3]); char str_ren[] = {0xc8, 0xcb, 0x00, 0x00}; char str_Currently[] = {0xb5, 0xb1, 0xc7, 0xb0, 0xd4, 0xda, 0xb8, 0xda, 0x3a, 0xba, 0x00, 0x00}; // 当前在岗B5B1C7B0D4DAB8DAA3BA int all_len = 0; int other_name_len = 0; Paint_DrawString_CN(10, 5, (char *)str_Currently, &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); memset(str_arr, 0, 20); itoa(type_num[0], str_arr, 10); other_name_len = strlen((char *)Machine_info.checkIn_set[0].other_name) * 8; all_len = other_name_len + strlen(str_arr) * 8; if (!Machine_info.checkIn_set[0].checkIn_close) { Paint_DrawString_CN(10 + 16 * 5, 5, (char *)Machine_info.checkIn_set[0].other_name, &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_EN(10 + 16 * 5 + other_name_len, 5, (char *)str_arr, &ascii_type_8x16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_CN(10 + 16 * 5 + all_len, 5, (char *)str_ren, &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); } memset(str_arr, 0, 20); itoa(type_num[1], str_arr, 10); other_name_len = strlen((char *)Machine_info.checkIn_set[1].other_name) * 8; all_len = other_name_len + strlen(str_arr) * 8; if (!Machine_info.checkIn_set[1].checkIn_close) { Paint_DrawString_CN(186, 5, (char *)Machine_info.checkIn_set[1].other_name, &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_EN(186 + other_name_len, 5, (char *)str_arr, &ascii_type_8x16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_CN(186 + all_len, 5, (char *)str_ren, &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); } memset(str_arr, 0, 20); itoa(type_num[2], str_arr, 10); other_name_len = strlen((char *)Machine_info.checkIn_set[2].other_name) * 8; all_len = other_name_len + strlen(str_arr) * 8; if (!Machine_info.checkIn_set[2].checkIn_close) { Paint_DrawString_CN(282, 5, (char *)Machine_info.checkIn_set[2].other_name, &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_EN(282 + other_name_len, 5, (char *)str_arr, &ascii_type_8x16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_CN(282 + all_len, 5, (char *)str_ren, &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); } memset(str_arr, 0, 20); itoa(type_num[3], str_arr, 10); other_name_len = strlen((char *)Machine_info.checkIn_set[3].other_name) * 8; all_len = other_name_len + strlen(str_arr) * 8; if (!Machine_info.checkIn_set[3].checkIn_close) { Paint_DrawString_CN(378, 5, (char *)Machine_info.checkIn_set[3].other_name, &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_EN(378 + other_name_len, 5, (char *)str_arr, &ascii_type_8x16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); Paint_DrawString_CN(378 + all_len, 5, (char *)str_ren, &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); } memcpy(partial_right3_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 480 * 224 / 8); #endif // 画表格 int i; char arr_string[20]; uint32_t tmp = 0; // 柱状图 uint16_t num_max_manHour = 0; uint32_t num_tmp[8]; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { num_tmp[i] = (uint32_t)Machine_info.num_manHour[i]; } unsigned int *manHour_Heights = calculateBarChartHeights(num_tmp, 8, __MAX_PIXEL); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (num_max_manHour < Machine_info.num_manHour[i]) { num_max_manHour = Machine_info.num_manHour[i]; } // Paint_DrawRectangle(60+i*25 ,192 - manHour_Heights[i] ,80+i*25, 192,WHITE,1,1 ); Paint_DrawRectangle(60 + i * 25, 193 - manHour_Heights[i], 80 + i * 25, 193, WHITE, 1, 1); memset(arr_string, 0, 20); itoa((int)Machine_info.num_manHour[i], arr_string, 10); // ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG,"%s",arr_string); // 取消柱状图上方数值 Paint_DrawString_EN(60 + i * 25, 192 - manHour_Heights[i] - 8, (char *)arr_string, &ascii_type_5x7, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); // ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG,"manHour_Heights = %d,num_manHour = %d,max_manHour = %d ",manHour_Heights[i],Machine_info.num_manHour[i],num_max_manHour); } for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { tmp = ((int)(num_max_manHour / 5)) * (5 - i); memset(arr_string, 0, 20); // 140 5 // strcpy(arr_string,tmp); // itoa(tmp,arr_string,10);//这里导致数值错误 sprintf(arr_string, "%lu", tmp); // ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG,"3——2 %s",arr_string); Paint_DrawString_EN(20, 48 + i * 30, (char *)arr_string, &ascii_type_5x7, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); } // 右屏3_2 贝塞尔曲线 uint16_t num_max_people = 0; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { num_tmp[i] = (uint32_t)Machine_info.num_people[i]; } unsigned int *people_Heights = calculateBarChartHeights(num_tmp, sizeof(Machine_info.num_people) / sizeof(Machine_info.num_people[0]), __MAX_PIXEL); unsigned int tmp_heihgts[6]; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (num_max_people < Machine_info.num_people[i]) { num_max_people = Machine_info.num_people[i]; } // ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG,"num_people[%d]=(%d),max :[%d]",i,Machine_info.num_people[i],num_max_people); } // https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/46676386 for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { tmp_heihgts[i] = (people_Heights[i + 1] + people_Heights[i + 2]) / 2; } drawQuadraticBezierCurve(Paint_info.Image, 480, 224, 72, 192 - people_Heights[0], 72 + 25, 192 - people_Heights[1], 72 + 25 + 12, 192 - tmp_heihgts[0], 0xff, 1); drawQuadraticBezierCurve(Paint_info.Image, 480, 224, 72 + 25 + 12, 192 - tmp_heihgts[0], 72 + 25 * 2, 192 - people_Heights[2], 72 + 25 * 2 + 12, 192 - tmp_heihgts[1], 0xff, 1); drawQuadraticBezierCurve(Paint_info.Image, 480, 224, 72 + 25 * 2 + 12, 192 - tmp_heihgts[1], 72 + 25 * 3, 192 - people_Heights[3], 72 + 25 * 3 + 12, 192 - tmp_heihgts[2], 0xff, 1); drawQuadraticBezierCurve(Paint_info.Image, 480, 224, 72 + 25 * 3 + 12, 192 - tmp_heihgts[2], 72 + 25 * 4, 192 - people_Heights[4], 72 + 25 * 4 + 12, 192 - tmp_heihgts[3], 0xff, 1); drawQuadraticBezierCurve(Paint_info.Image, 480, 224, 72 + 25 * 4 + 12, 192 - tmp_heihgts[3], 72 + 25 * 5, 192 - people_Heights[5], 72 + 25 * 5 + 12, 192 - tmp_heihgts[4], 0xff, 1); drawQuadraticBezierCurve(Paint_info.Image, 480, 224, 72 + 25 * 5 + 12, 192 - tmp_heihgts[4], 72 + 25 * 6, 192 - people_Heights[6], 72 + 25 * 7, 192 - people_Heights[7], 0xff, 1); drawQuadraticBezierCurve(Paint_info.Image, 480, 224, 72, 192 - people_Heights[0] - 1, 72 + 25, 192 - people_Heights[1] - 1, 72 + 25 + 12, 192 - tmp_heihgts[0], 0, 1); drawQuadraticBezierCurve(Paint_info.Image, 480, 224, 72 + 25 + 12, 192 - tmp_heihgts[0] - 1, 72 + 25 * 2, 192 - people_Heights[2] - 1, 72 + 25 * 2 + 12, 192 - tmp_heihgts[1] - 1, 0, 1); drawQuadraticBezierCurve(Paint_info.Image, 480, 224, 72 + 25 * 2 + 12, 192 - tmp_heihgts[1] - 1, 72 + 25 * 3, 192 - people_Heights[3] - 1, 72 + 25 * 3 + 12, 192 - tmp_heihgts[2] - 1, 0, 1); drawQuadraticBezierCurve(Paint_info.Image, 480, 224, 72 + 25 * 3 + 12, 192 - tmp_heihgts[2] - 1, 72 + 25 * 4, 192 - people_Heights[4] - 1, 72 + 25 * 4 + 12, 192 - tmp_heihgts[3] - 1, 0, 1); drawQuadraticBezierCurve(Paint_info.Image, 480, 224, 72 + 25 * 4 + 12, 192 - tmp_heihgts[3] - 1, 72 + 25 * 5, 192 - people_Heights[5] - 1, 72 + 25 * 5 + 12, 192 - tmp_heihgts[4] - 1, 0, 1); drawQuadraticBezierCurve(Paint_info.Image, 480, 224, 72 + 25 * 5 + 12, 192 - tmp_heihgts[4] - 1, 72 + 25 * 6, 192 - people_Heights[6] - 1, 72 + 25 * 7, 192 - people_Heights[7] - 1, 0, 1); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { memset(arr_string, 0, 20); if ((num_max_people <= 5) && (i == 0)) { tmp = num_max_people; } else { tmp = (num_max_people / 5) * (5 - i); } sprintf(arr_string, "%lu", tmp); // ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG,"%s",arr_string); // ESP_LOG_BUFFER_HEX(LOG_TAG,arr_string,30); Paint_DrawString_EN(60 + 200, 48 + i * 30, (char *)arr_string, &ascii_type_5x7, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); } free(manHour_Heights); free(people_Heights); Paint_DrawLine(60, 193, 80 + 7 * 25, 193, WHITE, DOT_PIXEL_1X1, LINE_STYLE_SOLID); // 画表格结束 memset(arr_string, 0, 20); itoa(Machine_info.num_manHour[7], arr_string, 10); // 最近工时显示 i = center_align(&arr_string, 160, 16, 32); Paint_DrawString_EN(300 + i, 70, (char *)arr_string, &ascii_type_16x32, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); memset(arr_string, 0, 20); itoa(Machine_info.num_people[7], arr_string, 10); // 最近人数显示 // strcat(arr_string,"123456"); i = center_align(&arr_string, 160, 8, 16); Paint_DrawString_EN(300 + i, 150, (char *)arr_string, &ascii_type_8x16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); char str_people[8] = {0xC8, 0xCB, 0xCA, 0xFD, 0x00, 0x00}; // i = center_align(&arr_string,160,8,16); Paint_DrawString_CN(300 + i + strlen(arr_string) * 4 - 16, 165, (char *)str_people, &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); // ur // Paint_DrawLine(300+i,167+18,300+i+strlen(arr_string)*8,167+18,WHITE,DOT_PIXEL_1X1,LINE_STYLE_DOTTED ); Paint_DrawLine(300 + i + strlen(arr_string) * 4 - 16, 167 + 18, 300 + i + strlen(arr_string) * 4 + 16, 167 + 18, WHITE, DOT_PIXEL_1X1, LINE_STYLE_SOLID); char *time_before = right3_change_time_to_dis(true); Paint_DrawString_EN(60, 192 + 2, time_before, &ascii_type_8x16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); free(time_before); time_before = right3_change_time_to_dis(false); Paint_DrawString_EN(60 + 150, 192 + 2, time_before, &ascii_type_8x16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); free(time_before); memcpy(partial_right3_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 480 * 224 / 8); return partial_right3_buf; } static uint8_t *partial_right4_quick(void) { uint8_t *partial_right4_buf = (uint8_t *)calloc(152 * 480 / 8, sizeof(uint8_t)); memset((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); char str_announcement[8] = {0xb9, 0xab, 0xb8, 0xe6, 0x3a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; Paint_NewImage((UBYTE *)tmp_paint_buf, 480, 152, ROTATE_0, WHITE); uint8_t *string_infor = malloc(120); memset(string_infor, 0x00, 120); strcat((char *)string_infor, str_announcement); strcat((char *)string_infor, (char *)Machine_info.announcement); Paint_DrawString_CN(10, 6, (char *)string_infor, &chinese_type_16, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); free(string_infor); // #if 0//系统消息固定 // //系统提示:系统3.01固件版本更新了新的功能,请及时更新。 // //CFB5CDB3CCE1CABE3ACFB5CDB3332E302E31B9CCBCFEB0E6B1BEB8FCD0C2C1CBD0C2B5C4B9A6C4DCA3ACC7EBBCB0CAB1B8FCD0C2A1A30A // uint8_t string_system_message[] = {0xCF,0xB5,0xCD,0xB3,0xCC,0xE1,0xCA,0xBE,0x3A,0xCF,0xB5,0xCD,0xB3,0x33,0x2E,0x30,0x2E,0x31,0xB9,0xCC,0xBC,0xFE,0xB0,0xE6,0xB1,0xBE // ,0xB8,0xFC,0xD0,0xC2,0xC1,0xCB,0xD0,0xC2,0xB5,0xC4,0xB9,0xA6,0xC4,0xDC,0xA3,0xAC, 0xC7,0xEB,0xBC,0xB0,0xCA,0xB1,0xB8,0xFC,0xD0,0xC2,0xA1,0xA3,0x0A,0x00,0x00}; // Paint_DrawString_CN(20, 122,(char*)string_system_message, &chinese_type_16,FONT_FOREGROUND,FONT_BACKGROUND ); // #else // uint8_t *string_sys = malloc(120); // char str_xitong[12] = {0xcf,0xb5,0xcd,0xb3,0xcc,0xe1,0xca,0xbe,0x3a,0x00,0x00,0x00}; // memset(string_sys,0x00,120); // strcat((char *)string_sys,str_xitong); // strcat((char *)string_sys,(char *)Machine_info.systemMessage); // Paint_DrawString_CN(10, 90,(char*)string_sys, &chinese_type_16,FONT_FOREGROUND,FONT_BACKGROUND ); // free(string_sys); // #endif memcpy(partial_right4_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 480 * 152 / 8); return partial_right4_buf; } // 下面是2023.12.31 把屏幕显示全部统一 static void dis_left_sms(void) { ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG, "dis left instruction book"); memset((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 648, 480, ROTATE_180, WHITE); Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste(gImage_left_instructions, 0, 0, 648, 480, 1); // qrcode char qrcode_string[1024] = {0}; qrcode_protocol_create(qrcode_string, Machine_info); QRGenerator_quick(qrcode_string); Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste((uint8_t *)gImage_nfc, 573, 215, 44, 44, 1); epd_init_cmd(SCREEN_LEFT); epd_display(SCREEN_LEFT, Paint_info.Image); memcpy(last_paint_buf_left, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 648 * 480 / 8); // int ret = memcmp(last_paint_buf_left,Paint_info.Image,38880); // ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG,"memcmp :ret = %d",ret); if (memcmp(last_paint_buf_left, Paint_info.Image, 38880)) { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "err:last_paint_buf_left"); } } static void dis_right_sms(void) { ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG, "dis right instruction book"); memset((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 648, 480, ROTATE_270, WHITE); Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste(gImage_right_instruction, 0, 0, 480, 648, 1); //关机显示工站名称 int x = center_align(Machine_info.station_name, 480, 16, 32); Paint_DrawString_CN(x, 25, &Machine_info.station_name, &chinese_type_32, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); if (!decection_state_0()) // 判断充电中逻辑 { #define BAT_X_OFFSET 2 #define BAT_Y_OFFSET 2 Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste((uint8_t *)gImage_battery, 480 - 50 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 24, 37, 18, 1); ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG, "判断充电中逻辑batt_precent = %d", Machine_info.batt_precent); switch (Machine_info.batt_precent) { case 0: break; case 1 ... 24: Paint_DrawRectangle(433 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 27, 439 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 41, WHITE, 1, 1); break; case 25 ... 49: Paint_DrawRectangle(433 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 27, 439 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 41, WHITE, 1, 1); Paint_DrawRectangle(441 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 27, 447 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 41, WHITE, 1, 1); break; case 50 ... 74: Paint_DrawRectangle(433 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 27, 439 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 41, WHITE, 1, 1); Paint_DrawRectangle(441 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 27, 447 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 41, WHITE, 1, 1); Paint_DrawRectangle(449 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 27, 455 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 41, WHITE, 1, 1); break; case 75 ... 