#include "yc_protocol.h" #include "esp_log.h" #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/task.h" #include "freertos/queue.h" #include "esp_mac.h" #include "stdbool.h" #include "esp_timer.h" #include "list.h" #include "user_time.h" #include "freertos/event_groups.h" #include "list.h" #include "wait_list.h" #include #include #include #include "driver/uart.h" #include "freertos/timers.h" #include "SPIFFS.h" // #include "user_config.h" RTC_NOINIT_ATTR Screen_dis_t screen_dis_info; // 声明一个TimerHandle_t类型的变量,用于存储定时器句柄 extern EventGroupHandle_t screen_event; extern int retry_times; static const char *LOG_TAG = "yc_protocol"; // esp_timer_handle_t periodic_timer; esp_timer_handle_t lora_timer; TERMINAL_INFO_T terminal_info; // 保存收到的lora数据 Button_Time_t last_button_info; Button_Time_t new_button_info; Button_Time_t _0703_button_info; void changebintotxt(uint8_t *strb, int len); Node *clockIn_list = NULL; // 打卡 n:crc(ID) cmd:打卡类型 data:ID extern char str_operation[6]; // 运行 extern char str_upKeep[6]; // 保养 extern char str_shutDown[6]; // 停机 extern char str_safeKeep[6]; // 封存 extern char str_waitMaterials[6]; // 待料 extern char str_breakDown[6]; // 故障 extern QueueHandle_t screen_queue; uint8_t mac_addr[6]; extern QueueHandle_t yc_data_queue; extern YC_DATA_T yc_data; // extern ListNode *list_head; #define LEFT_FLAG 1 #define RIGHT_FLAG 2 static uint8_t display_flag = 0; // 1:left 2:right #if 1 #include "esp_attr.h" RTC_FAST_ATTR Person_t person[5] = { { .person_type = Administrator, }, { .person_type = product_person, }, { .person_type = repair_person, }, { .person_type = Maintenance_person, }, { .person_type = check_person, }, }; #endif void reset_default(bool is_dis, uint8_t power_status) { extern Machine_info_t default_info; Machine_info_t tmp; memcpy(&tmp, &default_info, sizeof(Machine_info_t)); tmp.power_status = power_status; esp_read_mac((uint8_t *)tmp.mac_addr, ESP_MAC_WIFI_STA); memcpy(&tmp.cid, &Machine_info.cid, 20); tmp.batt_precent = Machine_info.batt_precent; tmp.last_batt_precent = Machine_info.last_batt_precent; tmp.rssi = Machine_info.rssi; memcpy(&Machine_info, &tmp, sizeof(Machine_info_t)); // 恢复默认 spiffs_write(&Machine_info); // 保存Machine_info if (!is_dis) { return; } // xQueueReset(screen_queue); set_screen_dis_info_and_send_queue(false, true, false, false, 100); set_screen_dis_info_and_send_queue(true, false, false, false, 100); } /* * 使用 vTaskList() 前需使能: * Enable FreeRTOS trace facility * Enable FreeRTOS stats formatting functions */ void print_systenInfo(void) { printf("=================================\r\n"); printf("=======%s======\r\n", "2024.1.9 [18时] burn"); // 打印烧录时间 printf("=============%s===========\r\n", __TIME__); printf("=================================\r\n"); printf("========version V %d.%d.%d==========\r\n", VERSION_X, VERSION_Y, VERSION_Z); esp_efuse_mac_get_default((uint8_t *)mac_addr); esp_efuse_mac_get_default((uint8_t *)Machine_info.mac_addr); #if 1 // 获取mac地址 uint8_t macAddr[6]; esp_read_mac((uint8_t *)macAddr, ESP_MAC_WIFI_STA); // 保留以前的mac地址段 // mac_addr[0]+=0x02; { printf("mac addr : %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", macAddr[0], macAddr[1], macAddr[2], macAddr[3], macAddr[4], macAddr[5]); } memcpy((uint8_t *)Machine_info.mac_addr, macAddr, 6); // Machine_info.mac_addr[0]= Machine_info.mac_addr[0]+0x02; printf("Machine_info mac addr : %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", Machine_info.mac_addr[0], Machine_info.mac_addr[1], Machine_info.mac_addr[2], Machine_info.mac_addr[3], Machine_info.mac_addr[4], Machine_info.mac_addr[5]); #endif printf("free_heap_size:%ld \r\n free_internal_heap_size:%ld \r\n minimum_free_heap_size:%ld\r\n", esp_get_free_heap_size(), esp_get_free_internal_heap_size(), esp_get_minimum_free_heap_size()); #if 0 ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG,"mac:[%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x]",\ mac_addr[0],mac_addr[1],mac_addr[2],mac_addr[3],mac_addr[4],mac_addr[05]); static char InfoBuffer[512] = {0}; vTaskList((char*)&InfoBuffer); ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG,"free_heap_size:%ld \nfree_internal_heap_size:%ld \nminimum_free_heap_size:%ld",\ esp_get_free_heap_size(),esp_get_free_internal_heap_size(),esp_get_minimum_free_heap_size()); printf("任务名 任务状态 优先级 剩余栈 任务序号\r\n"); printf("\r\n%s\r\n", InfoBuffer); #endif } void f_send_update_status(void); void f_send_status_duration(void); void set_screen_dis_info_and_send_queue(bool is_into_sleep, bool is_left, bool is_change_power, bool is_dont_dis, int ms) { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "set_screen_dis_info_and_send_queue %d %d %d %d %d ", is_into_sleep, is_left, is_change_power, is_dont_dis, ms); screen_dis_info.is_into_sleep = is_into_sleep; screen_dis_info.is_left = is_left; screen_dis_info.is_change_power = is_change_power; screen_dis_info.is_dont_dis = is_dont_dis; screen_dis_info.sleep_ms = ms; if (xQueueSend(screen_queue, &screen_dis_info, portMAX_DELAY) != true) { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "err:screen queue send fail"); } } void terminal_send_data(void) { // vTaskDelay(100 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); f_send_status_duration(); // vTaskDelay(50 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); f_send_update_status(); // vTaskDelay(100 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); } void update_last_button_info(uint8_t btn) { #if 0 memset(&last_button_info,0,sizeof(Button_Time_t)); last_button_info.button_info = btn; last_button_info.Year = Machine_info.year; last_button_info.Month = Machine_info.month; last_button_info.Day = Machine_info.day; last_button_info.Hour = Machine_info.hour; last_button_info.Minute = Machine_info.min; last_button_info.Second = Machine_info.sec; ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG,"btn = %d [%d-%d-%d]%d:%d:%d", btn, Machine_info.year,Machine_info.month,Machine_info.day,\ Machine_info.hour, Machine_info.min,Machine_info.sec); //last_button_info.time_min = 0; #else // 更新上次的状态 // 获取当前时间 getRtcTime(&Machine_info); Machine_info.last_button.button_info = btn; Machine_info.last_button.Year = Machine_info.year; Machine_info.last_button.Month = Machine_info.month; Machine_info.last_button.Day = Machine_info.day; Machine_info.last_button.Hour = Machine_info.hour; Machine_info.last_button.Minute = Machine_info.min; Machine_info.last_button.Second = Machine_info.sec; Machine_info.last_button.time_min = 0x00000000; #endif } void screen_display(void) { // font_exit_sleep(); EventBits_t bits = xEventGroupWaitBits(screen_event, LEFT_SCREEN_BIT | RIGHT_SCREEN_BIT, pdTRUE, pdFALSE, 0); ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG, "xEventGroupWaitBits bits = %ld", bits); /* xEventGroupWaitBits() returns the bits before the call returned, hence we can test which event actually * happened. */ if (bits == 3) { // xQueueReset(screen_queue); Machine_info.left_current_Quick_refresh_time = 4; // 刷两个屏最好不同时慢刷 set_screen_dis_info_and_send_queue(false, true, false, false, 100); set_screen_dis_info_and_send_queue(true, false, false, false, 100); } else if (bits & RIGHT_SCREEN_BIT) { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "RIGHT_SCREEN_BIT"); set_screen_dis_info_and_send_queue(true, false, false, false, 100); } else if (bits & LEFT_SCREEN_BIT) { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "LEFT_SCREEN_BIT"); set_screen_dis_info_and_send_queue(true, true, false, false, 100); } else { ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "UNEXPECTED EVENT"); } } void print_yc_data(const LORA_DATA_T *buf) { int len = (buf->data_buf[13 + 2]) << 8 | (buf->data_buf[14 + 2]); ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "\n总长:0x%02x,crc:0x%02x,\ \nmac:[%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x], \ \n组内编号:%02x,\ cmd:0x%02x,\ 总包数:%02x, 当前包:%02x,\ \n有效数据 len:0x%d", buf->data_len, buf->data_buf[4], buf->data_buf[5], buf->data_buf[6], buf->data_buf[7], buf->data_buf[8], buf->data_buf[9], buf->data_buf[10], buf->data_buf[11], buf->data_buf[12], buf->data_buf[13], buf->data_buf[14], len); for (int i = 0; i < buf->data_len; i++) { printf("%02x ", buf->data_buf[i]); if (i == (USE_DATA_LEN_INDEX + 1)) { printf("data--->\n"); } } printf("\n"); } bool filtered_data(const LORA_DATA_T *buf) { if (buf->data_buf[11] != Machine_info.eflagID) { if (Machine_info.eflagID == 0) { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "err:未分配ID"); } ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "err:eflagID:%02x ,is not %02x", Machine_info.eflagID, buf->data_buf[11]); return false; } if ((buf->data_buf[5] != Machine_info.mac_addr[0]) || (buf->data_buf[6] != Machine_info.mac_addr[1]) || (buf->data_buf[7] != Machine_info.mac_addr[2]) || (buf->data_buf[8] != Machine_info.mac_addr[3]) || (buf->data_buf[9] != Machine_info.mac_addr[4]) || (buf->data_buf[10] != Machine_info.mac_addr[5])) { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "err:mac addr:[%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x],\ is not:[%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x]", Machine_info.mac_addr[0], Machine_info.mac_addr[1], Machine_info.mac_addr[2], Machine_info.mac_addr[3], Machine_info.mac_addr[4], Machine_info.mac_addr[5], buf->data_buf[5], buf->data_buf[6], buf->data_buf[7], buf->data_buf[8], buf->data_buf[9], buf->data_buf[10]); return false; } return true; } static int time_synchronization_func(const LORA_DATA_T *buf) { int len = (buf->data_buf[USE_DATA_LEN_INDEX]) << 8 | (buf->data_buf[USE_DATA_LEN_INDEX + 1]); memcpy(terminal_info.time_synchronization, buf->data_buf + DATA_START_LEN, len); // yc_timer_restart(); // Machine_info Machine_info.year = (terminal_info.time_synchronization[0] << 8) | terminal_info.time_synchronization[1]; Machine_info.month = terminal_info.time_synchronization[2]; Machine_info.day = terminal_info.time_synchronization[3]; Machine_info.hour = terminal_info.time_synchronization[4]; Machine_info.min = terminal_info.time_synchronization[5]; Machine_info.sec = terminal_info.time_synchronization[6]; display_flag = 0; setRtcTime(Machine_info.year, Machine_info.month, Machine_info.day, Machine_info.hour, Machine_info.min, Machine_info.sec); printf("TIMER SYNC YEAR = %d,MONTH =%d,DAY=%d,HOUR=%d,MIN=%d,SEC =%d\r\n", Machine_info.year, Machine_info.month, Machine_info.day, Machine_info.hour, Machine_info.min, Machine_info.sec); getRtcTime(&Machine_info); // xEventGroupSetBits(screen_event, RIGHT_SCREEN_BIT); // printf("msg h = %02X,msg l = %02X\r\n",buf->data_buf[13],buf->data_buf[14]); int msg_id = (buf->data_buf[13] >> 8) | buf->data_buf[14]; // 获取当前消息id 用于删除 // printf("msg_id =%X\r\n",msg_id); return msg_id; } static int terminal_name_func(const LORA_DATA_T *buf) { #define FONT_MAX_LEN 8 uint8_t font_num = 0; // 获取当前的文字个数 int i = 0; int len = (buf->data_buf[USE_DATA_LEN_INDEX]) << 8 | (buf->data_buf[USE_DATA_LEN_INDEX + 1]); memset(terminal_info.terminal_name, 0, 32); memcpy(terminal_info.terminal_name, buf->data_buf + DATA_START_LEN, len); // memcpy(&Machine_info.terminal_name,&terminal_info.terminal_name,len); memset(Machine_info.terminal_name, 0x00, sizeof(Machine_info.terminal_name)); // 清除终端名称信息 font_num = len / 2; if (font_num <= FONT_MAX_LEN) { uincode2gbk((char *)terminal_info.terminal_name, len, (char *)Machine_info.terminal_name); } else { uincode2gbk((char *)terminal_info.terminal_name, FONT_MAX_LEN * 2, (char *)Machine_info.terminal_name); strcat((char *)Machine_info.terminal_name, "..."); } // printf("unicode:"); // for(i=0;idata_buf[13],buf->data_buf[14]); int msg_id = (buf->data_buf[13] >> 8) | buf->data_buf[14]; // 获取当前消息id 用于删除 // printf("msg_id =%X\r\n",msg_id); return msg_id; } static int terminal_number_func(const LORA_DATA_T *buf) { int len = (buf->data_buf[USE_DATA_LEN_INDEX]) << 8 | (buf->data_buf[USE_DATA_LEN_INDEX + 1]); memcpy(terminal_info.terminal_number, buf->data_buf + DATA_START_LEN, len); // memcpy(&Machine_info.terminal_number,&terminal_info.terminal_number,len); memset(Machine_info.terminal_number, 0x00, sizeof(Machine_info.terminal_number)); // 清除终端名称信息 uincode2gbk((char *)terminal_info.terminal_number, len, (char *)Machine_info.terminal_number); // printf("unicode:"); // for(int i=0;idata_buf[13],buf->data_buf[14]); int msg_id = (buf->data_buf[13] >> 8) | buf->data_buf[14]; // 获取当前消息id 用于删除 // printf("msg_id =%X\r\n",msg_id); return msg_id; } static int electric_quantity_func(const LORA_DATA_T *buf) { terminal_info.batt_percent = buf->data_buf[DATA_START_LEN]; ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "batt_percent : %d", terminal_info.batt_percent); // display_flag = RIGHT_FLAG; xEventGroupSetBits(screen_event, RIGHT_SCREEN_BIT); // printf("msg h = %02X,msg l = %02X\r\n",buf->data_buf[13],buf->data_buf[14]); int msg_id = (buf->data_buf[13] >> 8) | buf->data_buf[14]; // 获取当前消息id 用于删除 // printf("msg_id =%X\r\n",msg_id); return msg_id; } static int signal_strength_func(const LORA_DATA_T *buf) { // terminal_info.rssi = buf->data_buf[DATA_START_LEN]; // ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG,"rssi : %d",terminal_info.rssi); // Machine_info.rssi = terminal_info.rssi; // display_flag = RIGHT_FLAG; // printf("msg h = %02X,msg l = %02X\r\n",buf->data_buf[13],buf->data_buf[14]); int msg_id = (buf->data_buf[13] >> 8) | buf->data_buf[14]; // 获取当前消息id 用于删除 // printf("msg_id =%X\r\n",msg_id); return msg_id; } static int screen_refresh_cycle_func(const LORA_DATA_T *buf) { terminal_info.refresh_cycle = buf->data_buf[DATA_START_LEN]; ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "refresh_cycle : %d", terminal_info.refresh_cycle); Machine_info.refresh_cycle = terminal_info.refresh_cycle; // display_flag = RIGHT_FLAG; xEventGroupSetBits(screen_event, RIGHT_SCREEN_BIT); // printf("msg h = %02X,msg l = %02X\r\n",buf->data_buf[13],buf->data_buf[14]); int msg_id = (buf->data_buf[13] >> 8) | buf->data_buf[14]; // 获取当前消息id 用于删除 // printf("msg_id =%X\r\n",msg_id); return msg_id; } static int screen_left_func(const LORA_DATA_T *buf) { terminal_info.left_epd = buf->data_buf[DATA_START_LEN]; ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "left_epd : %d", terminal_info.left_epd); Machine_info.left_display_mode = terminal_info.left_epd; // display_flag = LEFT_FLAG; xEventGroupSetBits(screen_event, LEFT_SCREEN_BIT); // printf("msg h = %02X,msg l = %02X\r\n",buf->data_buf[13],buf->data_buf[14]); int msg_id = (buf->data_buf[13] >> 8) | buf->data_buf[14]; // 获取当前消息id 用于删除 // printf("msg_id =%X\r\n",msg_id); return msg_id; } static int screen_right_func(const LORA_DATA_T *buf) { terminal_info.right_epd = buf->data_buf[DATA_START_LEN]; Machine_info.right_display_mode = terminal_info.right_epd; ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG, "-----right_epd : %d", terminal_info.right_epd); // display_flag = RIGHT_FLAG; xEventGroupSetBits(screen_event, RIGHT_SCREEN_BIT); // printf("msg h = %02X,msg l = %02X\r\n",buf->data_buf[13],buf->data_buf[14]); int msg_id = (buf->data_buf[13] >> 8) | buf->data_buf[14]; // 获取当前消息id 用于删除 // printf("msg_id =%X\r\n",msg_id); return msg_id; } static int rsponsible_person_change_func(const LORA_DATA_T *buf) { int len = ((buf->data_buf[USE_DATA_LEN_INDEX]) << 8) | ((buf->data_buf[USE_DATA_LEN_INDEX + 1])); // for(int i = 0;idata_len;i++) // { // printf("%02X",buf->data_buf[i]); // } int msg_id = (buf->data_buf[13] >> 8) | buf->data_buf[14]; // 获取当前消息id 用于删除 ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG, "tmp name len = %d", len); memcpy(terminal_info.rsponsible_person_change, buf->data_buf + DATA_START_LEN, len); // ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG,"mode:[%02x] len = %d",terminal_info.rsponsible_person_change[2],len); uint16_t tmp_number; uint8_t tmp_type; if (len == 3) { return msg_id; } else { char *tmp_name; tmp_name = (char *)malloc((len - 3 + 1)); memset(tmp_name, 0x00, (len - 3 + 1)); uincode2gbk((char *)terminal_info.rsponsible_person_change + 3, (len - 3), tmp_name); // printf("tmp_name = %s\r\n",tmp_name); tmp_name[len - 2] = '\0'; // memcpy(tmp_name,(char*)terminal_info.rsponsible_person_change+3,len-3); #if 0 for(int i=0;idata_buf[13],buf->data_buf[14]); // printf("msg_id =%X\r\n",msg_id); free(tmp_name); tmp_name = NULL; } return msg_id; } static int rsponsible_person_delete_func(const LORA_DATA_T *buf) { uint16_t tmp_number; uint8_t tmp_type; int len = (buf->data_buf[USE_DATA_LEN_INDEX]) << 8 | (buf->data_buf[USE_DATA_LEN_INDEX + 1]); memcpy(terminal_info.rsponsible_person_delete, buf->data_buf + DATA_START_LEN, len); tmp_number = (terminal_info.rsponsible_person_delete[0] << 8) | (terminal_info.rsponsible_person_delete[1] & 0xFF); tmp_type = terminal_info.rsponsible_person_delete[2]; #if 1 int num = person_get_num(tmp_type); // 获取当前类型人员数量 int is_exist = person_get_num_is_exist(tmp_type, tmp_number); if (is_exist) { memset(Machine_info.person[tmp_type].string_name, 0x00, sizeof(Machine_info.person[tmp_type].string_name)); person_del(tmp_type, tmp_number, NULL, Machine_info.person[tmp_type].string_name); } #endif // display_flag = RIGHT_FLAG; xEventGroupSetBits(screen_event, RIGHT_SCREEN_BIT); xEventGroupSetBits(screen_event, LEFT_SCREEN_BIT); // printf("msg h = %02X,msg l = %02X\r\n",buf->data_buf[13],buf->data_buf[14]); int msg_id = (buf->data_buf[13] >> 8) | buf->data_buf[14]; // 获取当前消息id 用于删除 // printf("msg_id =%X\r\n",msg_id); return msg_id; } // #define SET_BIT(flag,_bit) (flag |= (0x01 << _bit)) // #define CLE_BIT(flag,_bit) (flag &= ~(0x01 << _bit)) static int production_punch_func(const LORA_DATA_T *buf) { int len = (buf->data_buf[USE_DATA_LEN_INDEX]) << 8 | (buf->data_buf[USE_DATA_LEN_INDEX + 1]); memcpy(terminal_info.production_punch, buf->data_buf + DATA_START_LEN, len); ESP_LOG_BUFFER_HEX(LOG_TAG, terminal_info.production_punch, len); if (terminal_info.production_punch[1] == 0) { Machine_info.checkIn_set[terminal_info.production_punch[0]].checkIn_close = true; // 关闭该类型打卡 } else { Machine_info.checkIn_set[terminal_info.production_punch[0]].checkIn_close = false; // 开启该类型打卡 } ESP_LOGD(LOG_TAG, "打卡设置: 类型[%d] %s", terminal_info.production_punch[0], terminal_info.production_punch[1] ? "开启" : "关闭"); if (len > 2) // 数据长度大于2 ,说明设置了别名 { memset(Machine_info.checkIn_set[terminal_info.production_punch[0]].other_name, 0, 10); // memcpy(Machine_info.checkIn_set[terminal_info.production_punch[0]].other_name,terminal_info.production_punch+2,len-2); uincode2gbk((char *)terminal_info.production_punch + 2, len - 2, (char *)Machine_info.checkIn_set[terminal_info.production_punch[0]].other_name); } // display_flag = RIGHT_FLAG; xEventGroupSetBits(screen_event, RIGHT_SCREEN_BIT); xEventGroupSetBits(screen_event, LEFT_SCREEN_BIT); int msg_id = (buf->data_buf[13] >> 8) | buf->data_buf[14]; // 获取当前消息id 用于删除 return msg_id; } static int personnel_check_in_func(const LORA_DATA_T *buf) { // ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG,"check in : %s,person type : 0x%02x",buf->data_buf[DATA_START_LEN+1] ? "OUT":"IN",buf->data_buf[DATA_START_LEN]); int len = (buf->data_buf[USE_DATA_LEN_INDEX]) << 8 | (buf->data_buf[USE_DATA_LEN_INDEX + 1]); memcpy(terminal_info.personnel_check_in, buf->data_buf + DATA_START_LEN, len); // printf("msg h = %02X,msg l = %02X\r\n",buf->data_buf[13],buf->data_buf[14]); int msg_id = (buf->data_buf[13] >> 8) | buf->data_buf[14]; // 获取当前消息id 用于删除 // printf("msg_id =%X\r\n",msg_id); // display_flag = RIGHT_FLAG; xEventGroupSetBits(screen_event, RIGHT_SCREEN_BIT); xEventGroupSetBits(screen_event, LEFT_SCREEN_BIT); ESP_LOG_BUFFER_HEX(LOG_TAG, terminal_info.personnel_check_in, len); int ID_crc = crc8(&terminal_info.personnel_check_in[2], len - 2, 0x5a, 0x51); // lora_crc8( , ,0x5a,0x51);暂定对人员id求crc ESP_LOGD(LOG_TAG, "打卡类型[%d] %s ,ID_crc = %d", terminal_info.personnel_check_in[0], Machine_info.checkIn_set[terminal_info.personnel_check_in[0]].checkIn_close ? "关闭" : "开启", ID_crc); if (!(Machine_info.checkIn_set[terminal_info.personnel_check_in[0]].checkIn_close)) // 开启打卡 { if (terminal_info.personnel_check_in[1] == 0x00) // 打卡签入 { // Machine_info.personnel_check_in[terminal_info.personnel_check_in[0]]++; // Node *find = findNode(Send_list,msg_id); Machine_info.checkIn_set[terminal_info.personnel_check_in[0]].number++; Node *find = findNode(clockIn_list, ID_crc); // printList(clockIn_list); if (find == NULL) { Machine_info.checkIn_set[terminal_info.personnel_check_in[0]].real_number++; clockIn_list = postInsert(clockIn_list, ID_crc, terminal_info.personnel_check_in[0], (&terminal_info.personnel_check_in) + 2, len - 2); } else { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "该人员已存在"); } } else if (terminal_info.personnel_check_in[1] == 0x01) // check out { Node *find = findNode(clockIn_list, ID_crc); if (find != NULL) { clockIn_list = deleteNode(clockIn_list, ID_crc); Machine_info.checkIn_set[terminal_info.personnel_check_in[0]].real_number--; } } else { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "err:not in or out"); } } // printList(clockIn_list); return msg_id; } uint8_t change_btn_reversal(uint8_t reversal_btn); static void set_button_anotherName(void) // cmd 0x0d操作 { uint8_t tmp = change_btn_reversal(terminal_info.status_setting[0]); if ((terminal_info.status_setting[0] == 0) && (terminal_info.status_setting[1] == 0)) { //[0]:状态 [1]:开关 ————>运行不能关闭,这两位都为0,说明没有收到信息 // ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG,"默认按键"); return; // 没有cmd[0x0d]的lora信息 } if (terminal_info.status_setting[1] == 0x00) // close { Machine_info.btn_dis_flag[tmp - 1] = false; ESP_LOGD(LOG_TAG, "按键状态关闭,清空按键文字 状态%d", tmp); switch (terminal_info.status_setting[0]) // 按键状态关闭,清空按键文字 { case 0x00: memset(Machine_info.btn_operation, 0, 6); break; case 0x01: memset(Machine_info.btn_waitMaterials_info, 0, 6); break; case 0x02: memset(Machine_info.btn_safeKeep_info, 0, 6); break; case 0x03: memset(Machine_info.btn_breakDown_info, 0, 6); break; case 0x04: memset(Machine_info.btn_upKeep_info, 0, 6); break; case 0x05: memset(Machine_info.btn_shutDown_info, 0, 6); break; default: ESP_LOGD(LOG_TAG, "err:按键状态%d", __LINE__); break; } } else if (terminal_info.status_setting[1] == 0x01) // open { Machine_info.btn_dis_flag[tmp - 1] = true; // ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG,"别名:[%02x %02x %02x %02x]",terminal_info.status_setting[2],terminal_info.status_setting[3],terminal_info.status_setting[4],terminal_info.status_setting[5]); if ((terminal_info.status_setting[2] == 0x00) && (terminal_info.status_setting[3] == 0x00)) { // 别名为两个字,这判断第一个字为空,为空就赋值初始化的按键信息 ESP_LOGD(LOG_TAG, "button is open[other name is NULL] %d", terminal_info.status_setting[0]); switch (terminal_info.status_setting[0]) { case 0x00: // 运行 printf("clear btn_operation display\r\n"); memcpy(Machine_info.btn_operation, str_operation, 6); break; case 0x01: // 待料 printf("clear btn_waitMaterials_info display\r\n"); memcpy(Machine_info.btn_waitMaterials_info, str_waitMaterials, 6); break; case 0x02: // 封存 printf("clear btn_safeKeep_info display\r\n"); memcpy(Machine_info.btn_safeKeep_info, str_safeKeep, 6); break; case 0x03: // 故障 printf("clear btn_breakDown_info display\r\n"); memcpy(Machine_info.btn_breakDown_info, str_breakDown, 6); break; case 0x04: // 保养 printf("clear btn_upKeep_info display\r\n"); memcpy(Machine_info.btn_upKeep_info, str_upKeep, 6); break; case 0x05: // 停机 printf("clear btn_shutDown_info display\r\n"); memcpy(Machine_info.btn_shutDown_info, str_shutDown, 6); break; default: printf("other btn_operation display\r\n"); ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "err:按键状态%d", __LINE__); break; } } else { // ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG,"button is open[other name] %d",terminal_info.status_setting[0]); switch (terminal_info.status_setting[0]) { case 0x00: memset(Machine_info.btn_operation, 0, 6); uincode2gbk((char *)terminal_info.status_setting + 2, 4, (char *)Machine_info.btn_operation); // ESP_LOG_BUFFER_HEX(LOG_TAG,&Machine_info.btn_operation,6); break; case 0x01: memset(Machine_info.btn_waitMaterials_info, 0, 6); uincode2gbk((char *)terminal_info.status_setting + 2, 4, (char *)Machine_info.btn_waitMaterials_info); // ESP_LOG_BUFFER_HEX(LOG_TAG,&Machine_info.btn_waitMaterials_info,6); break; case 0x02: memset(Machine_info.btn_safeKeep_info, 0, 6); uincode2gbk((char *)terminal_info.status_setting + 2, 4, (char *)Machine_info.btn_safeKeep_info); // ESP_LOG_BUFFER_HEX(LOG_TAG,&Machine_info.btn_safeKeep_info,6); break; case 0x03: memset(Machine_info.btn_breakDown_info, 0, 6); uincode2gbk((char *)terminal_info.status_setting + 2, 4, (char *)Machine_info.btn_breakDown_info); // ESP_LOG_BUFFER_HEX(LOG_TAG,&Machine_info.btn_breakDown_info,6); break; case 0x04: memset(Machine_info.btn_upKeep_info, 0, 6); uincode2gbk((char *)terminal_info.status_setting + 2, 4, (char *)Machine_info.btn_upKeep_info); // ESP_LOG_BUFFER_HEX(LOG_TAG,&Machine_info.btn_upKeep_info,6); break; case 0x05: memset(Machine_info.btn_shutDown_info, 0, 6); uincode2gbk((char *)terminal_info.status_setting + 2, 4, (char *)Machine_info.btn_shutDown_info); // ESP_LOG_BUFFER_HEX(LOG_TAG,&Machine_info.btn_shutDown_info,6); break; default: ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "err:按键状态%d", __LINE__); break; } } } else { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "not open or close"); } } uint8_t change_btn(uint8_t btn); static int status_setting_func(const LORA_DATA_T *buf) { int len = (buf->data_buf[USE_DATA_LEN_INDEX]) << 8 | (buf->data_buf[USE_DATA_LEN_INDEX + 1]); memset(terminal_info.status_setting, 0x00, sizeof(terminal_info.status_setting)); memcpy(terminal_info.status_setting, buf->data_buf + DATA_START_LEN, len); // 别名 // ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG,"len = %d ",len); ESP_LOG_BUFFER_HEX(LOG_TAG, terminal_info.status_setting, 10); set_button_anotherName(); // 当前按键状态关闭了 if ((change_btn(Machine_info.left_state) == terminal_info.status_setting[0]) && (Machine_info.btn_dis_flag[Machine_info.left_state - 1] == false)) { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "按键发送"); send_button_key_queue(STATE_OPERATION); } else { // display_flag = LEFT_FLAG; xEventGroupSetBits(screen_event, LEFT_SCREEN_BIT); } ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG, "按键 :%s %s %s %s %s %s", Machine_info.btn_dis_flag[0] ? "开启" : "关闭", Machine_info.btn_dis_flag[1] ? "开启" : "关闭", Machine_info.btn_dis_flag[2] ? "开启" : "关闭", Machine_info.btn_dis_flag[3] ? "开启" : "关闭", Machine_info.btn_dis_flag[4] ? "开启" : "关闭", Machine_info.btn_dis_flag[5] ? "开启" : "关闭"); int msg_id = (buf->data_buf[13] >> 8) | buf->data_buf[14]; // 获取当前消息id 用于删除 return msg_id; } static int status_duration_func(const LORA_DATA_T *buf) { int len = (buf->data_buf[USE_DATA_LEN_INDEX]) << 8 | (buf->data_buf[USE_DATA_LEN_INDEX + 1]); memcpy(terminal_info.status_duration, buf->data_buf + DATA_START_LEN, len); // printf("msg h = %02X,msg l = %02X\r\n",buf->data_buf[13],buf->data_buf[14]); int msg_id = (buf->data_buf[13] >> 8) | buf->data_buf[14]; // 获取当前消息id 用于删除 // printf("msg_id =%X\r\n",msg_id); return msg_id; } static int update_and_duration_func(const LORA_DATA_T *buf) { int len = (buf->data_buf[USE_DATA_LEN_INDEX]) << 8 | (buf->data_buf[USE_DATA_LEN_INDEX + 1]); memcpy(terminal_info.update_and_duration, buf->data_buf + DATA_START_LEN, len); // printf("msg h = %02X,msg l = %02X\r\n",buf->data_buf[13],buf->data_buf[14]); int msg_id = (buf->data_buf[13] >> 8) | buf->data_buf[14]; // 获取当前消息id 用于删除 // printf("msg_id =%X\r\n",msg_id); return msg_id; } static int announcement_func(const LORA_DATA_T *buf) { int len = (buf->data_buf[USE_DATA_LEN_INDEX]) << 8 | (buf->data_buf[USE_DATA_LEN_INDEX + 1]); memcpy(terminal_info.announcement, buf->data_buf + DATA_START_LEN, len); // 拷贝公告 ESP_LOG_BUFFER_HEX(LOG_TAG, terminal_info.announcement, len); ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG, "设置公告"); // memcpy(&Machine_info.terminal_name,&terminal_info.terminal_name,len); memset(Machine_info.announcement, 0x00, sizeof(Machine_info.announcement)); // 清除终端公告信息 uincode2gbk((char *)terminal_info.announcement, len, (char *)Machine_info.announcement); // printf("unicode:"); // for(i=0;idata_buf[13],buf->data_buf[14]); int msg_id = (buf->data_buf[13] >> 8) | buf->data_buf[14]; // 获取当前消息id 用于删除 // printf("msg_id =%X\r\n",msg_id); return msg_id; } void set_statisticsData(uint8_t *data) { // memset(&Machine_info.num_goodProducts,0,32); // memset(&Machine_info.num_badProducts,0,32); #define __DATA_SIZE 24 for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { Machine_info.num_goodProducts[i] = (data[0 + i * __DATA_SIZE] << 24) | (data[1 + i * __DATA_SIZE] << 16) | (data[2 + i * __DATA_SIZE] << 8) | (data[3 + i * __DATA_SIZE]); Machine_info.num_badProducts[i] = (data[4 + i * __DATA_SIZE] << 24) | (data[5 + i * __DATA_SIZE] << 16) | (data[6 + i * __DATA_SIZE] << 8) | (data[7 + i * __DATA_SIZE]); Machine_info.scale_UR_int[i] = (data[8 + i * __DATA_SIZE]); Machine_info.scale_UR_dec[i] = (data[9 + i * __DATA_SIZE]); Machine_info.scale_YR_int[i] = (data[10 + i * __DATA_SIZE]); Machine_info.scale_YR_dec[i] = (data[11 + i * __DATA_SIZE]); Machine_info.num_manHour[i] = (data[12 + i * __DATA_SIZE] << 8) | (data[13 + i * __DATA_SIZE]); Machine_info.num_people[i] = (data[14 + i * __DATA_SIZE] << 8) | (data[15 + i * __DATA_SIZE]); Machine_info.num_production[i] = (data[16 + i * __DATA_SIZE] << 8) | (data[17 + i * __DATA_SIZE]); Machine_info.num_repair[i] = (data[18 + i * __DATA_SIZE] << 8) | (data[19 + i * __DATA_SIZE]); Machine_info.num_inspection[i] = (data[20 + i * __DATA_SIZE] << 8) | (data[21 + i * __DATA_SIZE]); Machine_info.num_upkeep[i] = (data[22 + i * __DATA_SIZE] << 8) | (data[23 + i * __DATA_SIZE]); // ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG,"good:[%ld] bad[%ld]",Machine_info.num_goodProducts[i],Machine_info.num_badProducts[i]); } } static int capacity_statistics_func(const LORA_DATA_T *buf) { #if 1 int len = (buf->data_buf[USE_DATA_LEN_INDEX]) << 8 | (buf->data_buf[USE_DATA_LEN_INDEX + 1]); memcpy(terminal_info.capacity_statistics, buf->data_buf + DATA_START_LEN, len); #endif // printf("msg h = %02X,msg l = %02X\r\n",buf->data_buf[13],buf->data_buf[14]); int msg_id = (buf->data_buf[13] >> 8) | buf->data_buf[14]; // 获取当前消息id 用于删除 // printf("msg_id =%X\r\n",msg_id); set_statisticsData(terminal_info.capacity_statistics); xEventGroupSetBits(screen_event, RIGHT_SCREEN_BIT); return msg_id; } static int responsible_person_synchronize_info_func(const LORA_DATA_T *buf) { int len = (buf->data_buf[USE_DATA_LEN_INDEX]) << 8 | (buf->data_buf[USE_DATA_LEN_INDEX + 1]); memcpy(terminal_info.responsible_person_synchronize_info, buf->data_buf + DATA_START_LEN, len); // printf("msg h = %02X,msg l = %02X\r\n",buf->data_buf[13],buf->data_buf[14]); int msg_id = (buf->data_buf[13] >> 8) | buf->data_buf[14]; // 获取当前消息id 用于删除 // printf("msg_id =%X\r\n",msg_id); xEventGroupSetBits(screen_event, RIGHT_SCREEN_BIT); return msg_id; } static int status_led_func(const LORA_DATA_T *buf) { terminal_info.states_led = buf->data_buf[DATA_START_LEN]; // printf("msg h = %02X,msg l = %02X\r\n",buf->data_buf[13],buf->data_buf[14]); int msg_id = (buf->data_buf[13] >> 8) | buf->data_buf[14]; // 获取当前消息id 用于删除 // printf("msg_id =%X\r\n",msg_id); return msg_id; } static int logo_led_func(const LORA_DATA_T *buf) { terminal_info.logo_led = buf->data_buf[DATA_START_LEN]; // printf("msg h = %02X,msg l = %02X\r\n",buf->data_buf[13],buf->data_buf[14]); int msg_id = (buf->data_buf[13] >> 8) | buf->data_buf[14]; // 获取当前消息id 用于删除 // printf("msg_id =%X\r\n",msg_id); return msg_id; } static int battery_temperature_func(const LORA_DATA_T *buf) { terminal_info.batt_temperature[0] = buf->data_buf[DATA_START_LEN]; terminal_info.batt_temperature[1] = buf->data_buf[DATA_START_LEN + 1]; // printf("msg h = %02X,msg l = %02X\r\n",buf->data_buf[13],buf->data_buf[14]); int msg_id = (buf->data_buf[13] >> 8) | buf->data_buf[14]; // 获取当前消息id 用于删除 // printf("msg_id =%X\r\n",msg_id); return msg_id; } static int station_name_func(const LORA_DATA_T *buf) { #define FONT_MAX_LEN 8 uint8_t font_num = 0; // 获取当前的文字个数 int i = 0; int len = (buf->data_buf[USE_DATA_LEN_INDEX]) << 8 | (buf->data_buf[USE_DATA_LEN_INDEX + 1]); memset(terminal_info.station_name, 0, 32); memcpy(terminal_info.station_name, buf->data_buf + DATA_START_LEN, len); // memcpy(&Machine_info.terminal_name,&terminal_info.terminal_name,len); memset(Machine_info.station_name, 0x00, sizeof(Machine_info.station_name)); // 清除终端名称信息 font_num = len / 2; if (font_num <= FONT_MAX_LEN) { uincode2gbk((char *)terminal_info.station_name, len, (char *)Machine_info.station_name); } else { uincode2gbk((char *)terminal_info.station_name, FONT_MAX_LEN * 2, (char *)Machine_info.station_name); strcat((char *)Machine_info.station_name, "..."); } xEventGroupSetBits(screen_event, RIGHT_SCREEN_BIT); int msg_id = (buf->data_buf[13] >> 8) | buf->data_buf[14]; // 获取当前消息id 用于删除 return msg_id; } static int station_number_func(const LORA_DATA_T *buf) { int len = (buf->data_buf[USE_DATA_LEN_INDEX]) << 8 | (buf->data_buf[USE_DATA_LEN_INDEX + 1]); memcpy(terminal_info.station_number, buf->data_buf + DATA_START_LEN, len); memset(Machine_info.station_number, 0x00, sizeof(Machine_info.station_number)); uincode2gbk((char *)terminal_info.station_number, len, (char *)Machine_info.station_number); xEventGroupSetBits(screen_event, RIGHT_SCREEN_BIT); int msg_id = (buf->data_buf[13] >> 8) | buf->data_buf[14]; // 获取当前消息id 用于删除 return msg_id; } static int responsible_person_setup_func(const LORA_DATA_T *buf) { int len = (buf->data_buf[USE_DATA_LEN_INDEX]) << 8 | (buf->data_buf[USE_DATA_LEN_INDEX + 1]); ESP_LOG_BUFFER_HEX(LOG_TAG, buf->data_buf + DATA_START_LEN, len); ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "设置责任人 类型[%d]%s", buf->data_buf[DATA_START_LEN], buf->data_buf[DATA_START_LEN + 1] ? "开启" : "关闭"); if (buf->data_buf[DATA_START_LEN + 1] == 0x01) // 开 { Machine_info.person[buf->data_buf[DATA_START_LEN]].Charge_close = false; memset(Machine_info.person[buf->data_buf[DATA_START_LEN]].other_name, 0, 16); uincode2gbk(buf->data_buf + DATA_START_LEN + 2, len - 2, (char *)Machine_info.person[buf->data_buf[DATA_START_LEN]].other_name); // ESP_LOG_BUFFER_HEX(LOG_TAG,Machine_info.person[buf->data_buf[DATA_START_LEN]].other_name,len); } else if (buf->data_buf[DATA_START_LEN + 1] == 0x00) // 关 { Machine_info.person[buf->data_buf[DATA_START_LEN]].Charge_close = true; } ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "Charge_close %d %d %d %d %d", Machine_info.person[0].Charge_close, Machine_info.person[1].Charge_close, Machine_info.person[2].Charge_close, Machine_info.person[3].Charge_close, Machine_info.person[4].Charge_close); // display_flag = RIGHT_FLAG; xEventGroupSetBits(screen_event, RIGHT_SCREEN_BIT); int msg_id = (buf->data_buf[13] >> 8) | buf->data_buf[14]; // 获取当前消息id 用于删除 return msg_id; } static int system_bulletin_func(const LORA_DATA_T *buf) { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "system_bulletin_func"); int len = (buf->data_buf[USE_DATA_LEN_INDEX]) << 8 | (buf->data_buf[USE_DATA_LEN_INDEX + 1]); memcpy(terminal_info.systemMessage, buf->data_buf + DATA_START_LEN, len); memset(Machine_info.systemMessage, 0x00, sizeof(Machine_info.systemMessage)); uincode2gbk((char *)terminal_info.systemMessage, len, (char *)Machine_info.systemMessage); int msg_id = (buf->data_buf[13] >> 8) | buf->data_buf[14]; // 