99: Paint_DrawRectangle(433 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 27, 439 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 41, WHITE, 1, 1); Paint_DrawRectangle(441 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 27, 447 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 41, WHITE, 1, 1); Paint_DrawRectangle(449 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 27, 455 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 41, WHITE, 1, 1); Paint_DrawRectangle(457 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 27, 462 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 41, WHITE, 1, 1); break; case 100: Paint_DrawRectangle(433 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 27, 439 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 41, WHITE, 1, 1); Paint_DrawRectangle(441 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 27, 447 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 41, WHITE, 1, 1); Paint_DrawRectangle(449 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 27, 455 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 41, WHITE, 1, 1); Paint_DrawRectangle(457 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 27, 462 - BAT_X_OFFSET, 41, WHITE, 1, 1); break; default: break; } Machine_info.batt_precent = read_battery_voltage(); if (Machine_info.batt_precent >= 95) { Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste((uint8_t *)gImage_filled, 480 - 47 + 37, 27 - BAT_Y_OFFSET, 8, 18, 1); } else { Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste((uint8_t *)gImage_charging, 480 - 47 + 35, 27 - BAT_Y_OFFSET, 8, 18, 1); } } else { if (read_battery_voltage() < 10) { Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste(gImage_low_batt, 30, 428, 420, 154, 1); // 低电量请充电 Paint_DrawRectangle(30, 428+154, 420, 640, BLACK, 1, 1); } } epd_init_cmd(SCREEN_RIGHT); epd_display(SCREEN_RIGHT, Paint_info.Image); memcpy(last_paint_buf_right, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 648 * 480 / 8); if (memcmp(last_paint_buf_right, Paint_info.Image, 38880)) { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "err:右屏说明书保存失败"); } } void Paint_leftScreen(bool is_poweron, bool is_quick) { ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "Paint_leftScreen %s - %s ", is_quick ? "quick" : "low", is_poweron ? "poweron" : "poweroff"); if (!is_poweron) { // 关机展示说明书 dis_left_sms(); return; } int x = 0; // 居中偏移 // 先利用NewImage,得到各个部分的图像buf // 再画图 uint8_t *image_320x384_buf = (uint8_t *)calloc(320 * 384 / 8, sizeof(uint8_t)); #if 1 uint8_t *tmp = NULL; switch (Machine_info.left_display_mode) { case 0x00: // ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG,"left_display_mode 0x01:"); break; case 0x01: /* code */ tmp = partial_bar_chart_07_02_quick(&Machine_info); break; case 0x02: /* code */ tmp = partial_bar_chart_07_03_quick(&Machine_info); break; case 0x03: /* code */ tmp = partial_bar_chart_07_04_quick(&Machine_info); break; default: break; } #else tmp = partial_bar_chart_07_04_quick(info); #endif memset((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 64, 32, ROTATE_0, WHITE); x = center_align(&Machine_info.btn_operation, 64, 16, 32); Paint_DrawString_CN(0 + x, 0, (char *)Machine_info.btn_operation, &chinese_type_32, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); uint8_t *operation_64x32_buf = (uint8_t *)calloc(64 * 32 / 8, sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(operation_64x32_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 64 * 32 / 8); memset((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 96, 48, ROTATE_0, WHITE); Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste(operation_64x32_buf, 16, 8, 64, 32, 1); uint8_t *operation_background_96x48_buf = (uint8_t *)calloc(96 * 48 / 8, sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(operation_background_96x48_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 96 * 48 / 8); free(operation_64x32_buf); // str_shutDown memset((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 32, 64, ROTATE_90, WHITE); x = center_align(&Machine_info.btn_shutDown_info, 64, 16, 32); Paint_DrawString_CN(0, 0, (char *)Machine_info.btn_shutDown_info, &chinese_type_32, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); uint8_t *shutDown_64x32_buf = (uint8_t *)calloc(64 * 32 / 8, sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(shutDown_64x32_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 64 * 32 / 8); memset((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 48, 96, ROTATE_0, WHITE); Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste(shutDown_64x32_buf, 8, 16, 32, 64, 1); uint8_t *shutDown_background_96x48_buf = (uint8_t *)calloc(96 * 48 / 8, sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(shutDown_background_96x48_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 96 * 48 / 8); free(shutDown_64x32_buf); // str_breakDown