获取当前消息id 用于删除 return msg_id; } static int hardware_update_func(const LORA_DATA_T *buf) { // printf("msg h = %02X,msg l = %02X\r\n",buf->data_buf[13],buf->data_buf[14]); int msg_id = (buf->data_buf[13] >> 8) | buf->data_buf[14]; // 获取当前消息id 用于删除 // printf("msg_id =%X\r\n",msg_id); return msg_id; } /*硬件回复命令ACK*/ /*长度 返回result结果及长度*/ /********************************************************************************* * function : reply_ack_func * Description : 回复ACK cmd 指定命令 * Input : cmd 命令 msg_id 当前的ID号 用于网关删除自身的已经接受到ACK 的数据 result 返回当前的数据 * Output : * Author : 祁鑫 Data : 2023 8.12 **********************************************************************************/ int reply_ack_func(int cmd, int msg_id, bool is_send, uint8_t *result) { uint8_t strlorabuf[50] = {0}; uint8_t mac[6] = {0}; strlorabuf[0] = 0x5A; strlorabuf[1] = 0x51; strlorabuf[2] = 0x00; // crc // int byteArrayLength = hexStringToByteArray((char *)C_MAC, (unsigned char *)mac); //HEX字符串转HEX数组 for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { strlorabuf[3 + i] = Machine_info.gateway_mac[i]; // 网关的mac地址 } strlorabuf[9] = Machine_info.eflagID; // 组内编号 strlorabuf[10] = cmd; // 命令 strlorabuf[11] = (msg_id >> 8) & 0xff; // 总包 strlorabuf[12] = msg_id & 0xff; // 当前包 strlorabuf[13] = 0x00; // 当前长度 strlorabuf[14] = PROTOCOL_RSPONSIBLE_ACK; // ACK命令字段 #if 0 //设备cid长度 memcpy(&strlorabuf[15],cid,cid_len); //拷贝cid strlorabuf[13] = cid_len+1; //重新设置当前当前长度 #endif int crc = 0; // 计算crc for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(strlorabuf); i++) { crc += strlorabuf[i]; } strlorabuf[2] = crc; if (result != NULL) { memcpy(result, strlorabuf, 15); } if (is_send) { ESP_LOG_BUFFER_HEX("send ack to gateway", strlorabuf, 15); lora_send_data((char *)strlorabuf, 15); uart_wait_tx_idle_polling(UART_NUM_1); } return 15; } /*硬件配网回复*/ // 参数cid cid长度 返回result 结果及长度 int reply_gwpair_ack_func(uint8_t *cid, uint8_t cid_len, uint8_t *result) { uint8_t strlorabuf[50] = {0}; uint8_t mac[6] = {0}; strlorabuf[0] = 0x5A; strlorabuf[1] = 0x51; strlorabuf[2] = 0x00; // crc // int byteArrayLength = hexStringToByteArray((char *)C_MAC, (unsigned char *)mac); //HEX字符串转HEX数组 for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { strlorabuf[3 + i] = Machine_info.gateway_mac[i]; // 网关的mac地址 } strlorabuf[9] = Machine_info.eflagID; // 组内编号 strlorabuf[10] = 0x80; // 配对命令 strlorabuf[11] = 0x01; // 总包 strlorabuf[12] = 0x01; // 当前包 strlorabuf[13] = 0x00; // 当前长度 strlorabuf[14] = 0x01; // 请求成功 // 设备cid长度 memcpy(&strlorabuf[15], cid, cid_len); // 拷贝cid strlorabuf[13] = cid_len + 1; // 重新设置当前当前长度 int crc = 0; // 计算crc for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(strlorabuf); i++) { crc += strlorabuf[i]; } strlorabuf[2] = crc; memcpy(result, strlorabuf, 14 + cid_len + 1); return 14 + cid_len + 1; } /*硬件配网*/ static void hardware_gwpair_func(const LORA_DATA_T *buf) { if (buf->data_len != 35) { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "err:hardware_gwpair_func"); return; } uint8_t child_mac[6] = {0}; // 子设备的mac地址 uint8_t gateway_mac[6] = {0}; // 网关的组内编号 int child_num = 0; int gateway_num = 0; #if 0 for(int i = 0;idata_len;i++) { printf("%02X",buf->data_buf[i]); } #endif uint64_t time = 0x000000000000LL; // printf("1\r\n"); memcpy(child_mac, &buf->data_buf[3], 6); // printf("2\r\n"); gateway_num = buf->data_buf[9]; // printf("3\r\n"); memcpy(gateway_mac, &buf->data_buf[14], 6); // printf("4\r\n"); child_num = buf->data_buf[20]; // printf("5\r\n"); // printf("\r\n"); // for(int i = 21;i<27;i++) // { // printf("%02X",buf->data_buf[i]); // } #if 0 #include time|=(buf->data_buf[26]<<0); //printf("time = %" PRIX64 "\r\n",time); time|=(buf->data_buf[25]<<8); //printf("time = %" PRIX64 "\r\n",time); time|=(buf->data_buf[24]<<16); //printf("time = %" PRIX64 "\r\n",time); time|=(buf->data_buf[23]<<24); //printf("time = %" PRIX64 "\r\n",time); #if 0 uint64_t temp = 0; temp |=(buf->data_buf[22]<<32); temp |=(buf->data_buf[21]<<40); printf("temp = %" PRIX64 "\r\n",temp); #endif #if 1 int64_t temp = 0; temp = buf->data_buf[22]; time|=(temp<<32);//(buf->data_buf[22]<<32); #else time|=temp; #endif //printf("time = %" PRIX64 "\r\n",(uint64_t)time); #if 0 time|=(buf->data_buf[21]<<40); #else temp = 0; temp = buf->data_buf[21]; time|=(temp<<40);//(buf->data_buf[22]<<32); //time|=(buf->data_buf[21]<<40); #endif //printf("time = %" PRIX64 "\r\n",(uint64_t)time); //uint64_t value = 0x018B1E3D24AC; //printf("Value as a 64-bit integer: %" PRIu64 "\n", value); //printf("Value as a 64-bit integer: %" PRIX64 "\n", value); #if 0 time=(buf->data_buf[21]<<40)+ (buf->data_buf[22]<<32)+ (buf->data_buf[23]<<24)+ (buf->data_buf[24]<<16)+ (buf->data_buf[25]<<8) + (buf->data_buf[26]<<0); #endif #else Machine_info.lora_new_channel = buf->data_buf[21]; printf("Machine_info.lora_new_channel =%d\r\n", Machine_info.lora_new_channel); memcpy(Machine_info.timestamp, &buf->data_buf[22], 13); printf("Machine_info.timestamp =%s\r\n", Machine_info.timestamp); int timezone_offset = 8; // 中国时区偏移为UTC+8,你可以根据需要设置不同的时区偏移 Machine_info.time_offset = timezone_offset; timestamp_to_local_time(Machine_info.timestamp, Machine_info.time_offset, &Machine_info.year, &Machine_info.month, &Machine_info.day, &Machine_info.hour, &Machine_info.min, &Machine_info.sec); setRtcTime(Machine_info.year, Machine_info.month, Machine_info.day, Machine_info.hour, Machine_info.min, Machine_info.sec); // 更新当前状态时间 Machine_info.current_button.Year = Machine_info.year; Machine_info.current_button.Month = Machine_info.month; Machine_info.current_button.Day = Machine_info.day; Machine_info.current_button.Hour = Machine_info.hour; Machine_info.current_button.Minute = Machine_info.min; Machine_info.current_button.Second = Machine_info.sec; Machine_info.last_button.Year = Machine_info.year; Machine_info.last_button.Month = Machine_info.month; Machine_info.last_button.Day = Machine_info.day; Machine_info.last_button.Hour = Machine_info.hour; Machine_info.last_button.Minute = Machine_info.min; Machine_info.last_button.Second = Machine_info.sec; #endif printf("gateway mac = "); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) printf("%02X", gateway_mac[i]); printf("\r\n"); printf("gateway num = %d\r\n", gateway_num); printf("child mac = "); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) printf("%02X", child_mac[i]); printf("\r\n"); printf("child_num num = %d\r\n", child_num); printf("time = %llu\r\n", time); printf("time = %llx\r\n", time); //(3000 - (480 - 1*100)) #include "user_sleep.h" #include "esp_sleep.h" // 配网完成设置休眠唤醒时间 if (Machine_info.eflagID == 0xff) { #if 0 printf("sleep time = %d ms\r\n",(TIMER_WAKEUP_TIME_US*child_num)/1000); esp_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup(TIMER_WAKEUP_TIME_US*child_num); //配置当前休眠的唤醒时间 #else esp_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup(TIMER_WAKEUP_TIME_US); // 配置当前休眠的唤醒时间 #endif } Machine_info.eflagID = child_num; // 保存当前的子设备组内编号 memcpy(Machine_info.gateway_mac, gateway_mac, 6); // 配网成功 回复 ACK 设置新的信道 Machine_info.paired = 1; // 已配对 int msg_id = (buf->data_buf[11] << 8) | buf->data_buf[12]; // 获取当前消息id 用于删除 printf("msg_id =%X\r\n", msg_id); reply_ack_func(PROTOCOL_HARDWARE_GWPAIRED, msg_id, true, NULL); // 回复ack // vTaskDelay(200 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); // //修改信道前修改设备ID 及 设备ID // dymatic_change_device_id(child_num+1); // dymatic_change_dst_device_id(0x00000001); // //切换信道 // dymatic_change_chanel(Machine_info.lora_new_channel); //切换信道 // lora_get_rssi(); vTaskDelay(200 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); Machine_info.rssi = set_lora(Machine_info.lora_new_channel, Machine_info.eflagID); // f_send_get_time(); f_send_version(); f_send_reply_status(0x01); // 回复在线状态 f_send_update_status(); f_send_battary_vaule(Machine_info.batt_precent); #if 0 f_send_get_chart_data(); #endif // xQueueReset(screen_queue); // 重置快刷 extern bool is_paired_sleep; is_paired_sleep = true; ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG, "3is_paired_sleep = true"); Machine_info.left_current_Quick_refresh_time = 0; Machine_info.right_current_Quick_refresh_time = 0; set_screen_dis_info_and_send_queue(false, true, false, false, 100); set_screen_dis_info_and_send_queue(true, false, false, false, 100); // printf("start timer id = %d,%d\r\n",Machine_info.eflagID,Machine_info.eflagID * TIMER_CAN_SEND_TIME); // Already_send_timer_start(Machine_info.eflagID * TIMER_CAN_SEND_TIME); } /*硬件取消配网*/ static void hardware_ungwpair_func(const LORA_DATA_T *buf) { uint8_t child_mac[6] = {0}; // 子设备的mac地址 uint8_t gateway_mac[6] = {0}; // 网关的组内编号 int child_num = 0; int gateway_num = 0; uint64_t time = 0x000000000000LL; memcpy(child_mac, &buf->data_buf[3], 6); gateway_num = buf->data_buf[9]; memcpy(gateway_mac, &buf->data_buf[14], 6); child_num = buf->data_buf[20]; #include time |= (buf->data_buf[26] << 0); time |= (buf->data_buf[25] << 8); time |= (buf->data_buf[24] << 16); time |= (buf->data_buf[23] << 24); #if 1 int64_t temp = 0; temp = buf->data_buf[22]; time |= (temp << 32); //(buf->data_buf[22]<<32); #else time |= temp; #endif // printf("time = %" PRIX64 "\r\n",(uint64_t)time); #if 0 time|=(buf->data_buf[21]<<40); #else temp = 0; temp = buf->data_buf[21]; time |= (temp << 40); //(buf->data_buf[22]<<32); // time|=(buf->data_buf[21]<<40); #endif // printf("time = %" PRIX64 "\r\n",(uint64_t)time); // uint64_t value = 0x018B1E3D24AC; // printf("Value as a 64-bit integer: %" PRIu64 "\n", value); // printf("Value as a 64-bit integer: %" PRIX64 "\n", value); printf("gateway mac = "); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) printf("%02X", gateway_mac[i]); printf("\r\n"); printf("gateway num = %d\r\n", gateway_num); printf("child mac = "); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) printf("%02X", child_mac[i]); printf("\r\n"); printf("child_num num = %d\r\n", child_num); printf("time = %llu\r\n", time); printf("time = %llx\r\n", time); //(3000 - (480 - 1*100)) #include "user_sleep.h" #include "esp_sleep.h" memcpy(Machine_info.gateway_mac, gateway_mac, 6); // 取消配网成功 回复 ACK 设置新的信道 int msg_id = (buf->data_buf[11] << 8) | buf->data_buf[12]; // 获取当前消息id 用于删除 // printf("msg_id =%X\r\n",msg_id); reply_ack_func(PROTOCOL_HARDWARE_UNGWPAIRED, msg_id, true, NULL); // 回复ack // #include "user_sleep.h" // #include "esp_sleep.h" extern void sleep_timer_stop(); extern void Already_send_timer_stop(); sleep_timer_stop(); Already_send_timer_stop(); // 修改信道前修改设备ID 及 设备ID dymatic_change_device_id(0x00000001); dymatic_change_dst_device_id(0xFFFFFFFF); // 切换信道 reset_default(true, 1); vTaskDelay(300 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); Machine_info.lora_new_channel = LORA_CHANENL; // dymatic_change_chanel(Machine_info.lora_factory_channel); //切换信道 reset_lora(LORA_CHANENL); Machine_info.paired = 0; // 解除配对 } /*网关收到终端发送的数据 ACK 终端收到用于删除当前的msgid的数据*/ static void hardware_ack_delete_msg_id(const LORA_DATA_T *buf) { int msg_id = (buf->data_buf[11] << 8) | buf->data_buf[12]; // 获取当前消息id 用于删除当前链表的数据 ESP_LOG_BUFFER_HEX("ACK", buf->data_buf, buf->data_len); // int current = countNodes(Send_list); //获取当前节点数据 Node *find = findNode(Send_list, msg_id); if (find != NULL) { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "find msg_id : %d", msg_id); // printList(Send_list); for (int i = 0; i < LORA_INFO_END; i++) { if (lora_pool[i].num == msg_id) { lora_pool[i].flag = false; Send_list = deleteNode(Send_list, msg_id); ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "delete msg_id %d", msg_id); } } // printf("delete list node msg_id = %d\r\n",msg_id); // printf("delete list node after = %d\r\n",msg_id); // printList(Send_list); } else { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "delete fail"); printList(Send_list); } // display_flag = 0; } void business_logic_func(const LORA_DATA_T *buf, uint8_t cmd_index, int msg) { // int cmd = 0; // 当前的命令 int msg_id = 0; // 消息的id // bool is_rsp_ack = false; #if 0 printf("cmd = %02X\r\n",buf->data_buf[cmd_index]); #endif // cmd = buf->data_buf[cmd_index]; switch (buf->data_buf[cmd_index]) { case PROTOCOL_TIME_SYNCHRONIZATION: msg_id = time_synchronization_func(buf); // is_rsp_ack = true; break; case PROTOCOL_TERMINAL_NAME: msg_id = terminal_name_func(buf); // is_rsp_ack = true; break; case PROTOCOL_TERMINAL_NUMBER: msg_id = terminal_number_func(buf); // is_rsp_ack = true; break; case PROTOCOL_ELECTRIC_QUANTITY: msg_id = electric_quantity_func(buf); // is_rsp_ack = true; break; case PROTOCOL_SIGNAL_STRENGTH: msg_id = signal_strength_func(buf); // is_rsp_ack = true; break; case PROTOCOL_SCREEN_REFRESH_CYCLE: msg_id = screen_refresh_cycle_func(buf); // is_rsp_ack = true; break; case PROTOCOL_SCREEN_LEFT: msg_id = screen_left_func(buf); // is_rsp_ack = true; break; case PROTOCOL_SCREEN_RIGHT: msg_id = screen_right_func(buf); // is_rsp_ack = true; break; case PROTOCOL_RSPONSIBLE_PERSON_CHANGE: msg_id = rsponsible_person_change_func(buf); // is_rsp_ack = true; break; case PROTOCOL_RSPONSIBLE_PERSON_DELETE: msg_id = rsponsible_person_delete_func(buf); // is_rsp_ack = true; break; case PROTOCOL_PRODUCTION_PUNCH_CARD: msg_id = production_punch_func(buf); // is_rsp_ack = true; break; case PROTOCOL_PERSONNEL_CHECK_IN: msg_id = personnel_check_in_func(buf); // is_rsp_ack = true; break; case PROTOCOL_STATUS_SETTING: msg_id = status_setting_func(buf); // is_rsp_ack = true; break; case PROTOCOL_STATUS_DURATION: msg_id = status_duration_func(buf); // is_rsp_ack = true; break; case PROTOCOL_UPDATE_AND_DURATION: msg_id = update_and_duration_func(buf); // is_rsp_ack = true; break; case PROTOCOL_ANNOUNCEMENT: msg_id = announcement_func(buf); // is_rsp_ack = true; break; case PROTOCOL_CAPACITY_STATISTICS: msg_id = capacity_statistics_func(buf); // is_rsp_ack = true; break; case PROTOCOL_RESPONSIBLE_PERSON_SYNCHRONIZE_INFO: msg_id = responsible_person_synchronize_info_func(buf); // is_rsp_ack = true; break; case PROTOCOL_STATUS_LED: msg_id = status_led_func(buf); // is_rsp_ack = true; break; case PROTOCOL_LOG_LED: msg_id = logo_led_func(buf); // is_rsp_ack = true; break; case PROTOCOL_BATTERY_TEMPERATURE: msg_id = battery_temperature_func(buf); // is_rsp_ack = true; break; case PROTOCOL_STATION_NAME: msg_id = station_name_func(buf); // is_rsp_ack = true; break; case PROTOCOL_STATION_NUMBER: msg_id = station_number_func(buf); // is_rsp_ack = true; break; case PROTOCOL_RESPONSIBLE_PERSON_SETUP: msg_id = responsible_person_setup_func(buf); // is_rsp_ack = true; break; case PROTOCOL_SYSTEM_BULLETIN: msg_id = system_bulletin_func(buf); // is_rsp_ack = true; break; case PROTOCOL_HARDWARE_UPDATE: msg_id = hardware_update_func(buf); // is_rsp_ack = true; break; case PROTOCOL_HARDWARE_GWPAIRED: // 配网 暂时单独发送ack reset_default(false, 1); hardware_gwpair_func(buf); // Paint_leftScreen_main_quick(&Machine_info); // Paint_rightScreen_main_quick(&Machine_info); break; case PROTOCOL_HARDWARE_UNGWPAIRED: // 取消配网 printf("pair ungwpaired\r\n"); hardware_ungwpair_func(buf); break; case PROTOCOL_RSPONSIBLE_ACK: // printf("receive gateway ack delete data in list\r\n"); hardware_ack_delete_msg_id(buf); break; default: ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "ERR:CMD = 0x%02x", buf->data_buf[cmd_index]); break; } #if USER_NOT_SLEEP_ENABLE send_can_I_receive(); // 发送可以接受的命令 #endif } void uincode2gbk(char *str, uint16_t len, char *out_buffer) { char strtmp[1024]; char str1[3]; unsigned int iunicode, i; unsigned int igbk; memset(strtmp, 0, 1024); int index = 0; i = 0; int length = len; while (length) { if ((str[i] == 0) && (str[i + 1]) < 0x80) // ASCII 码 *text是ASCII码 { str1[0] = (str[i + 1]) & 0xff; memcpy(&strtmp[index], str1, 1); index += 1; } else { iunicode = (str[i] << 8) + str[i + 1]; igbk = U2G(iunicode); str1[0] = (igbk >> 8) & 0xff; str1[1] = igbk & 0xff; memcpy(&strtmp[index], str1, 2); index += 2; } length -= 2; i += 2; } // ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG,"index:%d",index); memcpy(out_buffer, strtmp, index); } // 计算数组元素的总和 uint32_t sumArray(uint8_t array[], int size) { uint32_t sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { sum += array[i]; } return sum; } void mac_to_hex(char *out_string, char *in_string) { sprintf(out_string, "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X", in_string[0], in_string[1], in_string[2], in_string[3], in_string[4], in_string[5]); // ESP_LOG_BUFFER_HEX("--->",out_string,17); } void qrcode_protocol_create(char *result, Machine_info_t info) { // char str_https[] = "https://www.yeechart.com/antnest_download.php?data="; char str_https[] = "https://www.yeechart.com/yeechart_download.php?data="; Qrcode_protocol_t Qcode; char qrcode_protocol[1024] = {0}; Qcode.head[0] = 0x5a; Qcode.head[1] = 0x51; Qcode.CRC = 0x00; Qcode.mac.cmd = 0x03; Qcode.mac.len = 0x11; esp_read_mac((uint8_t *)mac_addr, ESP_MAC_WIFI_STA); mac_to_hex((char *)Qcode.mac.mac_addr, (char *)mac_addr); // strcpy((char *)Qcode.mac.mac_addr,(char*)mac_addr); Qcode.client.cmd = 0X04; #if 1 // 硬件设备id (qx 设置) strcpy((char *)Qcode.client.client_id, (char *)info.cid); Qcode.client.len = strlen((char *)Qcode.client.client_id); #else // 假硬件设备id strcpy((char *)Qcode.client.client_id, "whc_test"); Qcode.client.len = strlen((char *)Qcode.client.client_id); #endif Qcode.product.cmd = 0x05; strcpy((char *)Qcode.product.product, "020101"); Qcode.product.len = strlen((char *)Qcode.product.product); Qcode.time.cmd = 0x61; Qcode.time.len = 0x0E; #if 1 Qcode.time.Year = info.year; Qcode.time.Month = info.month; Qcode.time.Day = info.day; Qcode.time.Hour = info.hour; Qcode.time.Minute = info.min; Qcode.time.Second = info.sec; #else Qcode.time.Year = 2023; Qcode.time.Month = 9; Qcode.time.Day = 19; Qcode.time.Hour = 19; Qcode.time.Minute = 30; Qcode.time.Second = 20; #endif int time_index = 0; sprintf((char *)(Qcode.time.time + time_index * 2), "%02X%02X", Qcode.time.Year >> 8, Qcode.time.Year & 0xff); time_index += 2; sprintf((char *)(Qcode.time.time + time_index * 2), "%02X", Qcode.time.Month); time_index += 1; sprintf((char *)(Qcode.time.time + time_index * 2), "%02X", Qcode.time.Day); time_index += 1; sprintf((char *)(Qcode.time.time + time_index * 2), "%02X", Qcode.time.Hour); time_index += 1; sprintf((char *)(Qcode.time.time + time_index * 2), "%02X", Qcode.time.Minute); time_index += 1; sprintf((char *)(Qcode.time.time + time_index * 2), "%02X", Qcode.time.Second); uint32_t crc = 0; crc += Qcode.head[0]; crc += Qcode.head[1]; crc += sumArray((uint8_t *)&Qcode.mac, sizeof(Qcode.mac)); crc += Qcode.client.cmd; crc += Qcode.client.len; int len = 0, i = 0; len = Qcode.client.len; while (len) { crc += Qcode.client.client_id[i]; len--; i++; } crc += Qcode.product.cmd; crc += Qcode.product.len; i = 0; len = Qcode.product.len; while (len) { if (Qcode.product.product[i] != '0') { crc += Qcode.product.product[i]; } else { break; } len--; i++; } i = 0; len = Qcode.time.len; while (len) { if (Qcode.time.time[i] != '0') { crc += Qcode.time.time[i]; } else { break; } len--; i++; } Qcode.CRC = crc & 0xff; int index = 0; sprintf(qrcode_protocol + index * 2, "%02X%02X", Qcode.head[0], Qcode.head[1]); index += 2; sprintf(qrcode_protocol + index * 2, "%02X", Qcode.CRC); index += 1; sprintf(qrcode_protocol + index * 2, "%02X%02X", Qcode.mac.cmd, Qcode.mac.len); index += 2; // 转换16进制数组为ASCII字符串 mac 地址 for (int i = 0; i < Qcode.mac.len; i++) { sprintf(qrcode_protocol + index * 2, "%02X", Qcode.mac.mac_addr[i]); index += 1; } sprintf(qrcode_protocol + index * 2, "%02X%02X", Qcode.client.cmd, Qcode.client.len); index += 2; // 转换16进制数组为ASCII字符串 client id for (int i = 0; i < Qcode.client.len; i++) { if (Qcode.client.client_id[i] != 0) { sprintf(qrcode_protocol + index * 2, "%02X", Qcode.client.client_id[i]); index += 1; } } // 转换16进制数组为ASCII字符串 product sprintf(qrcode_protocol + index * 2, "%02X%02X", Qcode.product.cmd, Qcode.product.len); index += 2; for (int i = 0; i < Qcode.product.len; i++) { // if(Qcode.product.product[i] != '0') { // 这里产品id为0也需要 sprintf(qrcode_protocol + index * 2, "%02X", Qcode.product.product[i]); index += 1; } } // 转换16进制数组为ASCII字符串 time sprintf(qrcode_protocol + index * 2, "%02X%02X", Qcode.time.cmd, Qcode.time.len); index += 2; for (int i = 0; i < Qcode.time.len; i++) { // if(Qcode.time.time[i] != '0') { // 这里时间为0也需要 sprintf(qrcode_protocol + index * 2, "%02X", Qcode.time.time[i]); index += 1; } } strcpy(result, str_https); strcat(result, qrcode_protocol); // ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG,"二维码信息:%s",result); } // 函数用于查找字节序列在数组中出现的次数,并返回出现位置的索引 int findByteSequence(const u8 *array, int arraySize, const u8 *sequence, int sequenceSize, int **positions) { int count = 0; int *indices = NULL; for (int i = 0; i <= arraySize - sequenceSize; i++) { // 检查当前位置开始的字节序列是否与目标序列匹配 int j; for (j = 0; j < sequenceSize; j++) { if (array[i + j] != sequence[j]) { break; // 不匹配,跳出循环 } } if (j == sequenceSize) { count++; // 找到匹配的序列 // 记录匹配位置的索引 int *temp = (int *)realloc(indices, count * sizeof(int)); if (temp == NULL) { // 内存分配失败,处理错误 if (indices != NULL) { free(indices); } return -1; } indices = temp; indices[count - 1] = i; } } *positions = indices; // 传递匹配位置的索引数组 return count; } // 匹配mac地址是否为本机 bool mac_is_true(uint8_t *mac) { if ( (mac[0] == Machine_info.mac_addr[0]) && (mac[1] == Machine_info.mac_addr[1]) && (mac[2] == Machine_info.mac_addr[2]) && (mac[3] == Machine_info.mac_addr[3]) && (mac[4] == Machine_info.mac_addr[4]) && (mac[5] == Machine_info.mac_addr[5])) { return true; } return false; } bool subcontract(YC_DATA_T *data) { int rsp_msgid = 0; int index = 0; int all_len = data->len; uint8_t *buf = data->data; USE_DATA_T use_data; volatile bool refresh_flag = false; u8 targetSequence[] = {0x5A, 0x51}; int sequenceSize = sizeof(targetSequence); int *positions = NULL; int result = findByteSequence(buf, all_len, targetSequence, sequenceSize, &positions); if (result == 1) { printf("cmd 5A 51 find times %d,data len = %d\r\n", result, data->len); for (int index = 0; index < result; index++) { if ((buf[0] == 0x5A) && (buf[1] == 0x51) && (result == 1)) { // 单条命令处理逻辑 printf("deal one data \r\n"); use_data.data_len = all_len; //(((buf[positions[index] - 2])<<8) | ((buf[positions[index] - 1])))+2; memcpy(use_data.data_buf, data->data, use_data.data_len); #if 0 printf("single cmd len =%d\r\n",use_data.data_len); for(int i = 0;idata + (positions[index] - 2), use_data.data_len); // print_yc_data(&use_data); business_logic_func(&use_data, USE_CMD_LEN_INDEX, rsp_msgid); refresh_flag = true; reply_ack_func(0x00, rsp_msgid, true, NULL); // 回复ack spiffs_write(&Machine_info); ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "1times cmd = %02X msg = %X start reply ack\r\n", 0x00, rsp_msgid); } else { printf("mac is fail not deal\r\n"); goto err; } } } } } if (result > 1) { if ((buf[0] == 0x5a) && (buf[1] == 0x51)) { printf("result = 1,but not real\r\n"); goto err; } int data_len = 0; data_len = (buf[0] << 8) | (buf[1]); printf("cmd 5A 51 find times %d,all data len = %d\r\n", result, data_len); printf("not single cmd len =%d\r\n", use_data.data_len); rsp_msgid = (buf[13] << 8) | buf[14]; // 获取当前消息id 用于删除; ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG, "--rsp_msgid %02x,%02x,%d\r\n", buf[13], buf[14], rsp_msgid); for (int index = 0; index < result; index++) { // 多条指令处理逻辑 bool is = mac_is_true(&buf[positions[index] + 3]); if (is) { use_data.data_len = 15 + 2 + (((buf[positions[index] + 13]) << 8) | ((buf[positions[index] + 14]))); use_data.data_buf[0] = 0x00; use_data.data_buf[1] = 0x00; memcpy(&use_data.data_buf[2], data->data + (positions[index]), use_data.data_len + 15); // printf("================last