memset((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 32, 64, ROTATE_90, WHITE); x = center_align(&Machine_info.btn_breakDown_info, 64, 16, 32); Paint_DrawString_CN(0, 0, (char *)Machine_info.btn_breakDown_info, &chinese_type_32, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); uint8_t *breakDown_64x32_buf = (uint8_t *)calloc(64 * 32 / 8, sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(breakDown_64x32_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 64 * 32 / 8); memset((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 48, 96, ROTATE_0, WHITE); Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste(breakDown_64x32_buf, 8, 16, 32, 64, 1); uint8_t *breakDown_background_96x48_buf = (uint8_t *)calloc(96 * 48 / 8, sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(breakDown_background_96x48_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 96 * 48 / 8); free(breakDown_64x32_buf); // str_safeKeep memset((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 64, 32, ROTATE_0, WHITE); x = center_align(&Machine_info.btn_safeKeep_info, 64, 16, 32); Paint_DrawString_CN(0, 0, (char *)Machine_info.btn_safeKeep_info, &chinese_type_32, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); uint8_t *safeKeep_64x32_buf = (uint8_t *)calloc(64 * 32 / 8, sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(safeKeep_64x32_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 64 * 32 / 8); memset((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 96, 48, ROTATE_0, WHITE); Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste(safeKeep_64x32_buf, 16, 8, 64, 32, 1); uint8_t *safeKeep_background_96x48_buf = (uint8_t *)calloc(96 * 48 / 8, sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(safeKeep_background_96x48_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 96 * 48 / 8); free(safeKeep_64x32_buf); // str_upKeep memset((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 32, 64, ROTATE_270, WHITE); x = center_align(&Machine_info.btn_upKeep_info, 64, 16, 32); Paint_DrawString_CN(0, 0, (char *)Machine_info.btn_upKeep_info, &chinese_type_32, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); uint8_t *upKeep_64x32_buf = (uint8_t *)calloc(64 * 32 / 8, sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(upKeep_64x32_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 64 * 32 / 8); memset((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 48, 96, ROTATE_0, WHITE); Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste(upKeep_64x32_buf, 8, 16, 32, 64, 1); uint8_t *upKeep_background_96x48_buf = (uint8_t *)calloc(96 * 48 / 8, sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(upKeep_background_96x48_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 96 * 48 / 8); free(upKeep_64x32_buf); // str_waitMaterials memset((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 32, 64, ROTATE_270, WHITE); x = center_align(&Machine_info.btn_waitMaterials_info, 64, 16, 32); Paint_DrawString_CN(0, 0, (char *)Machine_info.btn_waitMaterials_info, &chinese_type_32, FONT_FOREGROUND, FONT_BACKGROUND); uint8_t *waitMaterials_64x32_buf = (uint8_t *)calloc(64 * 32 / 8, sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(waitMaterials_64x32_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 64 * 32 / 8); memset((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 48, 96, ROTATE_0, WHITE); Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste(waitMaterials_64x32_buf, 8, 16, 32, 64, 1); uint8_t *waitMaterials_background_96x48_buf = (uint8_t *)calloc(96 * 48 / 8, sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(waitMaterials_background_96x48_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 96 * 48 / 8); free(waitMaterials_64x32_buf); uint8_t *background_128x64_buf = (uint8_t *)calloc(128 * 64 / 8, sizeof(uint8_t)); // 得到图像buf // ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG, "----------------Machine_info.left_state = %d-------left_display_mode =%d -------\r\n", Machine_info.left_state, Machine_info.left_display_mode); switch (Machine_info.left_state) { case STATE_NONE: case STATE_OPERATION: { if (Machine_info.left_display_mode == 0) { memset((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 96, 48, ROTATE_0, WHITE); Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste((uint8_t *)gImage_button, 0, 0, 96, 48, 1); x = center_align(&Machine_info.btn_operation, 64, 16, 32); Paint_DrawString_CN(16 + x, 8, (char *)Machine_info.btn_operation, &chinese_type_32, FONT_BACKGROUND, FONT_FOREGROUND); memcpy(operation_background_96x48_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 96 * 48 / 8); memset((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 320, 384, ROTATE_0, WHITE); Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste((uint8_t *)gImage_mid_, 0, 0, 