result============== len =%d\r\n",use_data.data_len); // for(int i = 0;i> 8) & 0xFF; // __str[12] = time_rand & 0xFF; // #endif // // 分包 // __str[13] = (len >> 8) & 0xFF; // __str[14] = len & 0xFF; // memcpy(__str + __PACKAGE, info, len); // int i = 0, sum = 0; // for (i = 0; i < len + __PACKAGE; i++) // { // sum += __str[i]; // } // __str[2] = sum & 0xFF; // printf("crc=%02x ", __str[2]); // printf("-->package:"); // for (i = 0; i < len + __PACKAGE; i++) // { // printf("%02x ", __str[i]); // } // printf("\n"); // changebintotxt(__str, len + __PACKAGE); // #if 0 // Send_list = postInsert(Send_list, time_rand,cmd,(char *)__str,(int)(len+__PACKAGE)*2);//len*2 // #else // lora_send_data((char *)__str, len + __PACKAGE); // #endif // free(__str); // } int txttobin(uint8_t *strlorabuf) { int len = 0, i = 0; uint8_t strbuf[1024]; char ch = 0, chhi = 0, chlo = 0; len = strlen((char *)strlorabuf); strcpy((char *)strbuf, (char *)strlorabuf); memset(strlorabuf, 0, len); // Serial.print("jiexishuju:");Serial.println((char *)strbuf); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { ch = strbuf[i * 2]; if ((ch >= 0x30 && ch <= 0x39) || (ch >= 0x41 && ch <= 0x5a) || (ch >= 0x61 && ch <= 0x7a)) { { if (ch >= 0x30 && ch <= 0x39) ch = ch - 0x30; else if (ch >= 0x41 && ch <= 0x5a) ch = ch - 0x37; else ch = ch - 0x57; ch &= 0x000f; chhi = (ch << 4); } ch = strbuf[i * 2 + 1]; if ((ch >= 0x30 && ch <= 0x39) || (ch >= 0x41 && ch <= 0x5a) || (ch >= 0x61 && ch <= 0x7a)) { if (ch >= 0x30 && ch <= 0x39) ch = ch - 0x30; else if (ch >= 0x41 && ch <= 0x5a) ch = ch - 0x37; else ch = ch - 0x57; ch &= 0x000f; ch = chhi + ch; } strlorabuf[i] = ch; } } // Serial.write(strlorabuf,len); return i; } void changebintotxt(uint8_t *strb, int len) { int i = 0; uint8_t strtxt[512]; char ch, chhi, chlo; memset(strtxt, 0, 512); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { ch = strb[i]; chhi = ch; chhi >>= 4; chhi &= 0x000f; if (chhi <= 9) chhi += 0x30; else chhi += 0x37; strtxt[i * 2] = chhi; chlo = ch; chlo &= 0x000f; if (chlo <= 9) chlo += 0x30; else chlo += 0x37; strtxt[i * 2 + 1] = chlo; } strcpy((char *)strb, (char *)strtxt); } /******************************  //获取网关时间 ******************************/ void f_send_get_time(void) { if (lora_pool[LORA_INFO_GET_TIME].flag == true) { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "%s-->return", __FUNCTION__); return; } uint8_t strlorabuf[200]; uint8_t strnum[20]; int crc16 = 0, i = 0, len = 0; strlorabuf[0] = 0x5A; strlorabuf[1] = 0x51; // 包头 strlorabuf[2] = 0x00; // 校验和 strlorabuf[3] = mac_addr[0]; strlorabuf[4] = mac_addr[1]; strlorabuf[5] = mac_addr[2]; strlorabuf[6] = mac_addr[3]; strlorabuf[7] = mac_addr[4]; strlorabuf[8] = mac_addr[5]; strlorabuf[9] = Machine_info.eflagID; // 组内编号 strlorabuf[10] = 0x01; // cmd命令字 Machine_info.msg_id = allocateMsgIdNum(); // 分配ID if (Machine_info.msg_id > 1000) { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "time Machine_info.msg_id>1000"); return; } strlorabuf[11] = ((Machine_info.msg_id) >> 8) & 0XFF; // strlorabuf[12] = ((Machine_info.msg_id) >> 0) & 0XFF; // 总包数,当前包数 strlorabuf[13] = 0x00; strlorabuf[14] = 0x00; // 长度 strlorabuf[15] = 0; crc16 = strlorabuf[0] + strlorabuf[1]; for (i = 3; i < 15; i++) crc16 = crc16 + strlorabuf[i]; strlorabuf[2] = crc16 & 0xff; changebintotxt(strlorabuf, 15); // Serial.println((char *)strlorabuf); strcat((char *)strlorabuf, (char *)Machine_info.cid); len = strlen((char *)strlorabuf); // lora_send_data((char *)strlorabuf,len); lora_pool[LORA_INFO_GET_TIME].num = Machine_info.msg_id; lora_pool[LORA_INFO_GET_TIME].flag = true; Send_list = postInsert(Send_list, Machine_info.msg_id, LORA_INFO_GET_TIME, (char *)strlorabuf, len); // 插入数据 } void f_send_get_chart_data(void) { if (lora_pool[LORA_INFO_GET_CHART].flag == true) { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "%s-->return", __FUNCTION__); return; } ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG, "f_send_get_chart_data"); uint8_t strlorabuf[200]; int crc16 = 0, i = 0, len = 0; strlorabuf[0] = 0x5A; strlorabuf[1] = 0x51; // 包头 strlorabuf[2] = 0x00; // 校验和 strlorabuf[3] = mac_addr[0]; strlorabuf[4] = mac_addr[1]; strlorabuf[5] = mac_addr[2]; strlorabuf[6] = mac_addr[3]; strlorabuf[7] = mac_addr[4]; strlorabuf[8] = mac_addr[5]; strlorabuf[9] = Machine_info.eflagID; // 组内编号 strlorabuf[10] = 0x11; // cmd命令字 Machine_info.msg_id = allocateMsgIdNum(); // 分配ID if (Machine_info.msg_id > 1000) { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "chart Machine_info.msg_id>1000"); return; } strlorabuf[11] = ((Machine_info.msg_id) >> 8) & 0XFF; // strlorabuf[12] = ((Machine_info.msg_id) >> 0) & 0XFF; // 总包数,当前包数 strlorabuf[13] = 0x00; strlorabuf[14] = 0x00; // 长度 strlorabuf[15] = 0; crc16 = strlorabuf[0] + strlorabuf[1]; for (i = 3; i < 15; i++) crc16 = crc16 + strlorabuf[i]; strlorabuf[2] = crc16 & 0xff; changebintotxt(strlorabuf, 15); // Serial.println((char *)strlorabuf); strcat((char *)strlorabuf, (char *)Machine_info.cid); len = strlen((char *)strlorabuf); // lora_send_data((char *)strlorabuf,len); lora_pool[LORA_INFO_GET_CHART].num = Machine_info.msg_id; lora_pool[LORA_INFO_GET_CHART].flag = true; Send_list = postInsert(Send_list, (int)Machine_info.msg_id, LORA_INFO_GET_CHART, (char *)strlorabuf, len); // 插入数据 } void f_send_version(void) { if (lora_pool[LORA_INFO_VERSION].flag == true) { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "%s-->return", __FUNCTION__); return; } // ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG, "f_send_version"); uint8_t strlorabuf[200]; int crc16 = 0, i = 0, len = 0; strlorabuf[0] = 0x5A; strlorabuf[1] = 0x51; // 包头 strlorabuf[2] = 0x00; // 校验和 strlorabuf[3] = mac_addr[0]; strlorabuf[4] = mac_addr[1]; strlorabuf[5] = mac_addr[2]; strlorabuf[6] = mac_addr[3]; strlorabuf[7] = mac_addr[4]; strlorabuf[8] = mac_addr[5]; strlorabuf[9] = Machine_info.eflagID; // 组内编号 strlorabuf[10] = 0x91; // cmd命令字 Machine_info.msg_id = allocateMsgIdNum(); // 分配ID if (Machine_info.msg_id > 1000) { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "version Machine_info.msg_id>1000"); return; } strlorabuf[11] = ((Machine_info.msg_id) >> 8) & 0XFF; // strlorabuf[12] = ((Machine_info.msg_id) >> 0) & 0XFF; // 总包数,当前包数 strlorabuf[13] = 0x00; strlorabuf[14] = 0x03; // 长度 strlorabuf[15] = (VERSION_X) & 0xff; strlorabuf[16] = (VERSION_Y) & 0xff; strlorabuf[17] = (VERSION_Z) & 0xff; strlorabuf[18] = 0; crc16 = strlorabuf[0] + strlorabuf[1]; for (i = 3; i < 18; i++) crc16 = crc16 + strlorabuf[i]; strlorabuf[2] = crc16 & 0xff; changebintotxt(strlorabuf, 18); // Serial.println((char *)strlorabuf); strcat((char *)strlorabuf, (char *)Machine_info.cid); len = strlen((char *)strlorabuf); lora_pool[LORA_INFO_VERSION].num = Machine_info.msg_id; lora_pool[LORA_INFO_VERSION].flag = true; Send_list = postInsert(Send_list, (int)Machine_info.msg_id, LORA_INFO_VERSION, (char *)strlorabuf, len); // 插入数据 } void f_send_lora_rssi(int rssi) { if (lora_pool[LORA_INFO_RSSI].flag == true) { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "%s-->return", __FUNCTION__); return; } // ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG,"f_send_lora_rssi:rssi = %d",rssi); uint8_t strlorabuf[200]; int crc16 = 0, i = 0, len = 0; strlorabuf[0] = 0x5A; strlorabuf[1] = 0x51; // 包头 strlorabuf[2] = 0x00; // 校验和 strlorabuf[3] = mac_addr[0]; strlorabuf[4] = mac_addr[1]; strlorabuf[5] = mac_addr[2]; strlorabuf[6] = mac_addr[3]; strlorabuf[7] = mac_addr[4]; strlorabuf[8] = mac_addr[5]; strlorabuf[9] = Machine_info.eflagID; // 组内编号 strlorabuf[10] = 0x05; // cmd命令字 Machine_info.msg_id = allocateMsgIdNum(); // 分配ID if (Machine_info.msg_id > 1000) { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "rssi Machine_info.msg_id>1000"); return; } strlorabuf[11] = ((Machine_info.msg_id) >> 8) & 0XFF; // strlorabuf[12] = ((Machine_info.msg_id) >> 0) & 0XFF; // 总包数,当前包数 strlorabuf[13] = 0x00; strlorabuf[14] = 0x01; // 长度 strlorabuf[15] = (rssi) & 0xff; strlorabuf[16] = 0; crc16 = strlorabuf[0] + strlorabuf[1]; for (i = 3; i < 16; i++) crc16 = crc16 + strlorabuf[i]; strlorabuf[2] = crc16 & 0xff; changebintotxt(strlorabuf, 16); // Serial.println((char *)strlorabuf); strcat((char *)strlorabuf, (char *)Machine_info.cid); len = strlen((char *)strlorabuf); lora_pool[LORA_INFO_RSSI].num = Machine_info.msg_id; lora_pool[LORA_INFO_RSSI].flag = true; Send_list = postInsert(Send_list, (int)Machine_info.msg_id, LORA_INFO_RSSI, (char *)strlorabuf, len); // 插入数据 } void f_send_test(void) { // ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG,"f_send_lora_rssi:rssi = %d",rssi); uint8_t strlorabuf[200]; int crc16 = 0, i = 0, len = 0; strlorabuf[0] = 0x5A; strlorabuf[1] = 0x51; // 包头 strlorabuf[2] = 0x00; // 校验和 strlorabuf[3] = mac_addr[0]; strlorabuf[4] = mac_addr[1]; strlorabuf[5] = mac_addr[2]; strlorabuf[6] = mac_addr[3]; strlorabuf[7] = mac_addr[4]; strlorabuf[8] = mac_addr[5]; strlorabuf[9] = Machine_info.eflagID; // 组内编号 strlorabuf[10] = 0x05; // cmd命令字 Machine_info.msg_id = allocateMsgIdNum(); // 分配ID Machine_info.msg_id = 0x1234; strlorabuf[11] = ((Machine_info.msg_id) >> 8) & 0XFF; // strlorabuf[12] = ((Machine_info.msg_id) >> 0) & 0XFF; // 总包数,当前包数 strlorabuf[13] = 0x00; strlorabuf[14] = 0x01; // 长度 strlorabuf[15] = 0xab; strlorabuf[16] = 0; crc16 = strlorabuf[0] + strlorabuf[1]; for (i = 3; i < 16; i++) crc16 = crc16 + strlorabuf[i]; strlorabuf[2] = crc16 & 0xff; changebintotxt(strlorabuf, 16); // Serial.println((char *)strlorabuf); strcat((char *)strlorabuf, (char *)Machine_info.cid); len = strlen((char *)strlorabuf); // send_lora_data(strlorabuf, len); // lora_send_data((char *)strlorabuf, len); Send_list = postInsert(Send_list, (int)Machine_info.msg_id, LORA_INFO_BATT, (char *)strlorabuf, len); // 插入数据 } void f_send_battary_vaule(int battry) { if (lora_pool[LORA_INFO_BATT].flag == true) { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "%s-->return", __FUNCTION__); return; } uint8_t strlorabuf[200]; int crc16 = 0, i = 0, len = 0; strlorabuf[0] = 0x5A; strlorabuf[1] = 0x51; // 包头 strlorabuf[2] = 0x00; // 校验和 strlorabuf[3] = mac_addr[0]; strlorabuf[4] = mac_addr[1]; strlorabuf[5] = mac_addr[2]; strlorabuf[6] = mac_addr[3]; strlorabuf[7] = mac_addr[4]; strlorabuf[8] = mac_addr[5]; strlorabuf[9] = Machine_info.eflagID; // 组内编号 strlorabuf[10] = 0x04; // cmd命令字 Machine_info.msg_id = allocateMsgIdNum(); // 分配ID if (Machine_info.msg_id > 1000) { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "batt Machine_info.msg_id>1000"); return; } strlorabuf[11] = ((Machine_info.msg_id) >> 8) & 0XFF; // strlorabuf[12] = ((Machine_info.msg_id) >> 0) & 0XFF; // 总包数,当前包数 strlorabuf[13] = 0x00; strlorabuf[14] = 0x01; // 长度 strlorabuf[15] = (battry) & 0xff; strlorabuf[16] = 0; crc16 = strlorabuf[0] + strlorabuf[1]; for (i = 3; i < 16; i++) crc16 = crc16 + strlorabuf[i]; strlorabuf[2] = crc16 & 0xff; changebintotxt(strlorabuf, 16); // Serial.println((char *)strlorabuf); strcat((char *)strlorabuf, (char *)Machine_info.cid); len = strlen((char *)strlorabuf); lora_pool[LORA_INFO_BATT].num = Machine_info.msg_id; lora_pool[LORA_INFO_BATT].flag = true; Send_list = postInsert(Send_list, (int)Machine_info.msg_id, LORA_INFO_BATT, (char *)strlorabuf, len); // 插入数据 } void f_send_reply_status(int status) { if (lora_pool[LORA_INFO_BATT].flag == true) { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "%s-->return", __FUNCTION__); return; } uint8_t strlorabuf[200]; int crc16 = 0, i = 0, len = 0; strlorabuf[0] = 0x5A; strlorabuf[1] = 0x51; // 包头 strlorabuf[2] = 0x00; // 校验和 strlorabuf[3] = mac_addr[0]; strlorabuf[4] = mac_addr[1]; strlorabuf[5] = mac_addr[2]; strlorabuf[6] = mac_addr[3]; strlorabuf[7] = mac_addr[4]; strlorabuf[8] = mac_addr[5]; strlorabuf[9] = Machine_info.eflagID; // 组内编号 strlorabuf[10] = 0x06; // cmd命令字 Machine_info.msg_id = allocateMsgIdNum(); // 分配ID strlorabuf[11] = ((Machine_info.msg_id) >> 8) & 0XFF; // strlorabuf[12] = ((Machine_info.msg_id) >> 0) & 0XFF; // 总包数,当前包数 strlorabuf[13] = 0x00; strlorabuf[14] = 0x01; // 长度 strlorabuf[15] = (status) & 0xff; strlorabuf[16] = 0; crc16 = strlorabuf[0] + strlorabuf[1]; for (i = 3; i < 16; i++) crc16 = crc16 + strlorabuf[i]; strlorabuf[2] = crc16 & 0xff; changebintotxt(strlorabuf, 16); // Serial.println((char *)strlorabuf); strcat((char *)strlorabuf, (char *)Machine_info.cid); len = strlen((char *)strlorabuf); lora_pool[LORA_INFO_REPLY].num = Machine_info.msg_id; lora_pool[LORA_INFO_REPLY].flag = true; Send_list = postInsert(Send_list,(int)Machine_info.msg_id, LORA_INFO_REPLY, (char *)strlorabuf, len); // 插入数据 } // 唤醒时发送是否可以接收数据命令 void send_can_I_receive() { uint8_t strlorabuf[200]; strlorabuf[0] = 0x5A; strlorabuf[1] = 0x51; strlorabuf[2] = 0x51; strlorabuf[3] = 0x5A; strlorabuf[4] = 0x00; #if 0 strlorabuf[5] = 0x01; #else strlorabuf[5] = Machine_info.eflagID; if (Send_list != NULL) { strlorabuf[6] = 0x01; } else { strlorabuf[6] = 0x00; } strlorabuf[7] = Machine_info.mac_addr[0]; strlorabuf[8] = Machine_info.mac_addr[1]; strlorabuf[9] = Machine_info.mac_addr[2]; strlorabuf[10] = Machine_info.mac_addr[3]; strlorabuf[11] = Machine_info.mac_addr[4]; strlorabuf[12] = Machine_info.mac_addr[5]; int crc = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) { crc += strlorabuf[i]; } strlorabuf[13] = crc & 0xff; #endif // send_lora_data(strlorabuf,len); //不直接发送 // printf("->can i\n"); ESP_LOG_BUFFER_HEX("->can i", strlorabuf, 14); lora_send_data((char *)strlorabuf, 14); } // 发送是否可以接收数据命令 // void send_pair_ack() // { // uint8_t strlorabuf[200]; // strlorabuf[0] = 0x5A; // strlorabuf[1] = 0x51; // strlorabuf[2] = 0x51; // strlorabuf[3] = 0x5A; // strlorabuf[4] = 0x00; // #if 0 // strlorabuf[5] = 0x01; // #else // strlorabuf[5] = Machine_info.eflagID; // strlorabuf[6] = lora_channel + 1; // #endif // //send_lora_data(strlorabuf,len); //不直接发送 // lora_send_data((char *)strlorabuf,7); // } // 4bytes、32bit数据大小端转化 #define L2B32(Little) (Little = ((Little & 0xff) << 24) | (((Little) & 0xff00) << 8) | (((Little) & 0xff0000) >> 8) | ((Little >> 24) & 0xff)) uint8_t change_btn_reversal(uint8_t reversal_btn) // lora收到按键,转化为本地状态 { uint8_t btn_tmp = 0; switch (reversal_btn) { case 0: btn_tmp = 1; break; case 1: btn_tmp = 6; break; case 2: btn_tmp = 4; break; case 3: btn_tmp = 3; break; case 4: btn_tmp = 5; break; case 5: btn_tmp = 2; break; break; default: btn_tmp = 1; break; } return btn_tmp; } uint8_t change_btn(uint8_t btn) { uint8_t btn_tmp = 0; switch (btn) { case 1: btn_tmp = 0; break; case 2: btn_tmp = 5; break; case 3: btn_tmp = 3; break; case 4: btn_tmp = 2; break; case 5: btn_tmp = 4; break; case 6: btn_tmp = 1; break; default: btn_tmp = 0; break; } // ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG,"btn = [%d] ,btn_tmp[%d]",btn,btn_tmp); return btn_tmp; } /*发送状态持续的时间 状态持续时长(0x0E)*/ void f_send_status_duration(void) { if (lora_pool[LORA_INFO_DUR].flag == true) { return; } uint8_t strlorabuf[200]; int crc16 = 0, i = 0, len = 0; // 帧头 strlorabuf[0] = 0x5A; // 包头 strlorabuf[1] = 0x51; // 包头 strlorabuf[2] = 0x00; // 校验和 strlorabuf[3] = mac_addr[0]; strlorabuf[4] = mac_addr[1]; strlorabuf[5] = mac_addr[2]; strlorabuf[6] = mac_addr[3]; strlorabuf[7] = mac_addr[4]; strlorabuf[8] = mac_addr[5]; strlorabuf[9] = Machine_info.eflagID; // 组内编号 strlorabuf[10] = 0x0E; // cmd命令字 Machine_info.msg_id = allocateMsgIdNum(); // 分配ID strlorabuf[11] = ((Machine_info.msg_id) >> 8) & 0XFF; // strlorabuf[12] = ((Machine_info.msg_id) >> 0) & 0XFF; // 总包数,当前包数 strlorabuf[13] = 0x00; strlorabuf[14] = 0x0C; // 长度 uint8_t tmp = change_btn(Machine_info.last_button.button_info); strlorabuf[15] = tmp; // 上一次的状态 if ((Machine_info.last_button.Year == 0x00) && (Machine_info.last_button.Month == 0x00) && (Machine_info.last_button.Day == 0x00)) { strlorabuf[16] = 0x00; strlorabuf[17] = 0x00; strlorabuf[18] = 0x00; strlorabuf[19] = 0x00; strlorabuf[20] = 0x00; strlorabuf[21] = 0x00; strlorabuf[22] = 0x00; printf("time is not sync\r\n"); } else { strlorabuf[16] = (Machine_info.last_button.Year >> 8) & 0xff; strlorabuf[17] = Machine_info.last_button.Year & 0xff; strlorabuf[18] = Machine_info.last_button.Month; strlorabuf[19] = Machine_info.last_button.Day; strlorabuf[20] = Machine_info.last_button.Hour; strlorabuf[21] = Machine_info.last_button.Minute; strlorabuf[22] = Machine_info.last_button.Second; } strlorabuf[23] = (Machine_info.Duration_time >> 24) & 0xff; // 分钟计算 strlorabuf[24] = (Machine_info.Duration_time >> 16) & 0xff; strlorabuf[25] = (Machine_info.Duration_time >> 8) & 0xff; strlorabuf[26] = (Machine_info.Duration_time) & 0xff; strlorabuf[27] = 0; crc16 = strlorabuf[0] + strlorabuf[1]; for (i = 3; i < 27; i++) crc16 = crc16 + strlorabuf[i]; strlorabuf[2] = crc16 & 0xff; ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "{cmd:0e}send_status_duration btn -->[%d] -->Duration_time = %ld -->time :%d %d %d %d %d %d %d", strlorabuf[15], Machine_info.Duration_time, strlorabuf[16], strlorabuf[17], strlorabuf[18], strlorabuf[19], strlorabuf[20], strlorabuf[21], strlorabuf[22]); Machine_info.Duration_time = 0; changebintotxt(strlorabuf, 27); // printf("Machine_info cid %s\r\n",Machine_info.cid); strcat((char *)strlorabuf, (char *)Machine_info.cid); len = strlen((char *)strlorabuf); #if 0 lora_send_data((char *)strlorabuf,len);/直接发送 #else // printList(Send_list); lora_pool[LORA_INFO_DUR].flag = true; lora_pool[LORA_INFO_DUR].num = Machine_info.msg_id; Send_list = postInsert(Send_list, Machine_info.msg_id, LORA_INFO_DUR, (char *)strlorabuf, len); // 插入数据 #endif // lora_send_data((char *)strlorabuf,len); last_button_info.time_min = 0; } /*当前最新的状态*/ void f_send_update_status(void) { if (lora_pool[LORA_INFO_STATUS].flag == true) { return; } // memset(&Machine_info.current_button,0,sizeof(Button_Time_t)); Machine_info.current_button.Year = Machine_info.year; Machine_info.current_button.Month = Machine_info.month; Machine_info.current_button.Day = Machine_info.day; Machine_info.current_button.Hour = Machine_info.hour; Machine_info.current_button.Minute = Machine_info.min; Machine_info.current_button.Second = Machine_info.sec; Machine_info.current_button.time_min = 0; uint8_t strlorabuf[200]; int crc16 = 0, i = 0, len = 0; // 帧头 目标地址 源地址(id) 长度 模式 具体内容 校验 strlorabuf[0] = 0x5A; strlorabuf[1] = 0x51; // 包头 strlorabuf[2] = 0x00; // 校验和 strlorabuf[3] = mac_addr[0]; strlorabuf[4] = mac_addr[1]; strlorabuf[5] = mac_addr[2]; strlorabuf[6] = mac_addr[3]; strlorabuf[7] = mac_addr[4]; strlorabuf[8] = mac_addr[5]; strlorabuf[9] = Machine_info.eflagID; // 组内编号 strlorabuf[10] = 0x0F; // cmd命令字 Machine_info.msg_id = allocateMsgIdNum(); // 分配ID strlorabuf[11] = ((Machine_info.msg_id) >> 8) & 0XFF; // strlorabuf[12] = ((Machine_info.msg_id) >> 0) & 0XFF; // 总包数,当前包数 strlorabuf[13] = 0x00; strlorabuf[14] = 0x0C; // 长度 uint8_t tmp = change_btn(Machine_info.current_button.button_info); strlorabuf[15] = tmp; // 当前的状态 if ((Machine_info.current_button.Year == 0x00) && (Machine_info.current_button.Month == 0x00) && (Machine_info.current_button.Day == 0x00)) { strlorabuf[16] = 0x00; strlorabuf[17] = 0x00; strlorabuf[18] = 0x00; strlorabuf[19] = 0x00; strlorabuf[20] = 0x00; strlorabuf[21] = 0x00; strlorabuf[22] = 0x00; printf("time is not sync\r\n"); } else { strlorabuf[16] = (Machine_info.current_button.Year >> 8) & 0xff; strlorabuf[17] = Machine_info.current_button.Year & 0xff; strlorabuf[18] = Machine_info.current_button.Month; strlorabuf[19] = Machine_info.current_button.Day; strlorabuf[20] = Machine_info.current_button.Hour; strlorabuf[21] = Machine_info.current_button.Minute; strlorabuf[22] = Machine_info.current_button.Second; } strlorabuf[23] = (Machine_info.current_button.time_min >> 24) & 0xff; // 分钟计算 strlorabuf[24] = (Machine_info.current_button.time_min >> 16) & 0xff; strlorabuf[25] = (Machine_info.current_button.time_min >> 8) & 0xff; strlorabuf[26] = Machine_info.current_button.time_min & 0xff; strlorabuf[27] = 0; ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "@@send_update_status -->btn = [%d] -->time :%d %d %d %d %d %d %d", strlorabuf[15], strlorabuf[16], strlorabuf[17], strlorabuf[18], strlorabuf[19], strlorabuf[20], strlorabuf[21], strlorabuf[22]); crc16 = strlorabuf[0] + strlorabuf[1]; for (i = 3; i < 27; i++) crc16 = crc16 + strlorabuf[i]; strlorabuf[2] = crc16 & 0xff; changebintotxt(strlorabuf, 27); // printf("Machine_info cid %s\r\n",Machine_info.cid); strcat((char *)strlorabuf, (char *)Machine_info.cid); len = strlen((char *)strlorabuf); #if 0 lora_send_data((char *)strlorabuf,len); #else lora_pool[LORA_INFO_STATUS].num = Machine_info.msg_id; lora_pool[LORA_INFO_STATUS].flag = true; Send_list = postInsert(Send_list, Machine_info.msg_id, LORA_INFO_STATUS, (char *)strlorabuf, len); // 插入数据 #endif Machine_info.last_button.time_min = 0; } // void send_ACK(char cmd, bool flag) // { // uint8_t ack = 0; // if (flag) // ack = 0x01; // else // ack = 0x00; // protocol_package(cmd, &ack, 1); // } void adc1_init(void) { //-------------ADC Init---------------// adc_oneshot_unit_init_cfg_t init_config = { .unit_id = ADC_UNIT_1, .ulp_mode = ADC_ULP_MODE_DISABLE, }; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(adc_oneshot_new_unit(&init_config, &adc1_handle)); } // void set_status_heights(void) // { // extern uint32_t arr_heights[10]; // memcpy(&_0703_button_info,&last_button_info,sizeof(Button_Time_t)); // switch (_0703_button_info.button_info) // { // case 0: // case 1://yunxing // arr_heights[0]+=1; // break; // case 2://tingji // arr_heights[1]+=1; // break; // case 3://guzhang // arr_heights[2]+=1; // break; // case 4://fengcun // arr_heights[3]+=1; // break; // case 5://baoyang // arr_heights[4]+=1; // break; // case 6://dailiao // arr_heights[5]+=1; // break; // default: // break; // } // // ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG,"button_info = %d ,time_min = %ld ---%ld - %ld - %ld - %ld - %ld - %ld", // // _0703_button_info.button_info,_0703_button_info.time_min, // // arr_heights[0],arr_heights[1],arr_heights[2], // // arr_heights[3],arr_heights[4],arr_heights[5]); // } void set_status_heights(void) { // STATE_OPERATION = 1, //运行 // STATE_SHUT_DOWN = 2, //停机 // STATE_BREAKDOWN = 3, //故障 // STATE_SAFEKEEP = 4, //封存 // STATE_UPKEEP = 5, //保养 // STATE_WAIT_MATERIALS = 6, //待料 extern uint32_t arr_heights[10]; switch (Machine_info.last_button.button_info) { case 0: case 1: // yunxing arr_heights[0] += Machine_info.Duration_time; break; case 2: // tingji arr_heights[1] += Machine_info.Duration_time; break; case 3: // guzhang arr_heights[2] += Machine_info.Duration_time; break; case 4: // fengcun arr_heights[3] += Machine_info.Duration_time; break; case 5: // baoyang arr_heights[4] += Machine_info.Duration_time; break; case 6: // dailiao arr_heights[5] += Machine_info.Duration_time; break; default: break; } // ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG,"button_info = %d ,time_min = %ld ---%ld - %ld - %ld - %ld - %ld - %ld", // _0703_button_info.button_info,_0703_button_info.time_min, // arr_heights[0],arr_heights[1],arr_heights[2], // arr_heights[3],arr_heights[4],arr_heights[5]); } // void periodic_timer_callback(void* arg) // { // // if(++Machine_info.sec == 60) // // { // // last_button_info.time_min+=1; // // set_status_heights(); // // printf("time min ++\r\n"); // // printf("YEAR = %d,MONTH =%d,DAY=%d,HOUR=%d,MIN=%d,SEC =%d\r\n", // // Machine_info.year, // // Machine_info.month, // // Machine_info.day, // // Machine_info.hour, // // Machine_info.min, // // Machine_info.sec); // // Machine_info.sec=0; // // if(++Machine_info.min == 60) // // { // // Machine_info.min=0; // // if(++Machine_info.hour == 24) // // { // // Machine_info.hour=0; // // Machine_info.day++; // // if(IS_FEB_MONTH && IS_LEAP_YEAR && IS_SMALL_MONTH && IS_BIG_MONTH) // // { // // Machine_info.day=0; // // if(++Machine_info.month == 13) // // { // // Machine_info.month=1; // // Machine_info.year++; // // } // // } // // } // // } // // } // } // void lora_timer_callback(void *arg) // { // ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, " lora_timer_callback"); // if (xQueueSend(yc_data_queue, &yc_data, 0) != true) // { // ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "yc_data_queue send is fail"); // } // yc_data.len = 0; // yc_data.index = 0; // } // void timer_init(void) // { // // const esp_timer_create_args_t periodic_timer_args = { // // .callback = &periodic_timer_callback, // // /* name is optional, but may help identify the timer when debugging */ // // .name = "periodic" // // }; // // ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_timer_create(&periodic_timer_args, &periodic_timer)); // // /* The timer has been created but is not running yet */ // // ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_timer_start_periodic(periodic_timer, 1*1000*1000)); // // lora timer // const esp_timer_create_args_t lora_timer_args = { // .callback = &lora_timer_callback, // /* argument specified here will be passed to timer callback function */ // .name = "one-shot"}; // ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_timer_create(&lora_timer_args, &lora_timer)); // } // void yc_timer_restart(void) // { // ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG,"timer restart"); // ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_timer_stop(periodic_timer)); // ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_timer_start_periodic(periodic_timer, 1*1000*1000)); // } void lora_timer_start(void) { ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_timer_start_once(lora_timer, 500 * 1000)); // 500ms } void lora_tiemr_stop(void) { ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_timer_stop(lora_timer)); } void lora_timer_restart(void) { ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_timer_stop(lora_timer)); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_timer_start_once(lora_timer, 500 * 1000)); // 500ms } #if 1 // /********************************************************************************* // * function : analysis_protocol // * Description : lora 接受数据解析函数 // * Input : // * Output : // * Author : 祁鑫 Data : 2023 9.18 // **********************************************************************************/ // void analysis_protocol(char *result, int len) // { // int index = 0; // int length = 0; // int count = len; // int num = 0; // while (count) // { // if (((result[index + 2]) == 0x5A) && ((result[index + 3]) == 0x51)) // { // length = ((result[index]) << 8) | ((result[index + 1])); // num++; // printf("num =%d,length=%d\r\n", num, length); // #if 1 // for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) // { // printf("%02x", result[index + 2 + i]); // } // #endif // printf("\r\n"); // // 匹配mac地址 //计算校验和 // if ( // (Machine_info.mac_addr[0] == (result[index + 5])) && // (Machine_info.mac_addr[1] == (result[index + 6])) && // (Machine_info.mac_addr[2] == (result[index + 7])) && // (Machine_info.mac_addr[3] == (result[index + 8])) && // (Machine_info.mac_addr[4] == (result[index + 9])) && // (Machine_info.mac_addr[5] == (result[index + 10]))) // { // // mac地址匹配 // printf("mac check ok\r\n"); // // packetparsing((unsigned char *)&result[index+2]); //16进制解析数据 // } // else // { // printf("mac = %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x\r\n", // result[index + 5], // result[index + 6], // result[index + 7], // result[index + 8], // result[index + 9], // result[index + 10]); // printf("device mac = %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x\r\n", // Machine_info.mac_addr[0], // Machine_info.mac_addr[1], // Machine_info.mac_addr[2], // Machine_info.mac_addr[3], // Machine_info.mac_addr[4], // Machine_info.mac_addr[5]); // // mac地址匹配 // printf("mac check fail\r\n"); // } // } // { // index++; // } // count--; // } // // printf("num =%d\r\n",num); // #if 0 // if(left_display_refresh == true) // { // left_display_refresh = false; // PIC_display((unsigned char *)dspbuf_left); // } // reflashdfpr(dspbuf); // #endif // } /********************************************************************************* * function : selectionSort * Description : 进行数据排序并输出排序后的数据 从小到大的索引 * Input : * Output : * Author : 祁鑫 Data : 2023 8.12 **********************************************************************************/ void selectionSort(int arr[], int n, int indices[]) { for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) { int minIndex = i; for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++) { if (arr[j] < arr[minIndex]) { minIndex = j; } } // 交换元素 int temp = arr[i]; arr[i] = arr[minIndex]; arr[minIndex] = temp; // 更新索引 int tempIndex = indices[i]; indices[i] = indices[minIndex]; indices[minIndex] = tempIndex; } } /********************************************************************************* * function : person_get_num_is_exist * Description : 获取当前类型序号是否存在 * Input : * Output : * Author : 祁鑫 Data : 2023 8.12 **********************************************************************************/ int person_get_num_is_exist(uint8_t type, uint16_t num) { // uint8_t index = 0; // printf("person_get_num_is_exist %d\r\n",num); if (type == person[type].person_type) { for (int i = 0; i < PERSON_MAX_NAME; i++) { if (person[type].person_name[i].person_num == num) { // printf("person_get_num is exist\r\n"); return 1; } } } // printf("person_get_num not exist\r\n"); return 0; } /********************************************************************************* * function : person_get_num * Description : 获取当前类型人员数量 * Input : * Output : * Author : 祁鑫 Data : 2023 8.12 **********************************************************************************/ int person_get_num(uint8_t type) { uint8_t index = 0; // printf("person_get_num\r\n"); if (type == person[type].person_type) // 管理员 { // 查找当前不为空的字符串数组 for (int i = 0; i < PERSON_MAX_NAME; i++) { if (strlen((char *)&person[type].person_name[i].person_name) != 0) { index++; } } } return index; } /********************************************************************************* * function : person_add * Description : 人员添加/更新 * Input : * Output : * Author : 祁鑫 Data : 2023 8.12 **********************************************************************************/ void person_add(uint8_t type, uint8_t num, char *in, char *out) { // printf("person_add\r\n"); if (type == person[type].person_type) // 管理员 { uint8_t index = 0; // 查找当前不为空的字符串数组 for (int i = 0; i < PERSON_MAX_NAME; i++) { // Serial.println(person[type].person_name[i].person_num); // 如果序号存在更新 if (person[type].person_name[i].person_num == num) { // Serial.print("person_num exist = "); // Serial.println(person[type].person_name[i].person_num); index = i; break; } // 如果序号不存在添加 if (strlen((char *)&person[type].person_name[i].person_name) == 0) { // Serial.print("person_num not exist = "); index = i; person[type].person_name[i].person_num = num; // Serial.println(person[type].person_name[i].person_num); break; } } if (index > PERSON_MAX_NAME) { } else { if (person[type].person_name[index].person_num == num) { memset(&person[type].person_name[index].person_name, 0x00, PERSON_NAME_MAX_LEN); } strcpy((char *)&person[type].person_name[index].person_name, in); } // Serial.println("show font"); // 开始显示数据 int sort_buffer[PERSON_MAX_NAME] = {0}; // 获取当前序号值 int indices[PERSON_MAX_NAME]; // 排序后的索引值 for (int i = 0; i < PERSON_MAX_NAME; i++) { indices[i] = i; } // 拷贝序号数据 for (int i = 0; i < PERSON_MAX_NAME; i++) { sort_buffer[i] = person[type].person_name[i].person_num; } selectionSort(sort_buffer, PERSON_MAX_NAME, indices); #if 0 //Serial.print("Sorted array: "); for (int i = 0; i < PERSON_MAX_NAME; i++) { //Serial.print(sort_buffer[i]); //Serial.print(","); } //Serial.println(""); //Serial.print("\nOriginal indices: "); for (int i = 0; i < PERSON_MAX_NAME; i++) { //Serial.print(indices[i]); //Serial.print(","); } //Serial.println(""); #endif #if 0 //进行序号排序 bubbleSort(sort_buffer, PERSON_MAX_NAME); #endif for (int i = 0; i < PERSON_MAX_NAME; i++) { int display_index = 0; display_index = indices[i]; // 获取当前显示的索引 // Serial.println(person[type].person_name[display_index].person_num); if (strlen((char *)&person[type].person_name[display_index].person_name) != 0) { strcat(out, (char *)&person[type].person_name[display_index].person_name); strcat(out, " "); } } } } /********************************************************************************* * function : person_del * Description : 人员删除 * Input : * Output : * Author : 祁鑫 Data : 2023 8.12 **********************************************************************************/ void person_del(uint8_t type, uint8_t num, char *in, char *out) { // printf("person_del\r\n"); // Serial.print("delete num "); // Serial.println(num); if (type == person[type].person_type) { uint8_t index = 0; // 查找当前不为空的字符串数组 for (int i = 0; i < PERSON_MAX_NAME; i++) { // 如果序号存在 if (person[type].person_name[i].person_num == num) { printf("person_num exist \r\n"); // Serial.println(person[type].person_name[i].person_num); index = i; break; } // return; } { if ((person[type].person_name[index].person_num == num)) { // 清空显示 // Serial.println("delete index data"); printf("delete index data \r\n"); person[type].person_name[index].person_num = 0; memset(&person[type].person_name[index].person_name, 0x00, PERSON_NAME_MAX_LEN); } // strcpy((char *)&person[type].person_name[index].person_name,in); } // Serial.println("show font"); #if 0 for(int i = 0;i> 8) & 0xff; strlorabuf[8 + len] = crc16 & 0xff; strlorabuf[9 + len] = 0; #if 0 send_lora_data(strlorabuf,9+len); #else // loraSerial.write((char *)strlorabuf,len); lora_send_data((char *)strlorabuf, len); #endif } void lora_rev_cmd_send_ack() { } void right_screen_send() { set_screen_dis_info_and_send_queue(true, false, false, false, 100); } void user_compare(int last, int now) // 这个函数用来比较rssi和 电量变化 刷右屏// { if ((last == now) || (Machine_info.power_status == 0)) { // ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG,"last[%d]-now[%d]",last,now); return; } // printf("user_compare last[%d] now[%d] \n",last,now); bool is_send_right_screen = false; switch (last) { case 100: if (now != 100) { is_send_right_screen = true; } break; case 75 ... 99: if ((now == 100) || (now < 75)) { is_send_right_screen = true; } break; case 50 ... 74: if ((now > 74) || (now < 50)) { is_send_right_screen = true; } break; case 25 ... 49: if ((now > 49) || (now < 25)) { is_send_right_screen = true; } break; case 0 ... 24: if ((now == 0) || (now > 24)) { is_send_right_screen = true; } break; default: ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "err:not 0~100"); break; } if (is_send_right_screen) right_screen_send(); } void user_compare_power_off(int last, int now) // 这个函数用来比较关机状态时电量变化 刷右屏// { if ((last == now)) { // ESP_LOGW(LOG_TAG,"last[%d]-now[%d]",last,now); return; } bool is_dis = false; switch (last) { case 100: if (now != 100) { gpio_hold_dis(PIN_R_CS); is_dis = true; } break; case 75 ... 99: if ((now == 100) || (now < 75)) { gpio_hold_dis(PIN_R_CS); is_dis = true; } break; case 50 ... 74: if ((now > 74) || (now < 50)) { gpio_hold_dis(PIN_R_CS); is_dis = true; } break; case 25 ... 49: if ((now > 49) || (now < 25)) { gpio_hold_dis(PIN_R_CS); is_dis = true; } break; case 0 ... 24: if ((now == 0) || (now > 24)) { gpio_hold_dis(PIN_R_CS); is_dis = true; } break; default: ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "err:not 0~100"); break; } if (is_dis) { set_screen_dis_info_and_send_queue(true, false, false, false, 100); } }