320, 384, 1); x = center_align(&Machine_info.btn_operation, 128, 64, 64); Paint_DrawString_CN64(96 + x, 160, (char *)Machine_info.btn_operation); memcpy(image_320x384_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 320 * 384 / 8); } else { memset((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 128, 64, ROTATE_0, WHITE); Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste((uint8_t *)gImage_button_128x64, 0, 0, 128, 64, 1); x = center_align(&Machine_info.btn_operation, 96, 24, 48); // Paint_DrawString_CN(16+x,8,(char*)Machine_info.btn_operation,&chinese_type_32,FONT_BACKGROUND,FONT_FOREGROUND); Paint_DrawString_CN48(16 + x, 8, (char *)Machine_info.btn_operation, false); memcpy(background_128x64_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 128 * 64 / 8); } } break; case STATE_SHUT_DOWN: { if (Machine_info.left_display_mode == 0) { memset((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 48, 96, ROTATE_90, WHITE); Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste((uint8_t *)gImage_button, 0, 0, 96, 48, 1); x = center_align(&Machine_info.btn_shutDown_info, 64, 16, 32); Paint_DrawString_CN(16 + x, 8, (char *)Machine_info.btn_shutDown_info, &chinese_type_32, FONT_BACKGROUND, FONT_FOREGROUND); memcpy(shutDown_background_96x48_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 96 * 48 / 8); memset((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 320, 384, ROTATE_0, WHITE); Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste((uint8_t *)gImage_right_, 0, 0, 320, 384, 1); x = center_align(&Machine_info.btn_shutDown_info, 128, 64, 64); Paint_DrawString_CN64(96 + x, 160, (char *)Machine_info.btn_shutDown_info); memcpy(image_320x384_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 320 * 384 / 8); } else { memset((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 64, 128, ROTATE_90, WHITE); Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste((uint8_t *)gImage_button_128x64, 0, 0, 128, 64, 1); x = center_align(&Machine_info.btn_shutDown_info, 96, 24, 48); // Paint_DrawString_CN(16+x,8,(char*)Machine_info.btn_shutDown_info,&chinese_type_32,FONT_BACKGROUND,FONT_FOREGROUND); Paint_DrawString_CN48(16 + x, 8, (char *)Machine_info.btn_shutDown_info, false); memcpy(background_128x64_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 128 * 64 / 8); } } break; case STATE_BREAKDOWN: { if (Machine_info.left_display_mode == 0) { memset((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 48, 96, ROTATE_90, WHITE); Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste((uint8_t *)gImage_button, 0, 0, 96, 48, 1); x = center_align(&Machine_info.btn_breakDown_info, 64, 16, 32); Paint_DrawString_CN(16 + x, 8, (char *)Machine_info.btn_breakDown_info, &chinese_type_32, FONT_BACKGROUND, FONT_FOREGROUND); memcpy(breakDown_background_96x48_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 96 * 48 / 8); memset((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 320, 384, ROTATE_180, WHITE); Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste((uint8_t *)gImage_left_, 0, 0, 320, 384, 1); memcpy(image_320x384_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 320 * 384 / 8); Paint_NewImage(image_320x384_buf, 320, 384, ROTATE_0, WHITE); x = center_align(&Machine_info.btn_breakDown_info, 128, 64, 64); Paint_DrawString_CN64(96 + x, 160, (char *)Machine_info.btn_breakDown_info); memcpy(image_320x384_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 320 * 384 / 8); } else { memset((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 64, 128, ROTATE_90, WHITE); Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste((uint8_t *)gImage_button_128x64, 0, 0, 128, 64, 1); x = center_align(&Machine_info.btn_breakDown_info, 96, 24, 48); // Paint_DrawString_CN(16+x,8,(char*)Machine_info.btn_breakDown_info,&chinese_type_32,FONT_BACKGROUND,FONT_FOREGROUND); Paint_DrawString_CN48(16 + x, 8, (char *)Machine_info.btn_breakDown_info, false); memcpy(background_128x64_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 128 * 64 / 8); } } break; case STATE_SAFEKEEP: { if (Machine_info.left_display_mode == 0) { memset((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 96, 48, ROTATE_0, WHITE); Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste((uint8_t *)gImage_button, 0, 0, 96, 48, 1); x = center_align(&Machine_info.btn_safeKeep_info, 64, 16, 32); Paint_DrawString_CN(16 + x, 8, (char *)Machine_info.btn_safeKeep_info, &chinese_type_32, FONT_BACKGROUND, FONT_FOREGROUND); memcpy(safeKeep_background_96x48_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 96 * 48 / 8); memset((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 320, 384, ROTATE_180, WHITE); Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste((uint8_t *)gImage_mid_, 0, 0, 320, 384, 1); memcpy(image_320x384_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 320 * 384 / 8); Paint_NewImage(image_320x384_buf, 320, 384, ROTATE_0, WHITE); x = center_align(&Machine_info.btn_safeKeep_info, 128, 64, 64); Paint_DrawString_CN64(96 + x, 160, (char *)Machine_info.btn_safeKeep_info); memcpy(image_320x384_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 320 * 384 / 8); } else { memset((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 128, 64, ROTATE_0, WHITE); Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste((uint8_t *)gImage_button_128x64, 0, 0, 128, 64, 1); x = center_align(&Machine_info.btn_safeKeep_info, 96, 24, 48); // Paint_DrawString_CN(16+x,8,(char*)Machine_info.btn_safeKeep_info,&chinese_type_32,FONT_BACKGROUND,FONT_FOREGROUND); Paint_DrawString_CN48(16 + x, 8, (char *)Machine_info.btn_safeKeep_info, false); memcpy(background_128x64_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 128 * 64 / 8); } } break; case STATE_UPKEEP: { if (Machine_info.left_display_mode == 0) { memset((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 48, 96, ROTATE_270, WHITE); Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste((uint8_t *)gImage_button, 0, 0, 96, 48, 1); x = center_align(&Machine_info.btn_upKeep_info, 64, 16, 32); Paint_DrawString_CN(16 + x, 8, (char *)Machine_info.btn_upKeep_info, &chinese_type_32, FONT_BACKGROUND, FONT_FOREGROUND); memcpy(upKeep_background_96x48_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 96 * 48 / 8); memset((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 320, 384, ROTATE_180, WHITE); Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste((uint8_t *)gImage_right_, 0, 0, 320, 384, 1); memcpy(image_320x384_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 320 * 384 / 8); Paint_NewImage(image_320x384_buf, 320, 384, ROTATE_0, WHITE); x = center_align(&Machine_info.btn_upKeep_info, 128, 64, 64); Paint_DrawString_CN64(96 + x, 160, (char *)Machine_info.btn_upKeep_info); memcpy(image_320x384_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 320 * 384 / 8); } else { memset((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 64, 128, ROTATE_270, WHITE); Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste((uint8_t *)gImage_button_128x64, 0, 0, 128, 64, 1); x = center_align(&Machine_info.btn_upKeep_info, 96, 24, 48); // Paint_DrawString_CN(16+x,8,(char*)Machine_info.btn_upKeep_info,&chinese_type_32,FONT_BACKGROUND,FONT_FOREGROUND); Paint_DrawString_CN48(16 + x, 8, (char *)Machine_info.btn_upKeep_info, false); memcpy(background_128x64_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 128 * 64 / 8); } } break; case STATE_WAIT_MATERIALS: { if (Machine_info.left_display_mode == 0) { memset((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 48, 96, ROTATE_270, WHITE); Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste((uint8_t *)gImage_button, 0, 0, 96, 48, 1); x = center_align(&Machine_info.btn_waitMaterials_info, 64, 16, 32); Paint_DrawString_CN(16 + x, 8, (char *)Machine_info.btn_waitMaterials_info, &chinese_type_32, FONT_BACKGROUND, FONT_FOREGROUND); memcpy(waitMaterials_background_96x48_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 96 * 48 / 8); // 黑底白字 memset((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 320, 384, ROTATE_0, WHITE); Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste((uint8_t *)gImage_left_, 0, 0, 320, 384, 1); x = center_align(&Machine_info.btn_waitMaterials_info, 128, 64, 64); Paint_DrawString_CN64(96 + x, 160, (char *)Machine_info.btn_waitMaterials_info); memcpy(image_320x384_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 320 * 384 / 8); } else { memset((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 64, 128, ROTATE_270, WHITE); Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste((uint8_t *)gImage_button_128x64, 0, 0, 128, 64, 1); x = center_align(&Machine_info.btn_waitMaterials_info, 96, 24, 48); // Paint_DrawString_CN(16+x,8,(char*)Machine_info.btn_waitMaterials_info,&chinese_type_32,FONT_BACKGROUND,FONT_FOREGROUND); Paint_DrawString_CN48(16 + x, 8, (char *)Machine_info.btn_waitMaterials_info, false); memcpy(background_128x64_buf, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 128 * 64 / 8); // 黑底白字 } } break; default: ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, " err: (info->left_state)"); break; } // 画图 memset((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 648, 480, ROTATE_180, WHITE); Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste(operation_background_96x48_buf, 272, 0, 96, 48, 1); Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste(shutDown_background_96x48_buf, 600, 48, 48, 96, 1); Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste(breakDown_background_96x48_buf, 600, 336, 48, 96, 1); Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste(safeKeep_background_96x48_buf, 272, 432, 96, 48, 1); Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste(upKeep_background_96x48_buf, 0, 336, 48, 96, 1); Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste(waitMaterials_background_96x48_buf, 0, 48, 48, 96, 1); free(operation_background_96x48_buf); free(shutDown_background_96x48_buf); free(breakDown_background_96x48_buf); free(upKeep_background_96x48_buf); free(safeKeep_background_96x48_buf); free(waitMaterials_background_96x48_buf); if (Machine_info.left_display_mode != 0) { switch (Machine_info.left_state) { case STATE_NONE: case STATE_OPERATION: Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste(background_128x64_buf, 272 - 16, 0, 128, 64, 1); break; case STATE_SHUT_DOWN: Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste(background_128x64_buf, 600 - 16, 48 - 8, 64, 128, 1); break; case STATE_BREAKDOWN: Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste(background_128x64_buf, 600 - 16, 336 - 8, 64, 128, 1); break; case STATE_SAFEKEEP: Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste(background_128x64_buf, 272 - 16, 432 - 16, 128, 64, 1); break; case STATE_UPKEEP: Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste(background_128x64_buf, 0, 336 - 16, 64, 128, 1); break; case STATE_WAIT_MATERIALS: Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste(background_128x64_buf, 0, 48 - 16, 64, 128, 1); break; default: break; } } free(background_128x64_buf); Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste((uint8_t *)gImage_nfc, 573, 215, 44, 44, 1); if ((Machine_info.left_display_mode == 0x00)) { Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste(image_320x384_buf, 164, 48, 320, 384, 1); } else { Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste(tmp, 84, 90, 480, 300, 1); // 648-480 168 free(tmp); } // qrcode char qrcode_string[1024] = {0}; qrcode_protocol_create(qrcode_string, Machine_info); QRGenerator_quick(qrcode_string); // // printf("btn_operation = %s\r\n",Machine_info.btn_operation); // printf("btn_breakDown_info = %s\r\n",Machine_info.btn_breakDown_info); // printf("btn_upKeep_info = %s\r\n",Machine_info.btn_upKeep_info); // printf("btn_shutDown_info = %s\r\n",Machine_info.btn_shutDown_info); // printf("btn_safeKeep_info = %s\r\n",Machine_info.btn_safeKeep_info); // printf("btn_waitMaterials_info = %s\r\n",Machine_info.btn_operation); int reson = is_wake_up_reson(); // 返回唤醒的原 if (is_quick) { bool ret = epd_cache_quick(SCREEN_LEFT, (uint8_t *)last_paint_buf_left, Paint_info.Image); epd_powerOn_refresh_sleep(SCREEN_LEFT); } else { epd_init_cmd(SCREEN_LEFT); epd_display(SCREEN_LEFT, Paint_info.Image); } // 保存上一帧画面 memcpy(last_paint_buf_left, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 648 * 480 / 8); if (memcmp(last_paint_buf_left, Paint_info.Image, 38880)) { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "err:last_paint_buf_left"); } free(image_320x384_buf); } void Paint_rightScreen(bool is_poweron, bool is_quick) { ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "Paint_rightScreen %s - %s ", is_quick ? "quick" : "low", is_poweron ? "poweron" : "poweroff"); if (!is_poweron) { // 关机展示说明书 dis_right_sms(); return; } uint8_t *right1_buf = partial_right1_quick(&Machine_info); uint8_t *right2_buf = partial_right2_quick(); uint8_t *right3_buf = NULL; if (Machine_info.right_display_mode == 1) { right3_buf = partial_right3_2_quick(); } else { right3_buf = partial_right3_quick(); } uint8_t *right4_buf = partial_right4_quick(); memset((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 0, DISPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE /*sizeof(tmp_paint_buf)*/); Paint_NewImage((uint8_t *)tmp_paint_buf, 648, 480, ROTATE_270, WHITE); Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste(right1_buf, 0, 0, 480, 100, 1); free(right1_buf); Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste(right2_buf, 0, 100, 480, 172, 1); free(right2_buf); Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste(right3_buf, 0, 272, 480, 224, 1); free(right3_buf); Paint_DrawBitMap_Paste(right4_buf, 0, 496, 480, 152, 1); free(right4_buf); if (is_quick) { bool ret = epd_cache_quick(SCREEN_RIGHT, (uint8_t *)last_paint_buf_right, Paint_info.Image); epd_powerOn_refresh_sleep(SCREEN_RIGHT); } else { epd_init_cmd(SCREEN_RIGHT); epd_display(SCREEN_RIGHT, Paint_info.Image); } // 保存右屏上一帧画面 memcpy(last_paint_buf_right, Paint_info.Image, sizeof(uint8_t) * 648 * 480 / 8); // int ret = memcmp(last_paint_buf_right,Paint_info.Image,38880); // ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG,"memcmp :ret = %d",ret); if (memcmp(last_paint_buf_right, Paint_info.Image, 38880)) { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "err:last_paint_buf_right"); } Machine_info.last_batt_precent = Machine_info.batt_precent; // 右屏刷完后记录电池电量 }